]> Cypherpunks.ru repositories - gostls13.git/blob - src/runtime/trace/trace_stack_test.go
runtime: emit file:line info into traces
[gostls13.git] / src / runtime / trace / trace_stack_test.go
1 // Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5 package trace_test
7 import (
8         "bytes"
9         "internal/testenv"
10         "internal/trace"
11         "net"
12         "os"
13         "runtime"
14         . "runtime/trace"
15         "sync"
16         "testing"
17         "time"
18 )
20 // TestTraceSymbolize tests symbolization and that events has proper stacks.
21 // In particular that we strip bottom uninteresting frames like goexit,
22 // top uninteresting frames (runtime guts).
23 func TestTraceSymbolize(t *testing.T) {
24         testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t)
26         buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
27         if err := Start(buf); err != nil {
28                 t.Fatalf("failed to start tracing: %v", err)
29         }
30         defer Stop() // in case of early return
32         // Now we will do a bunch of things for which we verify stacks later.
33         // It is impossible to ensure that a goroutine has actually blocked
34         // on a channel, in a select or otherwise. So we kick off goroutines
35         // that need to block first in the hope that while we are executing
36         // the rest of the test, they will block.
37         go func() {
38                 select {}
39         }()
40         go func() {
41                 var c chan int
42                 c <- 0
43         }()
44         go func() {
45                 var c chan int
46                 <-c
47         }()
48         done1 := make(chan bool)
49         go func() {
50                 <-done1
51         }()
52         done2 := make(chan bool)
53         go func() {
54                 done2 <- true
55         }()
56         c1 := make(chan int)
57         c2 := make(chan int)
58         go func() {
59                 select {
60                 case <-c1:
61                 case <-c2:
62                 }
63         }()
64         var mu sync.Mutex
65         mu.Lock()
66         go func() {
67                 mu.Lock()
68                 mu.Unlock()
69         }()
70         var wg sync.WaitGroup
71         wg.Add(1)
72         go func() {
73                 wg.Wait()
74         }()
75         cv := sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{})
76         go func() {
77                 cv.L.Lock()
78                 cv.Wait()
79                 cv.L.Unlock()
80         }()
81         ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
82         if err != nil {
83                 t.Fatalf("failed to listen: %v", err)
84         }
85         go func() {
86                 c, err := ln.Accept()
87                 if err != nil {
88                         t.Fatalf("failed to accept: %v", err)
89                 }
90                 c.Close()
91         }()
92         rp, wp, err := os.Pipe()
93         if err != nil {
94                 t.Fatalf("failed to create a pipe: %v", err)
95         }
96         defer rp.Close()
97         defer wp.Close()
98         pipeReadDone := make(chan bool)
99         go func() {
100                 var data [1]byte
101                 rp.Read(data[:])
102                 pipeReadDone <- true
103         }()
105         time.Sleep(time.Millisecond)
106         runtime.GC()
107         runtime.Gosched()
108         time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) // the last chance for the goroutines above to block
109         done1 <- true
110         <-done2
111         select {
112         case c1 <- 0:
113         case c2 <- 0:
114         }
115         mu.Unlock()
116         wg.Done()
117         cv.Signal()
118         c, err := net.Dial("tcp", ln.Addr().String())
119         if err != nil {
120                 t.Fatalf("failed to dial: %v", err)
121         }
122         c.Close()
123         var data [1]byte
124         wp.Write(data[:])
125         <-pipeReadDone
127         Stop()
128         events, _, err := parseTrace(t, buf)
129         if err != nil {
130                 t.Fatalf("failed to parse trace: %v", err)
131         }
133         // Now check that the stacks are correct.
134         type frame struct {
135                 Fn   string
136                 Line int
137         }
138         type eventDesc struct {
139                 Type byte
140                 Stk  []frame
141         }
142         want := []eventDesc{
143                 {trace.EvGCStart, []frame{
144                         {"runtime.GC", 0},
145                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize", 106},
146                         {"testing.tRunner", 0},
147                 }},
148                 {trace.EvGoStart, []frame{
149                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize.func1", 37},
150                 }},
151                 {trace.EvGoSched, []frame{
152                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize", 107},
153                         {"testing.tRunner", 0},
154                 }},
155                 {trace.EvGoCreate, []frame{
156                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize", 39},
157                         {"testing.tRunner", 0},
158                 }},
159                 {trace.EvGoStop, []frame{
160                         {"runtime.block", 0},
161                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize.func1", 38},
162                 }},
163                 {trace.EvGoStop, []frame{
164                         {"runtime.chansend1", 0},
165                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize.func2", 42},
166                 }},
167                 {trace.EvGoStop, []frame{
168                         {"runtime.chanrecv1", 0},
169                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize.func3", 46},
170                 }},
171                 {trace.EvGoBlockRecv, []frame{
172                         {"runtime.chanrecv1", 0},
173                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize.func4", 50},
174                 }},
175                 {trace.EvGoUnblock, []frame{
176                         {"runtime.chansend1", 0},
177                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize", 109},
178                         {"testing.tRunner", 0},
179                 }},
180                 {trace.EvGoBlockSend, []frame{
181                         {"runtime.chansend1", 0},
182                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize.func5", 54},
183                 }},
184                 {trace.EvGoUnblock, []frame{
185                         {"runtime.chanrecv1", 0},
186                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize", 110},
187                         {"testing.tRunner", 0},
188                 }},
189                 {trace.EvGoBlockSelect, []frame{
190                         {"runtime.selectgo", 0},
191                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize.func6", 59},
192                 }},
193                 {trace.EvGoUnblock, []frame{
194                         {"runtime.selectgo", 0},
195                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize", 111},
196                         {"testing.tRunner", 0},
197                 }},
198                 {trace.EvGoBlockSync, []frame{
199                         {"sync.(*Mutex).Lock", 0},
200                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize.func7", 67},
201                 }},
202                 {trace.EvGoUnblock, []frame{
203                         {"sync.(*Mutex).Unlock", 0},
204                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize", 115},
205                         {"testing.tRunner", 0},
206                 }},
207                 {trace.EvGoBlockSync, []frame{
208                         {"sync.(*WaitGroup).Wait", 0},
209                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize.func8", 73},
210                 }},
211                 {trace.EvGoUnblock, []frame{
212                         {"sync.(*WaitGroup).Add", 0},
213                         {"sync.(*WaitGroup).Done", 0},
214                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize", 116},
215                         {"testing.tRunner", 0},
216                 }},
217                 {trace.EvGoBlockCond, []frame{
218                         {"sync.(*Cond).Wait", 0},
219                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize.func9", 78},
220                 }},
221                 {trace.EvGoUnblock, []frame{
222                         {"sync.(*Cond).Signal", 0},
223                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize", 117},
224                         {"testing.tRunner", 0},
225                 }},
226                 {trace.EvGoSleep, []frame{
227                         {"time.Sleep", 0},
228                         {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize", 108},
229                         {"testing.tRunner", 0},
230                 }},
231         }
232         // Stacks for the following events are OS-dependent due to OS-specific code in net package.
233         if runtime.GOOS != "windows" && runtime.GOOS != "plan9" {
234                 want = append(want, []eventDesc{
235                         {trace.EvGoBlockNet, []frame{
236                                 {"net.(*netFD).accept", 0},
237                                 {"net.(*TCPListener).accept", 0},
238                                 {"net.(*TCPListener).Accept", 0},
239                                 {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize.func10", 86},
240                         }},
241                         {trace.EvGoSysCall, []frame{
242                                 {"syscall.read", 0},
243                                 {"syscall.Read", 0},
244                                 {"os.(*File).read", 0},
245                                 {"os.(*File).Read", 0},
246                                 {"runtime/trace_test.TestTraceSymbolize.func11", 101},
247                         }},
248                 }...)
249         }
250         matched := make([]bool, len(want))
251         for _, ev := range events {
252         wantLoop:
253                 for i, w := range want {
254                         if matched[i] || w.Type != ev.Type || len(w.Stk) != len(ev.Stk) {
255                                 continue
256                         }
258                         for fi, f := range ev.Stk {
259                                 wf := w.Stk[fi]
260                                 if wf.Fn != f.Fn || wf.Line != 0 && wf.Line != f.Line {
261                                         continue wantLoop
262                                 }
263                         }
264                         matched[i] = true
265                 }
266         }
267         for i, m := range matched {
268                 if m {
269                         continue
270                 }
271                 w := want[i]
272                 t.Errorf("did not match event %v at %v:%v", trace.EventDescriptions[w.Type].Name, w.Stk[0].Fn, w.Stk[0].Line)
273                 t.Errorf("seen the following events of this type:")
274                 for _, ev := range events {
275                         if ev.Type != w.Type {
276                                 continue
277                         }
278                         for _, f := range ev.Stk {
279                                 t.Logf("  %v:%v", f.Fn, f.Line)
280                         }
281                         t.Logf("---")
282                 }
283         }
284 }