from abc import ABCMeta from abc import abstractmethod # This function is taken from six package as is def add_metaclass(metaclass): """Class decorator for creating a class with a metaclass.""" def wrapper(cls): orig_vars = cls.__dict__.copy() slots = orig_vars.get("__slots__") if slots is not None: if isinstance(slots, str): slots = [slots] for slots_var in slots: orig_vars.pop(slots_var) orig_vars.pop("__dict__", None) orig_vars.pop("__weakref__", None) return metaclass(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, orig_vars) return wrapper @add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class PEP247(object): @property @abstractmethod def digest_size(self): """The size of the digest produced by the hashing objects. """ @abstractmethod def copy(self): """Return a separate copy of this hashing object. """ @abstractmethod def update(self, data): """Hash data into the current state of the hashing object. """ @abstractmethod def digest(self): """Return the hash value as a string containing 8-bit data. """ @abstractmethod def hexdigest(self): """Return the hash value as a string containing hexadecimal digits. """