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[balloon.git] / balloon.go
1 // balloon -- Balloon password hashing function
2 // Copyright (C) 2016-2024 Sergey Matveev <stargrave@stargrave.org>
3 //
4 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
6 // the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
7 //
8 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
12 //
13 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14 // License along with this program.  If not, see
15 // <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 // Balloon password hashing.
18 //
19 // Look https://crypto.stanford.edu/balloon/ for more description.
20 package balloon
22 import (
23         "encoding/binary"
24         "hash"
25         "math/big"
26 )
28 const delta = 3
30 // This function takes hash, password, salt, space cost (buffer size,
31 // number of hash-output sized blocks), time cost (number of rounds) and
32 // performs the following:
33 //
34 //      # Expand input into buffer.
35 //      buf[0] = hash(cnt++ || passwd || salt)
36 //      for m from 1 to sCost-1:
37 //          buf[m] = hash(cnt++ || buf[m-1])
38 //      # Mix buffer contents.
39 //      for t from 0 to tCost-1:
40 //          for m from 0 to sCost-1:
41 //              # Hash last and current blocks.
42 //              prev = buf[(m-1) mod sCost]
43 //              buf[m] = hash(cnt++ || prev || buf[m])
44 //              # Hash in pseudorandomly chosen blocks.
45 //              for i from 0 to delta-1:
46 //                  other = to_int(hash(cnt++ || salt || t || m || i)) mod sCost
47 //                  buf[m] = hash(cnt++ || buf[m] || buf[other])
48 //      # Extract output from buffer.
49 //      return buf[sCost-1]
50 func B(h hash.Hash, passwd, salt []byte, sCost, tCost uint64) []byte {
51         var cnt uint64
52         intBuf := make([]byte, 8)
53         hSize := uint64(h.Size())
54         buf := make([]byte, 0, sCost*hSize)
55         // Expand input into buffer
56         binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(intBuf, cnt)
57         cnt++
58         h.Write(intBuf)
59         h.Write(passwd)
60         h.Write(salt)
61         buf = h.Sum(buf)
62         var m uint64
63         for m = 1; m < sCost; m++ {
64                 binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(intBuf, cnt)
65                 cnt++
66                 h.Reset()
67                 h.Write(intBuf)
68                 h.Write(buf[(m-1)*hSize : m*hSize])
69                 buf = h.Sum(buf)
70         }
71         // Mix buffer contents
72         var prev []byte
73         var i uint64
74         var neigh uint64
75         bi := big.NewInt(0)
76         bs := big.NewInt(int64(sCost))
77         biBuf := make([]byte, 0, h.Size())
78         for t := uint64(0); t < tCost; t++ {
79                 for m = 0; m < sCost; m++ {
80                         // Hash last and current blocks
81                         if m == 0 {
82                                 prev = buf[(sCost-1)*hSize:]
83                         } else {
84                                 prev = buf[(m-1)*hSize : m*hSize]
85                         }
86                         binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(intBuf, cnt)
87                         cnt++
88                         h.Reset()
89                         h.Write(intBuf)
90                         h.Write(prev)
91                         h.Write(buf[m*hSize : (m+1)*hSize])
92                         buf = h.Sum(buf[:m*hSize])
94                         // Hash in pseudorandomly chosen blocks
95                         for i = 0; i < delta; i++ {
96                                 h.Reset()
97                                 binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(intBuf, t)
98                                 h.Write(intBuf)
99                                 binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(intBuf, m)
100                                 h.Write(intBuf)
101                                 binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(intBuf, i)
102                                 h.Write(intBuf)
103                                 biBuf = h.Sum(biBuf[:0])
104                                 binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(intBuf, cnt)
105                                 cnt++
106                                 h.Reset()
107                                 h.Write(intBuf)
108                                 h.Write(salt)
109                                 h.Write(biBuf)
110                                 biBuf = h.Sum(biBuf[:0])
111                                 for i, j := 0, len(biBuf)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
112                                         biBuf[i], biBuf[j] = biBuf[j], biBuf[i]
113                                 }
114                                 bi.SetBytes(biBuf)
115                                 bi.Mod(bi, bs)
116                                 binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(intBuf, cnt)
117                                 cnt++
118                                 h.Reset()
119                                 h.Write(intBuf)
120                                 h.Write(buf[m*hSize : (m+1)*hSize])
121                                 neigh = bi.Uint64()
122                                 h.Write(buf[neigh*hSize : (neigh+1)*hSize])
123                                 buf = h.Sum(buf[:m*hSize])
124                         }
125                 }
126         }
127         // Extract output from buffer
128         return buf[(sCost-1)*hSize:]
129 }
131 // This function adds additional functionality over pure B(): ability to
132 // run several hashers (jobs) simultaneously and second-preimage resistant
133 // password double hashing.
134 //
135 //      H(p, s, jobs) = hash(p || s || (
136 //          B(p, s || "1") XOR
137 //          B(p, s || "2") XOR
138 //          B(p, s || jobs)
139 //      ))
140 func H(hasher func() hash.Hash, passwd, salt []byte, sCost, tCost int, jobs int) []byte {
141         var i int
142         results := make(chan []byte)
143         for ; i < jobs; i++ {
144                 go func(i int) {
145                         saltBuf := make([]byte, len(salt)+8)
146                         copy(saltBuf, salt)
147                         binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(saltBuf[len(salt):], uint64(i))
148                         results <- B(hasher(), passwd, saltBuf, uint64(sCost), uint64(tCost))
149                 }(i)
150         }
151         h := hasher()
152         h.Write(passwd)
153         h.Write(salt)
154         result := make([]byte, h.Size())
155         for i = 0; i < jobs; i++ {
156                 for n, e := range <-results {
157                         result[n] ^= e
158                 }
159         }
160         close(results)
161         h.Write(result)
162         return h.Sum(result[:0])
163 }