# coding: utf-8 # ssss -- Pure Python Shamir's secret sharing scheme implementation # Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Sergey Matveev # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the # License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this program. If not, see # . """ Shamir's secret sharing scheme implementation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamir%27s_Secret_Sharing """ from os import urandom from pygost.utils import bytes2long from pygost.utils import long2bytes SECRET_LEN = 32 POLY = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129640997 # pylint: disable=line-too-long def _lshift(x, bits): return x * (1 << bits) def _field_mult(x, y): b = x z = b if y & 1 == 1 else 0 for i in range(1, SECRET_LEN * 8): b = _lshift(b, 1) if (b >> (SECRET_LEN * 8)) & 1 == 1: b ^= POLY if y & (1 << i): z ^= b return z def _horner(t, x, coef): y = coef[t - 1] for i in range(t - 1, 0, -1): y = _field_mult(y, x) y ^= coef[i - 1] return y def _field_invert(x): u, v = x, POLY g, z = 0, 1 while u > 1: i = len(bin(u)[2:]) - len(bin(v)[2:]) if i < 0: u, v = v, u z, g = g, z i = -i u = u ^ _lshift(v, i) z = z ^ _lshift(g, i) return z def _calculate_li0(t, x, i): li0 = 1 for j in range(t): if j == i: continue li0 = _field_mult(li0, x[j]) li0 = _field_mult(li0, _field_invert(x[i] ^ x[j])) return li0 def split(secret, n, t): """ Split the secret :param secret: secret needed to be splitted :type secret: str, <=32 bytes :param n: number of parts :type n: int :param t: number of necessary for recovery parts :type t: int :return: secret's parts :rtype: list(tuple(int, str)) """ coef = [bytes2long(secret[::-1])] if n < 0 or t < 0 or n < t or not secret: raise ValueError("Invalid parameters specified") for i in range(1, t): coef.append(bytes2long(urandom(SECRET_LEN))) out = [] for i in range(1, n + 1): out.append((i, long2bytes(_horner(t, i, coef))[::-1])) return out def combine(t, parts): """ Combine the secret from the parts :param t: number of necessary for recovery parts :type t: int :param parts: list of parts :type parts: similar that *split()* function returns :return: recovered secret :rtype: str, 32 bytes If secret was shorter than 32 bytes, then zeros appended as a pad. """ if t <= 0 or not parts: raise ValueError("Invalid parameters specified") if len(parts) != len(set(s[1] for s in parts)): raise ValueError("Equal parts found") x, y = list(zip(*[(s[0], bytes2long(s[1][::-1])) for s in parts])) sec = 0 for i in range(t): li0 = _calculate_li0(t, x, i) li0si = _field_mult(li0, y[i]) sec = sec ^ li0si return long2bytes(sec)[::-1]