GoVPN ===== SYNOPSIS govpn is simple high-performance secure virtual private network daemon. It uses DH-EKE for mutual zero-knowledge authentication and authenticated encrypted transport. It runs under GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. DESCRIPTION All packets captured on network interface are encrypted, authenticated and sent to remote server, that writes them to his interface, and vice versa. Client and server use pre-shared authentication key (PSK). Because of stateless UDP nature, after some timeout of inactivity peers forget about each other and have to retry handshake process again. As a rule, there are enough time-to-time traffic in ordinary Ethernet networks to heartbeat connection. Handshake is used to mutually authenticate peers, exchange common secret per-session encryption key and checks UDP transport availability. Because of UDP and authentication overhead: each packet grows in size during transmission, so you have to lower you maximum transmission unit (MTU) on network interface. High security and high performance are the goals for that daemon. It uses fast cryptography algorithms with 128bit security margin, strong mutual zero-knowledge authentication and perfect-forward secrecy property. An attacker can not know anything from captured traffic, even if pre-shared key is compromised. COMPARISON TO OpenVPN * Faster handshake * Perfect-forward secrecy (if long-term pre-shared keys are compromised, no captured traffic can be decrypted anyway) * Mutual two-side authentication (noone will send real network interface data unless the other side is authenticated) * Zero-knowledge authentication (pre-shared key is not transmitted in any form between the peers, not even it's hash value) * Higher performance in some cases CONSOLE OUTPUT LEGEND B -- bad or timeouted UDP packet (maybe network is inactive) T -- bad tag on packet (MiTM, unordered packet) R -- invalid sequence number (MiTM, unordered packet) [HS?] -- unknown handshake message w -- successful write to remote peer r -- successful read from remote peer [HS1], [HS2], [HS3], [HS4] -- handshake packet stage [rS?] -- invalid server's random authentication number received (MiTM, bad PSK) [rC?] -- invalid client's random authentication number received (MiTM, bad PSK) [S?] -- invalid handshake stage is trying to perform (MiTM, duplicate packet) [OK] -- handshake's stage passed EXAMPLE USAGE Let's assume that there is some insecure link between your computer and WiFi-reachable gateway. You have got preconfigured wlan0 network interface with 192.168.0/24 network. You want to create virtual encrypted and authenticated 172.16.0/24 network and use it as a default transport. MTU for that wlan0 is 1500 bytes. GoVPN will say that maximum MTU for the link is 1476, however it does not take in account TAP's Ethernet frame header length, that in my case is 14 bytes long (1476 - 14). gateway% ip addr add dev wlan0 gateway% tunctl -t tap10 gateway% ip link set mtu 1462 dev tap10 gateway% ip addr add dev tap10 gateway% ip link set up dev tap10 gateway% govpn -key KEY -iface tap10 -bind pc% ip addr add dev wlan0 pc% tunctl -t tap10 pc% ip link set mtu 1462 dev tap10 pc% ip addr add dev tap10 pc% ip link set up dev tap10 pc% ip route add default via pc% while :; do govpn -key KEY -iface tap10 -remote; done If client won't finish handshake during -timeout, then it will exit. If no packets are received from remote side during timeout, then daemon will stop sending packets to the client and client will exit. In every cases you have to rehandshake again. TECHNICAL INTERNALS Encryption: Salsa20 Message authentication: Poly1305 Password authenticated key agreement: Curve25519 based DH-EKE Packet overhead: 24 bytes per packet Handshake overhead: 4 UDP (2 from client, 2 from server) packets, 232 bytes total payload Transport protocol SERIAL + ENC(KEY, SERIAL, DATA) + AUTH(SERIAL + ENC_DATA) where SERIAL is message serial number. Odds are reserved for client->server, evens are for server->client. SERIAL is used as a nonce for DATA encryption: encryption key is different during each handshake, so (key, nonce) pair is always used once. We generate Salsa20's output using this key and nonce for each message: * first 256 bits are used as a one-time key for Poly1305 authentication * next 256 bits of output are ignored * and all remaining ones XORed with the data, encrypting it Handshake protocol ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐ │Client│ │Server│ └──┬───┘ └──┬───┘ │────┐ │ │ R=rand(64bit); CPrivKey=rand(256bit) │<───┘ │ │ │ R, enc(PSK, R, CPubKey) │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────> │ │ │ │────┐ │ │ │ SPrivKey=rand(256bit) │ │<───┘ │ │ │ │────┐ │ │ │ K=DH(SPrivKey, CPubKey) │ │<───┘ │ │ │ │────┐ │ │ │ RS=rand(64bit); SS=rand(256bit) │ │<───┘ │ │ │ enc(PSK, R+1, SPubKey); enc(K, R, RS+SS)│ │ <──────────────────────────────────────── │ │ │────┐ │ │ │ K=DH(CPrivKey, SPubKey) │ │<───┘ │ │ │ │────┐ │ │ │ RC=rand(64bit); SC=rand(256bit) │ │<───┘ │ │ │ │ enc(K, R+1, RS+RC+SC) │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────> │ │ │ │────┐ │ │ │ compare(RS) │ │<───┘ │ │ │ │────┐ │ │ │ MasterKey=SS XOR SC │ │<───┘ │ │ │ enc(K, 0x00, RC) │ │ <──────────────────────────────────────── │ │ │────┐ │ │ │ compare(RC) │ │<───┘ │ │ │ │────┐ │ │ │ MasterKey=SS XOR SC │ │<───┘ │ ┌──┴───┐ ┌──┴───┐ │Client│ │Server│ └──────┘ └──────┘ * client generates CPubKey, random 64bit R that is used as a nonce for encryption * R + enc(PSK, R, CPubKey) + NULLs -> Server [56 bytes] * server remembers clients address, decrypt CPubKey, generates SPrivKey/SPubKey, computes common shared key K (based on CPubKey and SPrivKey), generates 64bit random number RS and 256bit random SS. PSK-encryption uses incremented R (from previous message) for nonce * enc(PSK, SPubKey) + enc(K, RS + SS) + NULLs -> Client [88 bytes] * client decrypt SPubKey, computes K, decrypts RS, SS with key K, remembers SS, generates 64bit random number RC and 256bit random SC, * enc(K, RS + RC + SC) + NULLs -> Server [64 bytes] * server decrypt RS, RC, SC with key K, compares RS with it's own one send before, computes final main encryption key S = SS XOR SC * ENC(K, RC) + NULLs -> Client [24 bytes] * server switches to the new client * client decrypts RC and compares with it's own generated one, computes final main encryption key S Where PSK is 256bit pre-shared key, NULLs are 16 null-bytes. R* are required for handshake randomization and two-way authentication. K key is used only during handshake. NULLs are required to differentiate common transport protocol messages from handshake ones. DH public keys can be trivially derived from private ones. RELATED DOCUMENTS * * * * * Applied Cryptography (C) 1996 Bruce Schneier TODO * Move decryption and encryption processes into goroutines * Add identity management (client can send it's identification, server has on-disk id↔key plaintext database) * Implement alternative Secure Remote Password protocol (it is much slower, technically has more code, but human memorized passwords can be used instead of keys) LICENCE This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.