]> Cypherpunks.ru repositories - gostls13.git/blob - src/internal/trace/goroutinesv2_test.go
internal/trace/v2: resolve syscall parsing ambiguity
[gostls13.git] / src / internal / trace / goroutinesv2_test.go
1 // Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5 package trace
7 import (
8         tracev2 "internal/trace/v2"
9         "internal/trace/v2/testtrace"
10         "testing"
11 )
13 func TestSummarizeGoroutinesTrace(t *testing.T) {
14         summaries := summarizeTraceTest(t, "v2/testdata/tests/go122-gc-stress.test")
15         var (
16                 hasSchedWaitTime    bool
17                 hasSyncBlockTime    bool
18                 hasGCMarkAssistTime bool
19         )
20         for _, summary := range summaries {
21                 basicSummaryChecks(t, summary)
22                 hasSchedWaitTime = hasSchedWaitTime || summary.SchedWaitTime > 0
23                 if dt, ok := summary.BlockTimeByReason["sync"]; ok && dt > 0 {
24                         hasSyncBlockTime = true
25                 }
26                 if dt, ok := summary.RangeTime["GC mark assist"]; ok && dt > 0 {
27                         hasGCMarkAssistTime = true
28                 }
29         }
30         if !hasSchedWaitTime {
31                 t.Error("missing sched wait time")
32         }
33         if !hasSyncBlockTime {
34                 t.Error("missing sync block time")
35         }
36         if !hasGCMarkAssistTime {
37                 t.Error("missing GC mark assist time")
38         }
39 }
41 func TestSummarizeGoroutinesRegionsTrace(t *testing.T) {
42         summaries := summarizeTraceTest(t, "v2/testdata/tests/go122-annotations.test")
43         type region struct {
44                 startKind tracev2.EventKind
45                 endKind   tracev2.EventKind
46         }
47         wantRegions := map[string]region{
48                 // N.B. "pre-existing region" never even makes it into the trace.
49                 //
50                 // TODO(mknyszek): Add test case for end-without-a-start, which can happen at
51                 // a generation split only.
52                 "":                     {tracev2.EventStateTransition, tracev2.EventStateTransition}, // Task inheritance marker.
53                 "task0 region":         {tracev2.EventRegionBegin, tracev2.EventBad},
54                 "region0":              {tracev2.EventRegionBegin, tracev2.EventRegionEnd},
55                 "region1":              {tracev2.EventRegionBegin, tracev2.EventRegionEnd},
56                 "unended region":       {tracev2.EventRegionBegin, tracev2.EventStateTransition},
57                 "post-existing region": {tracev2.EventRegionBegin, tracev2.EventBad},
58         }
59         for _, summary := range summaries {
60                 basicSummaryChecks(t, summary)
61                 for _, region := range summary.Regions {
62                         want, ok := wantRegions[region.Name]
63                         if !ok {
64                                 continue
65                         }
66                         checkRegionEvents(t, want.startKind, want.endKind, summary.ID, region)
67                         delete(wantRegions, region.Name)
68                 }
69         }
70         if len(wantRegions) != 0 {
71                 t.Errorf("failed to find regions: %#v", wantRegions)
72         }
73 }
75 func basicSummaryChecks(t *testing.T, summary *GoroutineSummary) {
76         if summary.ID == tracev2.NoGoroutine {
77                 t.Error("summary found for no goroutine")
78                 return
79         }
80         if (summary.StartTime != 0 && summary.CreationTime > summary.StartTime) ||
81                 (summary.StartTime != 0 && summary.EndTime != 0 && summary.StartTime > summary.EndTime) {
82                 t.Errorf("bad summary creation/start/end times for G %d: creation=%d start=%d end=%d", summary.ID, summary.CreationTime, summary.StartTime, summary.EndTime)
83         }
84         if (summary.PC != 0 && summary.Name == "") || (summary.PC == 0 && summary.Name != "") {
85                 t.Errorf("bad name and/or PC for G %d: pc=0x%x name=%q", summary.ID, summary.PC, summary.Name)
86         }
87         basicGoroutineExecStatsChecks(t, &summary.GoroutineExecStats)
88         for _, region := range summary.Regions {
89                 basicGoroutineExecStatsChecks(t, &region.GoroutineExecStats)
90         }
91 }
93 func summarizeTraceTest(t *testing.T, testPath string) map[tracev2.GoID]*GoroutineSummary {
94         r, _, err := testtrace.ParseFile(testPath)
95         if err != nil {
96                 t.Fatalf("malformed test %s: bad trace file: %v", testPath, err)
97         }
98         summaries, err := SummarizeGoroutines(r)
99         if err != nil {
100                 t.Fatalf("failed to process trace %s: %v", testPath, err)
101         }
102         return summaries
103 }
105 func checkRegionEvents(t *testing.T, wantStart, wantEnd tracev2.EventKind, goid tracev2.GoID, region *UserRegionSummary) {
106         switch wantStart {
107         case tracev2.EventBad:
108                 if region.Start != nil {
109                         t.Errorf("expected nil region start event, got\n%s", region.Start.String())
110                 }
111         case tracev2.EventStateTransition, tracev2.EventRegionBegin:
112                 if region.Start == nil {
113                         t.Error("expected non-nil region start event, got nil")
114                 }
115                 kind := region.Start.Kind()
116                 if kind != wantStart {
117                         t.Errorf("wanted region start event %s, got %s", wantStart, kind)
118                 }
119                 if kind == tracev2.EventRegionBegin {
120                         if region.Start.Region().Type != region.Name {
121                                 t.Errorf("region name mismatch: event has %s, summary has %s", region.Start.Region().Type, region.Name)
122                         }
123                 } else {
124                         st := region.Start.StateTransition()
125                         if st.Resource.Kind != tracev2.ResourceGoroutine {
126                                 t.Errorf("found region start event for the wrong resource: %s", st.Resource)
127                         }
128                         if st.Resource.Goroutine() != goid {
129                                 t.Errorf("found region start event for the wrong resource: wanted goroutine %d, got %s", goid, st.Resource)
130                         }
131                         if old, _ := st.Goroutine(); old != tracev2.GoNotExist && old != tracev2.GoUndetermined {
132                                 t.Errorf("expected transition from GoNotExist or GoUndetermined, got transition from %s instead", old)
133                         }
134                 }
135         default:
136                 t.Errorf("unexpected want start event type: %s", wantStart)
137         }
139         switch wantEnd {
140         case tracev2.EventBad:
141                 if region.End != nil {
142                         t.Errorf("expected nil region end event, got\n%s", region.End.String())
143                 }
144         case tracev2.EventStateTransition, tracev2.EventRegionEnd:
145                 if region.End == nil {
146                         t.Error("expected non-nil region end event, got nil")
147                 }
148                 kind := region.End.Kind()
149                 if kind != wantEnd {
150                         t.Errorf("wanted region end event %s, got %s", wantEnd, kind)
151                 }
152                 if kind == tracev2.EventRegionEnd {
153                         if region.End.Region().Type != region.Name {
154                                 t.Errorf("region name mismatch: event has %s, summary has %s", region.End.Region().Type, region.Name)
155                         }
156                 } else {
157                         st := region.End.StateTransition()
158                         if st.Resource.Kind != tracev2.ResourceGoroutine {
159                                 t.Errorf("found region end event for the wrong resource: %s", st.Resource)
160                         }
161                         if st.Resource.Goroutine() != goid {
162                                 t.Errorf("found region end event for the wrong resource: wanted goroutine %d, got %s", goid, st.Resource)
163                         }
164                         if _, new := st.Goroutine(); new != tracev2.GoNotExist {
165                                 t.Errorf("expected transition to GoNotExist, got transition to %s instead", new)
166                         }
167                 }
168         default:
169                 t.Errorf("unexpected want end event type: %s", wantEnd)
170         }
171 }
173 func basicGoroutineExecStatsChecks(t *testing.T, stats *GoroutineExecStats) {
174         if stats.ExecTime < 0 {
175                 t.Error("found negative ExecTime")
176         }
177         if stats.SchedWaitTime < 0 {
178                 t.Error("found negative SchedWaitTime")
179         }
180         if stats.SyscallTime < 0 {
181                 t.Error("found negative SyscallTime")
182         }
183         if stats.SyscallBlockTime < 0 {
184                 t.Error("found negative SyscallBlockTime")
185         }
186         if stats.TotalTime < 0 {
187                 t.Error("found negative TotalTime")
188         }
189         for reason, dt := range stats.BlockTimeByReason {
190                 if dt < 0 {
191                         t.Errorf("found negative BlockTimeByReason for %s", reason)
192                 }
193         }
194         for name, dt := range stats.RangeTime {
195                 if dt < 0 {
196                         t.Errorf("found negative RangeTime for range %s", name)
197                 }
198         }
199 }
201 func TestRelatedGoroutinesV2Trace(t *testing.T) {
202         testPath := "v2/testdata/tests/go122-gc-stress.test"
203         r, _, err := testtrace.ParseFile(testPath)
204         if err != nil {
205                 t.Fatalf("malformed test %s: bad trace file: %v", testPath, err)
206         }
207         targetg := tracev2.GoID(86)
208         got, err := RelatedGoroutinesV2(r, targetg)
209         if err != nil {
210                 t.Fatalf("failed to find related goroutines for %s: %v", testPath, err)
211         }
212         want := map[tracev2.GoID]struct{}{
213                 tracev2.GoID(86):  struct{}{}, // N.B. Result includes target.
214                 tracev2.GoID(71):  struct{}{},
215                 tracev2.GoID(25):  struct{}{},
216                 tracev2.GoID(122): struct{}{},
217         }
218         for goid := range got {
219                 if _, ok := want[goid]; ok {
220                         delete(want, goid)
221                 } else {
222                         t.Errorf("unexpected goroutine %d found in related goroutines for %d in test %s", goid, targetg, testPath)
223                 }
224         }
225         if len(want) != 0 {
226                 for goid := range want {
227                         t.Errorf("failed to find related goroutine %d for goroutine %d in test %s", goid, targetg, testPath)
228                 }
229         }
230 }