From 664822cb0fc85360a5f77d93ed54714c42557c74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sergey Matveev Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2017 21:12:02 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 1/1] Initial revision --- .coveragerc | 10 + .gitignore | 6 + AUTHORS | 1 + COPYING | 674 +++++ COPYING.LESSER | 165 ++ INSTALL | 1 + | 12 + NEWS | 1 + PUBKEY.asc | 21 + README | 24 + VERSION | 1 + doc/.gitignore | 1 + doc/Makefile | 2 + doc/ | 16 + doc/download.rst | 41 + doc/examples.rst | 417 +++ doc/features.rst | 50 + doc/feedback.rst | 10 + doc/index.rst | 30 + doc/install.rst | 42 + doc/pip-requirements.txt | 16 + doc/reference.rst | 6 + nose.cfg | 10 + pip-requirements-tests.txt | 4 + pip-requirements.txt | 1 + | 3944 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ pyderasn.pyi | 822 ++++++ | 33 + tests/ | 0 tests/ | 397 +++ tests/ | 4887 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 31 files changed, 11645 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .coveragerc create mode 100644 .gitignore create mode 100644 AUTHORS create mode 100644 COPYING create mode 100644 COPYING.LESSER create mode 120000 INSTALL create mode 100644 create mode 100644 NEWS create mode 100644 PUBKEY.asc create mode 100644 README create mode 100644 VERSION create mode 100644 doc/.gitignore create mode 100644 doc/Makefile create mode 100644 doc/ create mode 100644 doc/download.rst create mode 100644 doc/examples.rst create mode 100644 doc/features.rst create mode 100644 doc/feedback.rst create mode 100644 doc/index.rst create mode 100644 doc/install.rst create mode 100644 doc/pip-requirements.txt create mode 100644 doc/reference.rst create mode 100644 nose.cfg create mode 100644 pip-requirements-tests.txt create mode 100644 pip-requirements.txt create mode 100755 create mode 100644 pyderasn.pyi create mode 100644 create mode 100644 tests/ create mode 100644 tests/ create mode 100644 tests/ diff --git a/.coveragerc b/.coveragerc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a119c02 --- /dev/null +++ b/.coveragerc @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +[run] +branch = True + +[report] +show_missing = True +exclude_lines = + # Have to re-enable the standard pragma + pragma: no cover + + if __name__ == .__main__.: diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3155f36 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +*.pyc +.coverage +.coverage.* +.hypothesis +__pycache__ +dist diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f047789 --- /dev/null +++ b/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +* Sergey Matveev diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a2708d --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,674 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for +software and other kinds of works. + + The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed +to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, +the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to +share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free +software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the +GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to +any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you +want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new +free programs, and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you +these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have +certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if +you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same +freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive +or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they +know their rights. + + Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: +(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License +giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. + + For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains +that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and +authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as +changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to +authors of previous versions. + + Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run +modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer +can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of +protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic +pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to +use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we +have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those +products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we +stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions +of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. + + Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. +States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of +software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to +avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could +make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that +patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + 0. Definitions. + + "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. + + "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of +works, such as semiconductor masks. + + "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this +License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and +"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. + + To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work +in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an +exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the +earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. + + A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based +on the Program. + + To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without +permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for +infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a +computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, +distribution (with or without modification), making available to the +public, and in some countries other activities as well. + + To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other +parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through +a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. + + An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" +to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible +feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) +tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the +extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the +work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If +the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a +menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. + + 1. Source Code. + + The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work +for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source +form of a work. + + A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official +standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of +interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that +is widely used among developers working in that language. + + The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other +than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of +packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major +Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that +Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an +implementation is available to the public in source code form. A +"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component +(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system +(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to +produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. + + The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all +the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable +work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to +control those activities. However, it does not include the work's +System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free +programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but +which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source +includes interface definition files associated with source files for +the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically +linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, +such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those +subprograms and other parts of the work. + + The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users +can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding +Source. + + The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that +same work. + + 2. Basic Permissions. + + All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of +copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated +conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited +permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a +covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its +content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your +rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. + + You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not +convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains +in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose +of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you +with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with +the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do +not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works +for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction +and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of +your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. + + Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under +the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 +makes it unnecessary. + + 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. + + No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological +measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article +11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or +similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such +measures. + + When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid +circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention +is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to +the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or +modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's +users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of +technological measures. + + 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. + + You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you +receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; +keep intact all notices stating that this License and any +non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; +keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all +recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. + + You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, +and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. + + 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. + + You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to +produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the +terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified + it, and giving a relevant date. + + b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is + released under this License and any conditions added under section + 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to + "keep intact all notices". + + c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this + License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This + License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 + additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, + regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no + permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not + invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. + + d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display + Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive + interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your + work need not make them do so. + + A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent +works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, +and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, +in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an +"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not +used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users +beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work +in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other +parts of the aggregate. + + 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. + + You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms +of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the +machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, +in one of these ways: + + a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the + Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium + customarily used for software interchange. + + b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a + written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as + long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product + model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a + copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the + product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical + medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no + more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this + conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the + Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. + + c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the + written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This + alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and + only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord + with subsection 6b. + + d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated + place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the + Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no + further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the + Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to + copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source + may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) + that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain + clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the + Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the + Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is + available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. + + e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided + you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding + Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no + charge under subsection 6d. + + A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded +from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be +included in conveying the object code work. + + A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any +tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, +or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation +into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, +doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular +product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a +typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status +of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user +actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product +is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial +commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent +the only significant mode of use of the product. + + "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, +procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install +and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from +a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must +suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object +code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because +modification has been made. + + If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or +specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as +part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the +User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a +fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the +Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied +by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply +if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install +modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has +been installed in ROM). + + The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a +requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates +for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for +the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a +network may be denied when the modification itself materially and +adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and +protocols for communication across the network. + + Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, +in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly +documented (and with an implementation available to the public in +source code form), and must require no special password or key for +unpacking, reading or copying. + + 7. Additional Terms. + + "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this +License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. +Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall +be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent +that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions +apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately +under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by +this License without regard to the additional permissions. + + When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option +remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of +it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own +removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place +additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, +for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you +add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of +that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: + + a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the + terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or + + b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or + author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal + Notices displayed by works containing it; or + + c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or + requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in + reasonable ways as different from the original version; or + + d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or + authors of the material; or + + e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some + trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or + + f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that + material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of + it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for + any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on + those licensors and authors. + + All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further +restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this +License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms +of that license document, provided that the further restriction does +not survive such relicensing or conveying. + + If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you +must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the +additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating +where to find the applicable terms. + + Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the +form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; +the above requirements apply either way. + + 8. Termination. + + You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or +modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under +this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third +paragraph of section 11). + + However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your +license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) +provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and +finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright +holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means +prior to 60 days after the cessation. + + Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is +reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the +violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have +received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that +copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after +your receipt of the notice. + + Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the +licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under +this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently +reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same +material under section 10. + + 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. + + You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or +run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work +occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission +to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, +nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or +modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do +not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a +covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. + + 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. + + Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically +receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and +propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible +for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. + + An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an +organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an +organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered +work results from an entity transaction, each party to that +transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever +licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could +give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the +Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if +the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. + + You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the +rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may +not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of +rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that +any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for +sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. + + 11. Patents. + + A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this +License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The +work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". + + A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims +owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or +hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted +by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, +but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a +consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For +purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant +patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of +this License. + + Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free +patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to +make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and +propagate the contents of its contributor version. + + In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express +agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent +(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to +sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a +party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a +patent against the party. + + If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, +and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone +to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a +publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, +then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so +available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the +patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner +consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent +license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have +actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the +covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work +in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that +country that you have reason to believe are valid. + + If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or +arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a +covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties +receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify +or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license +you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered +work and works based on it. + + A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within +the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is +conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are +specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered +work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is +in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment +to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying +the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the +parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory +patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work +conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily +for and in connection with specific products or compilations that +contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, +or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. + + Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. + + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + + If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a +covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may +not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you +to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey +the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this +License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. + + 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have +permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed +under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single +combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this +License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, +but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, +section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the +combination as such. + + 14. Revised Versions of this License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of +the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General +Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the +option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered +version or of any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the +GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published +by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future +versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's +public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you +to choose that version for the Program. + + Later license versions may give you additional or different +permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any +author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a +later version. + + 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. + + THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. Limitation of Liability. + + IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. + + 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. + + If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided +above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, +reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates +an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the +Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a +copy of the Program in return for a fee. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + + If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short +notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Copyright (C) + This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands +might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". + + You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, +if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. +For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see +. + + The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program +into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you +may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with +the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. But first, please read +. diff --git a/COPYING.LESSER b/COPYING.LESSER new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc8a5de --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING.LESSER @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + + This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates +the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public +License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below. + + 0. Additional Definitions. + + As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU +General Public License. + + "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License, +other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below. + + An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided +by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library. +Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode +of using an interface provided by the Library. + + A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an +Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library +with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked +Version". + + The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the +Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code +for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are +based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version. + + The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the +object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data +and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the +Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work. + + 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL. + + You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License +without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL. + + 2. Conveying Modified Versions. + + If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a +facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application +that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the +facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified +version: + + a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to + ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the + function or data, the facility still operates, and performs + whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or + + b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of + this License applicable to that copy. + + 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files. + + The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from +a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object +code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated +material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure +layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates +(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following: + + a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the + Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are + covered by this License. + + b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license + document. + + 4. Combined Works. + + You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, +taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the +portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of +the following: + + a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that + the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are + covered by this License. + + b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license + document. + + c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during + execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among + these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the + copies of the GNU GPL and this license document. + + d) Do one of the following: + + 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this + License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form + suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to + recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of + the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the + manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying + Corresponding Source. + + 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time + a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer + system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version + of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked + Version. + + e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise + be required to provide such information under section 6 of the + GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is + necessary to install and execute a modified version of the + Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the + Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If + you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany + the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application + Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation + Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL + for conveying Corresponding Source.) + + 5. Combined Libraries. + + You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side by side in a single library together with other library +facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this +License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your +choice, if you do both of the following: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based + on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, + conveyed under the terms of this License. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it + is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the + accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new +versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may +differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version +of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version" +applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that published version or of any later version +published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you +received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser +General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide +whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall +apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is +permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the +Library. diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL new file mode 120000 index 0000000..4846ad4 --- /dev/null +++ b/INSTALL @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +doc/install.rst \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c591b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +include .coveragerc +include AUTHORS +include COPYING* +include INSTALL +include NEWS +include nose.cfg +include pip-requirements* +include PUBKEY.asc +include pyderasn.pyi +include README +include THANKS +include VERSION diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1333ed7 --- /dev/null +++ b/NEWS @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +TODO diff --git a/PUBKEY.asc b/PUBKEY.asc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..efe5113 --- /dev/null +++ b/PUBKEY.asc @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- + +mQENBFnCv/YBCAC8TD+EhE5qDTwHj25OKer4baCpvIMgGYprAmwiUkVq0Wq38on/ +xszHcKcLShApVQXfx32bx+laXdokv1BAPJygrbAo3ocwuo/tBDNlqQ1Tm9vdAhz9 +8S6B7UTLsyO4WkhC9h6wHPMEG4VuSxyHwF+lg5wcbDIHZRn029UctYSjdBXYL/YL +kPfywzLW6sB7FdDWv2Eb7SosTGz9T4kgco3a8cqUbtroawRmXw+AdyPDsxKf2fMP +xpBHhPQvWCnd294keJJ7EiqM11u9f0yRfSotVJU6UHETTgtdPwtP19RLfEqFUWUc +ZYTq2da1cAzBuseczZXbLk01njg0io2YPB0BABEBAAG0K1B5REVSQVNOIHJlbGVh +c2VzIDxweWRlcmFzbkBjeXBoZXJwdW5rcy5ydT6JAVcEEwEIAEEWIQQu1shGMFEC +31tOA4MEqTPRuiAyegUCWcK/9gIbAwwLCgkNCAwHCwMEAQIHFQoJCAsDAgUWAgED +AAIeAQIXgAAKCRAEqTPRuiAyelKFCACAM/hmkkjGDcZn9zRma717CrRr84LrbdOF +EfS+cWwcLpqeI3YmGPBW6hP94MnZuVcUJIVIhZ1C1/DHP32u3xDW0uj2VXwBLCQt +k9regkGOYVMW0l+MKY4Z81KgJSfX+kOq8RfLW0sq1bf91a/id8u/IEsyPHN34XLI +kptAFf6b0Wl6VU7nJiie25XI8DaYX98q7tYoD5yOSxzcCJ4IRAbAKg1B5RNTTZuG +y8RmHsszF3sJ5wLuGk1vpSh1jgq61RUquQYJa1iE2B8fxpL6Qr+T8IR2Jan4TFIn +vzGeBXtCD2yUIeJgSeF/3VoEq8lxJ+rwHwcsIqHF7QdqJCc7S0wviHUEEBEIAB0W +IQTPYOiaWSMeduJjZCKuGoEJ5JhX7wUCWcLAIAAKCRCuGoEJ5JhX7+lbAP9+WNA4 +Uk0pNH5BAASabuT+zllnHZ5SqZoKWbs7bzWfogD+NWmjTfSJCr7GSZ4Suy3Vw4nn +hUu3L6dceWUU+hAEOBw= +=Qodb +-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9bc2bf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +PyDERASN -- ASN.1 DER library for Python + +* Basic ASN.1 data types (X.208): BOOLEAN, INTEGER, BIT STRING, OCTET + STRING, NULL, OBJECT IDENTIFIER, ENUMERATED, all strings, UTCTime, + GeneralizedTime, CHOICE, ANY, SEQUENCE (OF), SET (OF) +* Size constraints checking +* Working with sequences as high level data objects with ability to + (un)marshall them +* Python 2.7/3.5 compatibility +* __slots__ friendliness +* Ability to know exact decoded objects offset and lengths in the binary +* Pretty printer and command-line decoder, that could conveniently + replace utilities like either dumpasn1 or openssl asn1parse + +pyderasn is free software: see the file COPYING.LESSER for copying conditions. + +PyDERASN home page is: + +Please send questions, bug reports and patches to + +mailing list. Announcements also go to this mailing list. + +Development Git source code repository currently is located here: + diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3827e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/VERSION @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +1.0 diff --git a/doc/.gitignore b/doc/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e35d885 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +_build diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2edea2b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +html: + python -msphinx . _build/html diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc5892e --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +extensions = ["sphinx.ext.autodoc"] +templates_path = ["_templates"] +source_suffix = ".rst" +master_doc = "index" +project = "pyderasn" +copyright = "2017, Sergey Matveev" +author = "Sergey Matveev" +version = "1.0" +release = "1.0" +language = None +exclude_patterns = ["_build"] +pygments_style = "sphinx" +todo_include_todos = False +html_theme = "classic" +html_static_path = ["_static"] +html_sidebars = {} diff --git a/doc/download.rst b/doc/download.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4e91de --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/download.rst @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +.. _download: + +Download +======== + +.. list-table:: + :widths: 10 10 20 60 + :header-rows: 1 + + * - Package + - Size + - Tarball + - SHA256 checksum + * - ``attrs`` 17.2.0 + - 59 KiB + - `link `__ + `sign `__ + - ``612F3F53 90F2D0C7 FCA6A32A B5B1E750 5BC56C00 1D68B28F 56B7446D 6970DC0A`` + * - ``coverage`` 4.4.1 + - 287 KiB + - `link `__ + `sign `__ + - ``DF312773 C59A0CB5 1EB793F5 BA14A1D5 54D467D6 C46375F1 8E066DAA B8A86271`` + * - ``enum34`` 1.1.6 + - 31 KiB + - `link `__ + `sign `__ + - ``CC26B270 E58910E6 B54ACEE9 EC36C388 4C9BE18B 7A55FA46 305D4BA9 18D00177`` + * - ``hypothesis`` 3.30.4 + - 102 KiB + - `link `__ + `sign `__ + - ``A6281672 88FDCC15 EA806C45 9EBEF827 8D2A8BAD 01DB7C61 BD45D14A 905F53D6`` + * - ``six`` 1.11.0 + - 25 KiB + - `link `__ + `sign `__ + - ``890AC076 5EF9AEFA 5079CEBA ADE9C680 DBFB0E84 E7CFA1F9 9B9B43A8 5FA80126`` + +Development Git source code repository is located here: + diff --git a/doc/examples.rst b/doc/examples.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16a1d54 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/examples.rst @@ -0,0 +1,417 @@ +Examples +======== + +.. contents:: + +Schema definition +----------------- + +Let's try to parse X.509 certificate. We have to define our structures +based on ASN.1 schema descriptions. + +.. list-table:: + :header-rows: 1 + + * - ASN.1 specification + - pyderasn's code + * - :: + + Certificate ::= SEQUENCE { + tbsCertificate TBSCertificate, + signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, + signatureValue BIT STRING } + - :: + + class Certificate(Sequence): + schema = ( + ("tbsCertificate", TBSCertificate()), + ("signatureAlgorithm", AlgorithmIdentifier()), + ("signatureValue", BitString()), + ) + * - :: + + AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { + algorithm OBJECT IDENTIFIER, + parameters ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL } + - :: + + class AlgorithmIdentifier(Sequence): + schema = ( + ("algorithm", ObjectIdentifier()), + ("parameters", Any(optional=True)), + ) + * - :: + + TBSCertificate ::= SEQUENCE { + version [0] EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1, + serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber, + signature AlgorithmIdentifier, + issuer Name, + validity Validity, + subject Name, + subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo, + issuerUniqueID [1] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL, + subjectUniqueID [2] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL, + extensions [3] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL } + - :: + + class TBSCertificate(Sequence): + schema = ( + ("version", Version(expl=tag_ctxc(0), default="v1")), + ("serialNumber", CertificateSerialNumber()), + ("signature", AlgorithmIdentifier()), + ("issuer", Name()), + ("validity", Validity()), + ("subject", Name()), + ("subjectPublicKeyInfo", SubjectPublicKeyInfo()), + ("issuerUniqueID", UniqueIdentifier(impl=tag_ctxp(1), optional=True)), + ("subjectUniqueID", UniqueIdentifier(impl=tag_ctxp(2), optional=True)), + ("extensions", Extensions(expl=tag_ctxc(3), optional=True)), + ) + * - :: + + Version ::= INTEGER { v1(0), v2(1), v3(2) } + - :: + + class Version(Integer): + schema = (("v1", 0), ("v2", 1), ("v3", 2)) + * - :: + + CertificateSerialNumber ::= INTEGER + - :: + + class CertificateSerialNumber(Integer): + pass + * - :: + + Validity ::= SEQUENCE { + notBefore Time, + notAfter Time } + Time ::= CHOICE { + utcTime UTCTime, + generalTime GeneralizedTime } + - :: + + class Validity(Sequence): + schema = ( + ("notBefore", Time()), + ("notAfter", Time()), + ) + class Time(Choice): + schema = ( + ("utcTime", UTCTime()), + ("generalTime", GeneralizedTime()), + ) + * - :: + + SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE { + algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, + subjectPublicKey BIT STRING } + - :: + + class SubjectPublicKeyInfo(Sequence): + schema = ( + ("algorithm", AlgorithmIdentifier()), + ("subjectPublicKey", BitString()), + ) + * - :: + + UniqueIdentifier ::= BIT STRING + - :: + + class UniqueIdentifier(BitString): + pass + * - :: + + Name ::= CHOICE { rdnSequence RDNSequence } + + RDNSequence ::= SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName + + RelativeDistinguishedName ::= SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF AttributeTypeAndValue + + AttributeTypeAndValue ::= SEQUENCE { type AttributeType, value AttributeValue } + + AttributeType ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER + + AttributeValue ::= ANY -- DEFINED BY AttributeType + - :: + + class Name(Choice): + schema = (("rdnSequence", RDNSequence()),) + class RDNSequence(SequenceOf): + schema = RelativeDistinguishedName() + class RelativeDistinguishedName(SetOf): + schema = AttributeTypeAndValue() + bounds = (1, float("+inf")) + class AttributeTypeAndValue(Sequence): + schema = ( + ("type", AttributeType()), + ("value", AttributeValue()), + ) + class AttributeType(ObjectIdentifier): + pass + class AttributeValue(Any): + pass + * - :: + + Extensions ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF Extension + + Extension ::= SEQUENCE { + extnID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, + critical BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, + extnValue OCTET STRING + } + - :: + + class Extensions(SequenceOf): + schema = Extension() + bounds = (1, float("+inf")) + class Extension(Sequence): + schema = ( + ("extnID", ObjectIdentifier()), + ("critical", Boolean(default=False)), + ("extnValue", OctetString()), + ) + +We are ready to decode PayPal's certificate from Go `encoding/asn1 +`__ test suite (assuming that +it's DER encoded representation is already in ``raw`` variable):: + + >>> crt, tail = Certificate().decode(raw) + >>> crt + Certificate SEQUENCE[TBSCertificate SEQUENCE[[0] EXPLICIT Version + INTEGER v3 OPTIONAL, CertificateSerialNumber INTEGER 61595, + AlgorithmIdentifier SEQUENCE[OBJECT IDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5... + +Pretty printing +--------------- + +There is huge output. Let's pretty print it:: + + >>> print(pprint(crt)) + 0 [1,3,1604] Certificate SEQUENCE + 4 [1,3,1453] . tbsCertificate: TBSCertificate SEQUENCE + 10-2 [1,1, 1] . . version: [0] EXPLICIT Version INTEGER v3 OPTIONAL + 13 [1,1, 3] . . serialNumber: CertificateSerialNumber INTEGER 61595 + 18 [1,1, 13] . . signature: AlgorithmIdentifier SEQUENCE + 20 [1,1, 9] . . . algorithm: OBJECT IDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5 + 31 [0,0, 2] . . . parameters: [UNIV 5] ANY OPTIONAL + . . . . 05:00 + 33 [0,0, 278] . . issuer: Name CHOICE rdnSequence + 33 [1,3, 274] . . . rdnSequence: RDNSequence SEQUENCE OF + 37 [1,1, 11] . . . . 0: RelativeDistinguishedName SET OF + 39 [1,1, 9] . . . . . 0: AttributeTypeAndValue SEQUENCE + 41 [1,1, 3] . . . . . . type: AttributeType OBJECT IDENTIFIER + 46 [0,0, 4] . . . . . . value: [UNIV 19] AttributeValue ANY + . . . . . . . 13:02:45:53 + [...] + 1461 [1,1, 13] . signatureAlgorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier SEQUENCE + 1463 [1,1, 9] . . algorithm: OBJECT IDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5 + 1474 [0,0, 2] . . parameters: [UNIV 5] ANY OPTIONAL + . . . 05:00 + 1476 [1,2, 129] . signatureValue: BIT STRING 1024 bits + . . 68:EE:79:97:97:DD:3B:EF:16:6A:06:F2:14:9A:6E:CD + . . 9E:12:F7:AA:83:10:BD:D1:7C:98:FA:C7:AE:D4:0E:2C + [...] + + Trailing data: 0a + +Let's parse that output, human:: + + 10-2 [1,1, 1] . . version: [0] EXPLICIT Version INTEGER v3 OPTIONAL + ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 + +:: + + 20 [1,1, 9] . . . algorithm: OBJECT IDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5 + ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ + 0 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 + +:: + + 33 [0,0, 278] . . issuer: Name CHOICE rdnSequence + ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ + 0 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 + +:0: + Offset of the object, where its DER encoding begins. + Pay attention that it does **not** include explicit tag. +:1: + If explicit tag exists, then this is its length (tag + encoded length). +:2: + Length of object's tag. For example CHOICE does not have its own tag, + so it is zero. +:3: + Length of encoded length. +:4: + Length of encoded value. +:5: + Visual indentation to show the depth of object in the hierarchy. +:6: + Object's name inside SEQUENCE/CHOICE. +:7: + If either IMPLICIT or EXPLICIT tag is set, then it will be shown + here. "IMPLICIT" is omitted. +:8: + Object's class name, if set. Omitted if it is just an ordinary simple + value (like with ``algorithm`` in example above). +:9: + Object's ASN.1 type. +:10: + Object's value, if set. Can consist of multiple words (like OCTET/BIT + STRINGs above). We see ``v3`` value in Version, because it is named. + ``rdnSequence`` is the choice of CHOICE type. +:11: + Possible other flags like OPTIONAL and DEFAULT, if value equals to the + default one, specified in the schema. + +As command line utility +----------------------- + +You can decode DER files using command line abilities and get the same +picture as above by executing:: + + % --schema tests.test_crts:Certificate path/to/file + +If there is no schema for you file, then you can try parsing it without, +but of course IMPLICIT tags will often make it impossible. But result is +good enough for the certificate above:: + + % path/to/file + 0 [1,3,1604] . >: SEQUENCE OF + 4 [1,3,1453] . . >: SEQUENCE OF + 8 [0,0, 5] . . . . >: [0] ANY + . . . . . A0:03:02:01:02 + 13 [1,1, 3] . . . . >: INTEGER 61595 + 18 [1,1, 13] . . . . >: SEQUENCE OF + 20 [1,1, 9] . . . . . . >: OBJECT IDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5 + 31 [1,1, 0] . . . . . . >: NULL + 33 [1,3, 274] . . . . >: SEQUENCE OF + 37 [1,1, 11] . . . . . . >: SET OF + 39 [1,1, 9] . . . . . . . . >: SEQUENCE OF + 41 [1,1, 3] . . . . . . . . . . >: OBJECT IDENTIFIER + 46 [1,1, 2] . . . . . . . . . . >: PrintableString PrintableString ES + [...] + 1409 [1,1, 50] . . . . . . >: SEQUENCE OF + 1411 [1,1, 8] . . . . . . . . >: OBJECT IDENTIFIER + 1421 [1,1, 38] . . . . . . . . >: OCTET STRING 38 bytes + . . . . . . . . . 30:24:30:22:06:08:2B:06:01:05:05:07:30:01:86:16 + . . . . . . . . . 68:74:74:70:3A:2F:2F:6F:63:73:70:2E:69:70:73:63 + . . . . . . . . . 61:2E:63:6F:6D:2F + 1461 [1,1, 13] . . >: SEQUENCE OF + 1463 [1,1, 9] . . . . >: OBJECT IDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5 + 1474 [1,1, 0] . . . . >: NULL + 1476 [1,2, 129] . . >: BIT STRING 1024 bits + . . . 68:EE:79:97:97:DD:3B:EF:16:6A:06:F2:14:9A:6E:CD + . . . 9E:12:F7:AA:83:10:BD:D1:7C:98:FA:C7:AE:D4:0E:2C + [...] + +If you have got dictionaries with ObjectIdentifiers, like example one +from ``tests/``:: + + some_oids = { + "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1": "id-rsaEncryption", + "1.2.840.113549.1.1.5": "id-sha1WithRSAEncryption", + [...] + "": "id-at-organizationName", + "": "id-at-organizationalUnitName", + } + +then you can pass it to pretty printer to see human readable OIDs:: + + % --oids tests.test_crts:some_oids path/to/file + [...] + 37 [1,1, 11] . . . . . . >: SET OF + 39 [1,1, 9] . . . . . . . . >: SEQUENCE OF + 41 [1,1, 3] . . . . . . . . . . >: OBJECT IDENTIFIER id-at-countryName ( + 46 [1,1, 2] . . . . . . . . . . >: PrintableString PrintableString ES + 50 [1,1, 18] . . . . . . >: SET OF + 52 [1,1, 16] . . . . . . . . >: SEQUENCE OF + 54 [1,1, 3] . . . . . . . . . . >: OBJECT IDENTIFIER id-at-stateOrProvinceName ( + 59 [1,1, 9] . . . . . . . . . . >: PrintableString PrintableString Barcelona + 70 [1,1, 18] . . . . . . >: SET OF + 72 [1,1, 16] . . . . . . . . >: SEQUENCE OF + 74 [1,1, 3] . . . . . . . . . . >: OBJECT IDENTIFIER id-at-localityName ( + 79 [1,1, 9] . . . . . . . . . . >: PrintableString PrintableString Barcelona + [...] + +Descriptive errors +------------------ + +If you have bad DER, then errors will show you where error occurred:: + + % --schema tests.test_crts:Certificate path/to/bad/file + Traceback (most recent call last): + [...] + pyderasn.DecodeError: UTCTime (tbsCertificate.validity.notAfter.utcTime) (at 328) invalid UTCTime format + +:: + + % path/to/bad/file + [...] + pyderasn.DecodeError: UTCTime (0.SequenceOf.4.SequenceOf.1.UTCTime) (at 328) invalid UTCTime format + +You can see, so called, decode path inside the structures: +``tbsCertificate`` -> ``validity`` -> ``notAfter`` -> ``utcTime`` and +that object at byte 328 is invalid. + +X.509 certificate creation +-------------------------- + +Let's create some simple self-signed X.509 certificate from the ground:: + + tbs = TBSCertificate() + tbs["serialNumber"] = CertificateSerialNumber(10143011886257155224) + + sign_algo_id = AlgorithmIdentifier() + sign_algo_id["algorithm"] = ObjectIdentifier("1.2.840.113549.1.1.5") + sign_algo_id["parameters"] = Any(Null()) + tbs["signature"] = sign_algo_id + + rdnSeq = RDNSequence() + for oid, klass, text in ( + ("", PrintableString, "XX"), + ("", PrintableString, "Some-State"), + ("", PrintableString, "City"), + ("", PrintableString, "Internet Widgits Pty Ltd"), + ("", PrintableString, ""), + ("1.2.840.113549.1.9.1", IA5String, ""), + ): + attr = AttributeTypeAndValue() + attr["type"] = AttributeType(oid) + attr["value"] = AttributeValue(klass(text)) + rdn = RelativeDistinguishedName() + rdn.append(attr) + rdnSeq.append(rdn) + issuer = Name() + issuer["rdnSequence"] = rdnSeq + tbs["issuer"] = issuer + tbs["subject"] = issuer + + validity = Validity() + validity["notBefore"] = Time(("utcTime", UTCTime(datetime(2009, 10, 8, 0, 25, 53)))) + validity["notAfter"] = Time(("utcTime", UTCTime(datetime(2010, 10, 8, 0, 25, 53)))) + tbs["validity"] = validity + + spki = SubjectPublicKeyInfo() + spki_algo_id = sign_algo_id.copy() + spki_algo_id["algorithm"] = ObjectIdentifier("1.2.840.113549.1.1.1") + spki["algorithm"] = spki_algo_id + spki["subjectPublicKey"] = BitString(hexdec("".join(( + "3048024100cdb7639c3278f006aa277f6eaf42902b592d8cbcbe38a1c92ba4695", + "a331b1deadeadd8e9a5c27e8c4c2fd0a8889657722a4f2af7589cf2c77045dc8f", + "deec357d0203010001", + )))) + tbs["subjectPublicKeyInfo"] = spki + + crt = Certificate() + crt["tbsCertificate"] = tbs + crt["signatureAlgorithm"] = sign_algo_id + crt["signatureValue"] = BitString(hexdec("".join(( + "a67b06ec5ece92772ca413cba3ca12568fdc6c7b4511cd40a7f659980402df2b", + "998bb9a4a8cbeb34c0f0a78cf8d91ede14a5ed76bf116fe360aafa8821490435", + )))) + crt.encode() + +And we will get the same certificate used in Go's library tests. diff --git a/doc/features.rst b/doc/features.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d94324 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/features.rst @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +Features +======== + +* Basic ASN.1 data types (X.208): BOOLEAN, INTEGER, BIT STRING, OCTET + STRING, NULL, OBJECT IDENTIFIER, ENUMERATED, all strings, UTCTime, + GeneralizedTime, CHOICE, ANY, SEQUENCE (OF), SET (OF) +* Size constraints checking +* Working with sequences as high level data objects with ability to + (un)marshall them +* Python 2.7/3.5 compatibility + +Why yet another library? `pyasn1 `__ +had all of this a long time ago. PyDERASN resembles it in many ways. In +practice it should be relatively easy to convert ``pyasn1``'s code to +``pyderasn``'s one. But additionally it offers: + +* Small, simple and trying to be reviewable code. Just a single file +* ``__slots__`` friendliness +* Ability to know exact decoded objects offsets and lengths in the binary +* Pretty printer and command-line decoder, that could conveniently + replace utilities like either ``dumpasn1`` or ``openssl asn1parse`` +* Some kind of strong typing: SEQUENCEs require the exact **type** of + settable values, even when they are inherited +* However they do not require tags matching: IMPLICIT/EXPLICIT tags will + be set automatically in the given sequence +* Could be significantly faster. For example parsing of's CRL + under Python 3.5.2: + + :`` revoke.crl``: + ~2 min + :`` --schema revoke.crl``: + ~38 sec + :``pyasn1.decode(asn1Spec=pyasn1.CertificateList())``: + ~22 min (``pyasn1 == 0.2.3``) + +There are drawbacks: + +* No old Python versions support +* No BER/CER support +* PyDERASN does **not** have object recreation capable ``repr``-s:: + + pyderasn>>> repr(algo_id) + AlgorithmIdentifier SEQUENCE[OBJECT IDENTIFIER, [UNIV 5] ANY 0500 OPTIONAL] + + pyasn1>>> repr(algo_id) + AlgorithmIdentifier().setComponents(ObjectIdentifier(''), Any(hexValue='0500')) + +* Strings are not validated in any way, except just trying to be decoded + in ``ascii``, ``iso-8859-1``, ``utf-8/16/32`` correspondingly +* No REAL, RELATIVE OID, EXTERNAL, INSTANCE OF, EMBEDDED PDV, CHARACTER STRING diff --git a/doc/feedback.rst b/doc/feedback.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d83f51b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/feedback.rst @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +Feedback +======== + +Please send questions regarding the use of PyDERASN, bug reports and +patches to `pyderasn-devel `__ +mailing list. Announcements also go to this mailing list. + +Official website is +Development Git source code repository is located here: + diff --git a/doc/index.rst b/doc/index.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edccc23 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/index.rst @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +======================================== +PyDERASN -- ASN.1 DER library for Python +======================================== + +.. + + I'm going to build my own ASN.1 library with slots and blobs! + (C) PyDERASN's author + +`ASN.1 `__ (Abstract Syntax +Notation One) is a standard for abstract data serialization. +`DER `__ +(Distinguished Encoding Rules) is a subset of encoding rules suitable +and widely used in cryptography-related stuff. PyDERASN is yet another +library for dealing with the data encoded that way. Although ASN.1 is +written more than 30 years ago by wise Ancients (taken from ``pyasn1``'s +README), it is still often can be seen anywhere in our life. + +PyDERASN is `free software `__, +licenced under `GNU LGPLv3+ `__. + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + + features + examples + reference + install + download + feedback diff --git a/doc/install.rst b/doc/install.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08285de --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/install.rst @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +Install +======= + +Preferable way is to :ref:`download ` tarball with the +signature from `official website `__:: + + % wget + % wget + % gpg --verify pyderasn-1.0.tar.xz.sig pyderasn-1.0.tar.xz + % xz -d < pyderasn-1.0.tar.xz | tar xf - + % cd pyderasn-1.0 + % python install + +PyDERASN depends on `six `__ package +for keeping compatibility with Py27/Py35. If it is not installed on your +system, then `` install`` will try to download it from PyPI. You +can also find it mirrored on :ref:`download ` page. + +You could use PIP (**no** authentication is performed!):: + + % pip install pyderasn + +You have to verify downloaded tarballs integrity and authenticity to be +sure that you retrieved trusted and untampered software. `GNU Privacy +Guard `__ is used for that purpose. + +For the very first time it is necessary to get signing public key and +import it. It is provided below, but you should check alternative +resources. + +:: + + pub rsa2048/0x04A933D1BA20327A 2017-09-20 + 2ED6 C846 3051 02DF 5B4E 0383 04A9 33D1 BA20 327A + uid PyDERASN releases + + % gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 0x04A933D1BA20327A + % gpg --auto-key-locate dane --locate-keys pyderasn at cypherpunks dot ru + % gpg --auto-key-locate wkd --locate-keys pyderasn at cypherpunks dot ru + % gpg --auto-key-locate pka --locate-keys pyderasn at cypherpunks dot ru + +.. literalinclude:: ../PUBKEY.asc diff --git a/doc/pip-requirements.txt b/doc/pip-requirements.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc0bbd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/pip-requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +alabaster == 0.7.10 +babel == 2.5.1 +certifi == 2017.7.27.1 +chardet == 3.0.4 +docutils == 0.14 +idna == 2.6 +imagesize == 0.7.1 +Jinja2 == 2.9.6 +MarkupSafe == 1.0 +Pygments == 2.2.0 +pytz == 2017.2 +requests == 2.18.4 +snowballstemmer == 1.2.1 +sphinx == 1.6.3 +sphinxcontrib-websupport == 1.0.1 +urllib3 == 1.22 diff --git a/doc/reference.rst b/doc/reference.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1d5a51 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/reference.rst @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +Library reference +================= + +.. contents:: + +.. automodule:: pyderasn diff --git a/nose.cfg b/nose.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90a426a --- /dev/null +++ b/nose.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +[nosetests] +tests=tests +verbosity=2 +with-runnable-test-names=1 +nocapture=1 +with-coverage=1 +cover-erase=1 +cover-package=pyderasn +processes=-1 +process-timeout=1800 diff --git a/pip-requirements-tests.txt b/pip-requirements-tests.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..625aed7 --- /dev/null +++ b/pip-requirements-tests.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +attrs==17.2.0 +coverage==4.4.1 +enum34==1.1.6 ; python_version == '2.7' +hypothesis==3.30.4 diff --git a/pip-requirements.txt b/pip-requirements.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..756cde0 --- /dev/null +++ b/pip-requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +six==1.11.0 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b1f029c --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,3944 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# coding: utf-8 +# PyDERASN -- Python ASN.1 DER codec with abstract structures +# Copyright (C) 2017 Sergey Matveev +# +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as +# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the +# License, or (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +# License along with this program. If not, see +# . +"""Python ASN.1 DER codec with abstract structures + +This library allows you to marshal and unmarshal various structures in +ASN.1 DER format, like this: + + >>> i = Integer(123) + >>> raw = i.encode() + >>> Integer().decode(raw) == i + True + +There are primitive types, holding single values +(:py:class:`pyderasn.BitString`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.Boolean`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.Enumerated`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.GeneralizedTime`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.Integer`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.Null`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.ObjectIdentifier`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.OctetString`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.UTCTime`, +:py:class:`various strings ` +(:py:class:`pyderasn.BMPString`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.GeneralString`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.GraphicString`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.IA5String`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.ISO646String`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.NumericString`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.PrintableString`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.T61String`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.TeletexString`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.UniversalString`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.UTF8String`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.VideotexString`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.VisibleString`)), +constructed types, holding multiple primitive types +(:py:class:`pyderasn.Sequence`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.SequenceOf`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.Set`, +:py:class:`pyderasn.SetOf`), +and special types like +:py:class:`pyderasn.Any` and +:py:class:`pyderasn.Choice`. + +Common for most types +--------------------- + +Tags +____ + +Most types in ASN.1 has specific tag for them. ``Obj.tag_default`` is +the default tag used during coding process. You can override it with +either ``IMPLICIT`` (using ``impl`` keyword argument), or +``EXPLICIT`` one (using ``expl`` keyword argument). Both arguments takes +raw binary string, containing that tag. You can **not** set implicit and +explicit tags simultaneously. + +There are :py:func:`pyderasn.tag_ctxp` and :py:func:`pyderasn.tag_ctxc` +functions, allowing you to easily create ``CONTEXT`` +``PRIMITIVE``/``CONSTRUCTED`` tags, by specifying only the required tag +number. Pay attention that explicit tags always have *constructed* tag +(``tag_ctxc``), but implicit tags for primitive types are primitive +(``tag_ctxp``). + +:: + + >>> Integer(impl=tag_ctxp(1)) + [1] INTEGER + >>> Integer(expl=tag_ctxc(2)) + [2] EXPLICIT INTEGER + +Implicit tag is not explicitly shown. + +Two object of the same type, but with different implicit/explicit tags +are **not** equal. + +You can get objects effective tag (either default or implicited) through +``tag`` property. You can decode it using :py:func:`pyderasn.tag_decode` +function:: + + >>> tag_decode(tag_ctxc(123)) + (128, 32, 123) + >>> klass, form, num = tag_decode(tag_ctxc(123)) + >>> klass == TagClassContext + True + >>> form == TagFormConstructed + True + +To determine if object has explicit tag, use ``expled`` boolean property +and ``expl_tag`` property, returning explicit tag's value. + +Default/optional +________________ + +Many objects in sequences could be ``OPTIONAL`` and could have +``DEFAULT`` value. You can specify that object's property using +corresponding keyword arguments. + + >>> Integer(optional=True, default=123) + INTEGER 123 OPTIONAL DEFAULT + +Those specifications do not play any role in primitive value encoding, +but are taken into account when dealing with sequences holding them. For +example ``TBSCertificate`` sequence holds defaulted, explicitly tagged +``version`` field:: + + class Version(Integer): + schema = ( + ("v1", 0), + ("v2", 1), + ("v3", 2), + ) + class TBSCertificate(Sequence): + schema = ( + ("version", Version(expl=tag_ctxc(0), default="v1")), + [...] + +When default argument is used and value is not specified, then it equals +to default one. + +Size constraints +________________ + +Some objects give ability to set value size constraints. This is either +possible integer value, or allowed length of various strings and +sequences. Constraints are set in the following way:: + + class X(...): + bounds = (MIN, MAX) + +And values satisfaction is checked as: ``MIN <= X <= MAX``. + +For simplicity you can also set bounds the following way:: + + bounded_x = X(bounds=(MIN, MAX)) + +If bounds are not satisfied, then :py:exc:`pyderasn.BoundsError` is +raised. + +Common methods +______________ + +All objects have ``ready`` boolean property, that tells if it is ready +to be encoded. If that kind of action is performed on unready object, +then :py:exc:`pyderasn.ObjNotReady` exception will be raised. + +All objects have ``copy()`` method, returning its copy, that can be safely +mutated. + +Decoding +________ + +Decoding is performed using ``decode()`` method. ``offset`` optional +argument could be used to set initial object's offset in the binary +data, for convenience. It returns decoded object and remaining +unmarshalled data (tail). Internally all work is done on +``memoryview(data)``, and you can leave returning tail as a memoryview, +by specifying ``leavemm=True`` argument. + +When object is decoded, ``decoded`` property is true and you can safely +use following properties: + +* ``offset`` -- position from initial offset where object's tag is started +* ``tlen`` -- length of object's tag +* ``llen`` -- length of object's length value +* ``vlen`` -- length of object's value +* ``tlvlen`` -- length of the whole object + +Pay attention that those values do **not** include anything related to +explicit tag. If you want to know information about it, then use: +``expled`` (to know if explicit tag is set), ``expl_offset`` (it is +lesser than ``offset``), ``expl_tlen``, ``expl_llen``, ``expl_vlen`` +(that actually equals to ordinary ``tlvlen``). + +When error occurs, then :py:exc:`pyderasn.DecodeError` is raised. + +Pretty printing +_______________ + +All objects have ``pps()`` method, that is a generator of +:py:class:`pyderasn.PP` namedtuple, holding various raw information +about the object. If ``pps`` is called on sequences, then all underlying +``PP`` will be yielded. + +You can use :py:func:`pyderasn.pp_console_row` function, converting +those ``PP`` to human readable string. Actually exactly it is used for +all object ``repr``. But it is easy to write custom formatters. + + >>> from pyderasn import pprint + >>> encoded = Integer(-12345).encode() + >>> obj, tail = Integer().decode(encoded) + >>> print(pprint(obj)) + 0 [1,1, 2] INTEGER -12345 + +Primitive types +--------------- + +Boolean +_______ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.Boolean + :members: __init__ + +Integer +_______ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.Integer + :members: __init__ + +BitString +_________ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.BitString + :members: __init__ + +OctetString +___________ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.OctetString + :members: __init__ + +Null +____ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.Null + :members: __init__ + +ObjectIdentifier +________________ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.ObjectIdentifier + :members: __init__ + +Enumerated +__________ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.Enumerated + +CommonString +____________ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.CommonString + +UTCTime +_______ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.UTCTime + :members: __init__, todatetime + +GeneralizedTime +_______________ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.GeneralizedTime + +Special types +------------- + +Choice +______ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.Choice + :members: __init__ + +PrimitiveTypes +______________ +.. autoclass:: PrimitiveTypes + +Any +___ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.Any + :members: __init__ + +Constructed types +----------------- + +Sequence +________ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.Sequence + :members: __init__ + +Set +___ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.Set + :members: __init__ + +SequenceOf +__________ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.SequenceOf + :members: __init__ + +SetOf +_____ +.. autoclass:: pyderasn.SetOf + :members: __init__ +""" + +from codecs import getdecoder +from codecs import getencoder +from collections import namedtuple +from collections import OrderedDict +from datetime import datetime +from math import ceil + +from six import binary_type +from six import byte2int +from six import indexbytes +from six import int2byte +from six import integer_types +from six import iterbytes +from six import PY2 +from six import string_types +from six import text_type +from six.moves import xrange as six_xrange + + +__all__ = ( + "Any", + "BitString", + "BMPString", + "Boolean", + "BoundsError", + "Choice", + "DecodeError", + "Enumerated", + "GeneralizedTime", + "GeneralString", + "GraphicString", + "hexdec", + "hexenc", + "IA5String", + "Integer", + "InvalidLength", + "InvalidOID", + "InvalidValueType", + "ISO646String", + "NotEnoughData", + "Null", + "NumericString", + "obj_by_path", + "ObjectIdentifier", + "ObjNotReady", + "ObjUnknown", + "OctetString", + "PrimitiveTypes", + "PrintableString", + "Sequence", + "SequenceOf", + "Set", + "SetOf", + "T61String", + "tag_ctxc", + "tag_ctxp", + "tag_decode", + "TagClassApplication", + "TagClassContext", + "TagClassPrivate", + "TagClassUniversal", + "TagFormConstructed", + "TagFormPrimitive", + "TagMismatch", + "TeletexString", + "UniversalString", + "UTCTime", + "UTF8String", + "VideotexString", + "VisibleString", +) + +TagClassUniversal = 0 +TagClassApplication = 1 << 6 +TagClassContext = 1 << 7 +TagClassPrivate = 1 << 6 | 1 << 7 +TagFormPrimitive = 0 +TagFormConstructed = 1 << 5 +TagClassReprs = { + TagClassContext: "", + TagClassApplication: "APPLICATION ", + TagClassPrivate: "PRIVATE ", + TagClassUniversal: "UNIV ", +} + + +######################################################################## +# Errors +######################################################################## + +class DecodeError(Exception): + def __init__(self, msg="", klass=None, decode_path=(), offset=0): + super(DecodeError, self).__init__() + self.msg = msg + self.klass = klass + self.decode_path = decode_path + self.offset = offset + + def __str__(self): + return " ".join( + c for c in ( + "" if self.klass is None else self.klass.__name__, + ( + ("(%s)" % ".".join(self.decode_path)) + if len(self.decode_path) > 0 else "" + ), + ("(at %d)" % self.offset) if self.offset > 0 else "", + self.msg, + ) if c != "" + ) + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self) + + +class NotEnoughData(DecodeError): + pass + + +class TagMismatch(DecodeError): + pass + + +class InvalidLength(DecodeError): + pass + + +class InvalidOID(DecodeError): + pass + + +class ObjUnknown(ValueError): + def __init__(self, name): + super(ObjUnknown, self).__init__() + = name + + def __str__(self): + return "object is unknown: %s" % + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self) + + +class ObjNotReady(ValueError): + def __init__(self, name): + super(ObjNotReady, self).__init__() + = name + + def __str__(self): + return "object is not ready: %s" % + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self) + + +class InvalidValueType(ValueError): + def __init__(self, expected_types): + super(InvalidValueType, self).__init__() + self.expected_types = expected_types + + def __str__(self): + return "invalid value type, expected: %s" % ", ".join( + [repr(t) for t in self.expected_types] + ) + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self) + + +class BoundsError(ValueError): + def __init__(self, bound_min, value, bound_max): + super(BoundsError, self).__init__() + self.bound_min = bound_min + self.value = value + self.bound_max = bound_max + + def __str__(self): + return "unsatisfied bounds: %s <= %s <= %s" % ( + self.bound_min, + self.value, + self.bound_max, + ) + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self) + + +######################################################################## +# Basic coders +######################################################################## + +_hexdecoder = getdecoder("hex") +_hexencoder = getencoder("hex") + + +def hexdec(data): + return _hexdecoder(data)[0] + + +def hexenc(data): + return _hexencoder(data)[0].decode("ascii") + + +def int_bytes_len(num, byte_len=8): + if num == 0: + return 1 + return int(ceil(float(num.bit_length()) / byte_len)) + + +def zero_ended_encode(num): + octets = bytearray(int_bytes_len(num, 7)) + i = len(octets) - 1 + octets[i] = num & 0x7F + num >>= 7 + i -= 1 + while num > 0: + octets[i] = 0x80 | (num & 0x7F) + num >>= 7 + i -= 1 + return bytes(octets) + + +def tag_encode(num, klass=TagClassUniversal, form=TagFormPrimitive): + if num < 31: + # [XX|X|.....] + return int2byte(klass | form | num) + # [XX|X|11111][1.......][1.......] ... [0.......] + return int2byte(klass | form | 31) + zero_ended_encode(num) + + +def tag_decode(tag): + """ + assume that data is validated + """ + first_octet = byte2int(tag) + klass = first_octet & 0xC0 + form = first_octet & 0x20 + if first_octet & 0x1F < 0x1F: + return (klass, form, first_octet & 0x1F) + num = 0 + for octet in iterbytes(tag[1:]): + num <<= 7 + num |= octet & 0x7F + return (klass, form, num) + + +def tag_ctxp(num): + return tag_encode(num=num, klass=TagClassContext, form=TagFormPrimitive) + + +def tag_ctxc(num): + return tag_encode(num=num, klass=TagClassContext, form=TagFormConstructed) + + +def tag_strip(data): + """Take off tag from the data + + :returns: (encoded tag, tag length, remaining data) + """ + if len(data) == 0: + raise NotEnoughData("no data at all") + if byte2int(data) & 0x1F < 31: + return data[:1], 1, data[1:] + i = 0 + while True: + i += 1 + if i == len(data): + raise DecodeError("unfinished tag") + if indexbytes(data, i) & 0x80 == 0: + break + i += 1 + return data[:i], i, data[i:] + + +def len_encode(l): + if l < 0x80: + return int2byte(l) + octets = bytearray(int_bytes_len(l) + 1) + octets[0] = 0x80 | (len(octets) - 1) + for i in six_xrange(len(octets) - 1, 0, -1): + octets[i] = l & 0xFF + l >>= 8 + return bytes(octets) + + +def len_decode(data): + if len(data) == 0: + raise NotEnoughData("no data at all") + first_octet = byte2int(data) + if first_octet & 0x80 == 0: + return first_octet, 1, data[1:] + octets_num = first_octet & 0x7F + if octets_num + 1 > len(data): + raise NotEnoughData("encoded length is longer than data") + if octets_num == 0: + raise DecodeError("long form instead of short one") + if byte2int(data[1:]) == 0: + raise DecodeError("leading zeros") + l = 0 + for v in iterbytes(data[1:1 + octets_num]): + l = (l << 8) | v + if l <= 127: + raise DecodeError("long form instead of short one") + return l, 1 + octets_num, data[1 + octets_num:] + + +######################################################################## +# Base class +######################################################################## + +class Obj(object): + """Common ASN.1 object class + """ + __slots__ = ( + "tag", + "_value", + "_expl", + "default", + "optional", + "offset", + "llen", + "vlen", + ) + + def __init__( + self, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=False, + _decoded=(0, 0, 0), + ): + if impl is None: + self.tag = getattr(self, "impl", self.tag_default) + else: + self.tag = impl + self._expl = getattr(self, "expl", None) if expl is None else expl + if self.tag != self.tag_default and self._expl is not None: + raise ValueError( + "implicit and explicit tags can not be set simultaneously" + ) + if default is not None: + optional = True + self.optional = optional + self.offset, self.llen, self.vlen = _decoded + self.default = None + + @property + def ready(self): # pragma: no cover + raise NotImplementedError() + + def _assert_ready(self): + if not self.ready: + raise ObjNotReady(self.__class__.__name__) + + @property + def decoded(self): + return self.llen > 0 + + def copy(self): # pragma: no cover + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def tlen(self): + return len(self.tag) + + @property + def tlvlen(self): + return self.tlen + self.llen + self.vlen + + def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover + return self.__bytes__() if PY2 else self.__unicode__() + + def _encode(self): # pragma: no cover + raise NotImplementedError() + + def _decode(self, tlv, offset=0, decode_path=()): # pragma: no cover + raise NotImplementedError() + + def encode(self): + raw = self._encode() + if self._expl is None: + return raw + return b"".join((self._expl, len_encode(len(raw)), raw)) + + def decode(self, data, offset=0, leavemm=False, decode_path=()): + tlv = memoryview(data) + if self._expl is None: + obj, tail = self._decode( + tlv, + offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + else: + try: + t, tlen, lv = tag_strip(tlv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if t != self._expl: + raise TagMismatch( + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + try: + l, llen, v = len_decode(lv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if l > len(v): + raise NotEnoughData( + "encoded length is longer than data", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + obj, tail = self._decode( + v, + offset=offset + tlen + llen, + decode_path=(), + ) + return obj, (tail if leavemm else tail.tobytes()) + + @property + def expled(self): + return self._expl is not None + + @property + def expl_tag(self): + return self._expl + + @property + def expl_tlen(self): + return len(self._expl) + + @property + def expl_llen(self): + return len(len_encode(self.tlvlen)) + + @property + def expl_offset(self): + return self.offset - self.expl_tlen - self.expl_llen + + @property + def expl_vlen(self): + return self.tlvlen + + @property + def expl_tlvlen(self): + return self.expl_tlen + self.expl_llen + self.expl_vlen + + +######################################################################## +# Pretty printing +######################################################################## + +PP = namedtuple("PP", ( + "asn1_type_name", + "obj_name", + "decode_path", + "value", + "blob", + "optional", + "default", + "impl", + "expl", + "offset", + "tlen", + "llen", + "vlen", + "expl_offset", + "expl_tlen", + "expl_llen", + "expl_vlen", +)) + + +def _pp( + asn1_type_name="unknown", + obj_name="unknown", + decode_path=(), + value=None, + blob=None, + optional=False, + default=False, + impl=None, + expl=None, + offset=0, + tlen=0, + llen=0, + vlen=0, + expl_offset=None, + expl_tlen=None, + expl_llen=None, + expl_vlen=None, +): + return PP( + asn1_type_name, + obj_name, + decode_path, + value, + blob, + optional, + default, + impl, + expl, + offset, + tlen, + llen, + vlen, + expl_offset, + expl_tlen, + expl_llen, + expl_vlen, + ) + + +def pp_console_row(pp, oids=None, with_offsets=False, with_blob=True): + cols = [] + if with_offsets: + cols.append("%5d%s [%d,%d,%4d]" % ( + pp.offset, + ( + " " if pp.expl_offset is None else + ("-%d" % (pp.offset - pp.expl_offset)) + ), + pp.tlen, + pp.llen, + pp.vlen, + )) + if len(pp.decode_path) > 0: + cols.append(" ." * (len(pp.decode_path))) + cols.append("%s:" % pp.decode_path[-1]) + if pp.expl is not None: + klass, _, num = pp.expl + cols.append("[%s%d] EXPLICIT" % (TagClassReprs[klass], num)) + if pp.impl is not None: + klass, _, num = pp.impl + cols.append("[%s%d]" % (TagClassReprs[klass], num)) + if pp.asn1_type_name.replace(" ", "") != pp.obj_name.upper(): + cols.append(pp.obj_name) + cols.append(pp.asn1_type_name) + if pp.value is not None: + value = pp.value + if ( + oids is not None and + pp.asn1_type_name == ObjectIdentifier.asn1_type_name and + value in oids + ): + value = "%s (%s)" % (oids[value], pp.value) + cols.append(value) + if with_blob: + if isinstance(pp.blob, binary_type): + cols.append(hexenc(pp.blob)) + elif isinstance(pp.blob, tuple): + cols.append(", ".join(pp.blob)) + if pp.optional: + cols.append("OPTIONAL") + if pp.default: + cols.append("DEFAULT") + return " ".join(cols) + + +def pp_console_blob(pp): + cols = [" " * len("XXXXXYY [X,X,XXXX]")] + if len(pp.decode_path) > 0: + cols.append(" ." * (len(pp.decode_path) + 1)) + if isinstance(pp.blob, binary_type): + blob = hexenc(pp.blob).upper() + for i in range(0, len(blob), 32): + chunk = blob[i:i + 32] + yield " ".join(cols + [":".join( + chunk[j:j + 2] for j in range(0, len(chunk), 2) + )]) + elif isinstance(pp.blob, tuple): + yield " ".join(cols + [", ".join(pp.blob)]) + + +def pprint(obj, oids=None, big_blobs=False): + def _pprint_pps(pps): + for pp in pps: + if hasattr(pp, "_fields"): + if big_blobs: + yield pp_console_row( + pp, + oids=oids, + with_offsets=True, + with_blob=False, + ) + for row in pp_console_blob(pp): + yield row + else: + yield pp_console_row(pp, oids=oids, with_offsets=True) + else: + for row in _pprint_pps(pp): + yield row + return "\n".join(_pprint_pps(obj.pps())) + + +######################################################################## +# ASN.1 primitive types +######################################################################## + +class Boolean(Obj): + """``BOOLEAN`` boolean type + + >>> b = Boolean(True) + BOOLEAN True + >>> b == Boolean(True) + True + >>> bool(b) + True + >>> Boolean(optional=True) + BOOLEAN OPTIONAL + >>> Boolean(impl=tag_ctxp(1), default=False) + [1] BOOLEAN False OPTIONAL DEFAULT + """ + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(1) + asn1_type_name = "BOOLEAN" + + def __init__( + self, + value=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=False, + _decoded=(0, 0, 0), + ): + """ + :param value: set the value. Either boolean type, or + :py:class:`pyderasn.Boolean` object + :param bytes impl: override default tag with ``IMPLICIT`` one + :param bytes expl: override default tag with ``EXPLICIT`` one + :param default: set default value. Type same as in ``value`` + :param bool optional: is object ``OPTIONAL`` in sequence + """ + super(Boolean, self).__init__(impl, expl, default, optional, _decoded) + self._value = None if value is None else self._value_sanitize(value) + if default is not None: + default = self._value_sanitize(default) + self.default = self.__class__( + value=default, + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + ) + if value is None: + self._value = default + + def _value_sanitize(self, value): + if issubclass(value.__class__, Boolean): + return value._value + if isinstance(value, bool): + return value + raise InvalidValueType((self.__class__, bool)) + + @property + def ready(self): + return self._value is not None + + def copy(self): + obj = self.__class__() + obj._value = self._value + obj.tag = self.tag + obj._expl = self._expl + obj.default = self.default + obj.optional = self.optional + obj.offset = self.offset + obj.llen = self.llen + obj.vlen = self.vlen + return obj + + def __nonzero__(self): + self._assert_ready() + return self._value + + def __bool__(self): + self._assert_ready() + return self._value + + def __eq__(self, their): + if isinstance(their, bool): + return self._value == their + if not issubclass(their.__class__, Boolean): + return False + return ( + self._value == their._value and + self.tag == their.tag and + self._expl == their._expl + ) + + def __call__( + self, + value=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=None, + ): + return self.__class__( + value=value, + impl=self.tag if impl is None else impl, + expl=self._expl if expl is None else expl, + default=self.default if default is None else default, + optional=self.optional if optional is None else optional, + ) + + def _encode(self): + self._assert_ready() + return b"".join(( + self.tag, + len_encode(1), + (b"\xFF" if self._value else b"\x00"), + )) + + def _decode(self, tlv, offset=0, decode_path=()): + try: + t, _, lv = tag_strip(tlv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if t != self.tag: + raise TagMismatch( + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + try: + l, _, v = len_decode(lv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if l != 1: + raise InvalidLength( + "Boolean's length must be equal to 1", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if l > len(v): + raise NotEnoughData( + "encoded length is longer than data", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + first_octet = byte2int(v) + if first_octet == 0: + value = False + elif first_octet == 0xFF: + value = True + else: + raise DecodeError( + "unacceptable Boolean value", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + obj = self.__class__( + value=value, + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + default=self.default, + optional=self.optional, + _decoded=(offset, 1, 1), + ) + return obj, v[1:] + + def __repr__(self): + return pp_console_row(next(self.pps())) + + def pps(self, decode_path=()): + yield _pp( + asn1_type_name=self.asn1_type_name, + obj_name=self.__class__.__name__, + decode_path=decode_path, + value=str(self._value) if self.ready else None, + optional=self.optional, + default=self == self.default, + impl=None if self.tag == self.tag_default else tag_decode(self.tag), + expl=None if self._expl is None else tag_decode(self._expl), + offset=self.offset, + tlen=self.tlen, + llen=self.llen, + vlen=self.vlen, + expl_offset=self.expl_offset if self.expled else None, + expl_tlen=self.expl_tlen if self.expled else None, + expl_llen=self.expl_llen if self.expled else None, + expl_vlen=self.expl_vlen if self.expled else None, + ) + + +class Integer(Obj): + """``INTEGER`` integer type + + >>> b = Integer(-123) + INTEGER -123 + >>> b == Integer(-123) + True + >>> int(b) + -123 + >>> Integer(optional=True) + INTEGER OPTIONAL + >>> Integer(impl=tag_ctxp(1), default=123) + [1] INTEGER 123 OPTIONAL DEFAULT + + >>> Integer(2, bounds=(1, 3)) + INTEGER 2 + >>> Integer(5, bounds=(1, 3)) + Traceback (most recent call last): + pyderasn.BoundsError: unsatisfied bounds: 1 <= 5 <= 3 + + :: + + class Version(Integer): + schema = ( + ("v1", 0), + ("v2", 1), + ("v3", 2), + ) + + >>> v = Version("v1") + Version INTEGER v1 + >>> int(v) + 0 + >>> v.named + 'v1' + >>> v.specs + {'v3': 2, 'v1': 0, 'v2': 1} + """ + __slots__ = ("specs", "_bound_min", "_bound_max") + tag_default = tag_encode(2) + asn1_type_name = "INTEGER" + + def __init__( + self, + value=None, + bounds=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=False, + _specs=None, + _decoded=(0, 0, 0), + ): + """ + :param value: set the value. Either integer type, named value + (if ``schema`` is specified in the class), or + :py:class:`pyderasn.Integer` object + :param bounds: set ``(MIN, MAX)`` value constraint. + (-inf, +inf) by default + :param bytes impl: override default tag with ``IMPLICIT`` one + :param bytes expl: override default tag with ``EXPLICIT`` one + :param default: set default value. Type same as in ``value`` + :param bool optional: is object ``OPTIONAL`` in sequence + """ + super(Integer, self).__init__(impl, expl, default, optional, _decoded) + self._value = value + specs = getattr(self, "schema", {}) if _specs is None else _specs + self.specs = specs if isinstance(specs, dict) else dict(specs) + if bounds is None: + self._bound_min, self._bound_max = getattr( + self, + "bounds", + (float("-inf"), float("+inf")), + ) + else: + self._bound_min, self._bound_max = bounds + if value is not None: + self._value = self._value_sanitize(value) + if default is not None: + default = self._value_sanitize(default) + self.default = self.__class__( + value=default, + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + _specs=self.specs, + ) + if self._value is None: + self._value = default + + def _value_sanitize(self, value): + if issubclass(value.__class__, Integer): + value = value._value + elif isinstance(value, integer_types): + pass + elif isinstance(value, str): + value = self.specs.get(value) + if value is None: + raise ObjUnknown("integer value: %s" % value) + else: + raise InvalidValueType((self.__class__, int, str)) + if not self._bound_min <= value <= self._bound_max: + raise BoundsError(self._bound_min, value, self._bound_max) + return value + + @property + def ready(self): + return self._value is not None + + def copy(self): + obj = self.__class__(_specs=self.specs) + obj._value = self._value + obj._bound_min = self._bound_min + obj._bound_max = self._bound_max + obj.tag = self.tag + obj._expl = self._expl + obj.default = self.default + obj.optional = self.optional + obj.offset = self.offset + obj.llen = self.llen + obj.vlen = self.vlen + return obj + + def __int__(self): + self._assert_ready() + return int(self._value) + + def __hash__(self): + self._assert_ready() + return hash( + self.tag + + bytes(self._expl or b"") + + str(self._value).encode("ascii"), + ) + + def __eq__(self, their): + if isinstance(their, integer_types): + return self._value == their + if not issubclass(their.__class__, Integer): + return False + return ( + self._value == their._value and + self.tag == their.tag and + self._expl == their._expl + ) + + def __lt__(self, their): + return self._value < their + + def __gt__(self, their): + return self._value > their + + @property + def named(self): + for name, value in self.specs.items(): + if value == self._value: + return name + + def __call__( + self, + value=None, + bounds=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=None, + ): + return self.__class__( + value=value, + bounds=( + (self._bound_min, self._bound_max) + if bounds is None else bounds + ), + impl=self.tag if impl is None else impl, + expl=self._expl if expl is None else expl, + default=self.default if default is None else default, + optional=self.optional if optional is None else optional, + _specs=self.specs, + ) + + def _encode(self): + self._assert_ready() + value = self._value + if PY2: + if value == 0: + octets = bytearray([0]) + elif value < 0: + value = -value + value -= 1 + octets = bytearray() + while value > 0: + octets.append((value & 0xFF) ^ 0xFF) + value >>= 8 + if len(octets) == 0 or octets[-1] & 0x80 == 0: + octets.append(0xFF) + else: + octets = bytearray() + while value > 0: + octets.append(value & 0xFF) + value >>= 8 + if octets[-1] & 0x80 > 0: + octets.append(0x00) + octets.reverse() + octets = bytes(octets) + else: + bytes_len = ceil(value.bit_length() / 8) or 1 + while True: + try: + octets = value.to_bytes( + bytes_len, + byteorder="big", + signed=True, + ) + except OverflowError: + bytes_len += 1 + else: + break + return b"".join((self.tag, len_encode(len(octets)), octets)) + + def _decode(self, tlv, offset=0, decode_path=()): + try: + t, _, lv = tag_strip(tlv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if t != self.tag: + raise TagMismatch( + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + try: + l, llen, v = len_decode(lv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if l > len(v): + raise NotEnoughData( + "encoded length is longer than data", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if l == 0: + raise NotEnoughData( + "zero length", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + v, tail = v[:l], v[l:] + first_octet = byte2int(v) + if l > 1: + second_octet = byte2int(v[1:]) + if ( + ((first_octet == 0x00) and (second_octet & 0x80 == 0)) or + ((first_octet == 0xFF) and (second_octet & 0x80 != 0)) + ): + raise DecodeError( + "non normalized integer", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if PY2: + value = 0 + if first_octet & 0x80 > 0: + octets = bytearray() + for octet in bytearray(v): + octets.append(octet ^ 0xFF) + for octet in octets: + value = (value << 8) | octet + value += 1 + value = -value + else: + for octet in bytearray(v): + value = (value << 8) | octet + else: + value = int.from_bytes(v, byteorder="big", signed=True) + try: + obj = self.__class__( + value=value, + bounds=(self._bound_min, self._bound_max), + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + default=self.default, + optional=self.optional, + _specs=self.specs, + _decoded=(offset, llen, l), + ) + except BoundsError as err: + raise DecodeError( + msg=str(err), + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + return obj, tail + + def __repr__(self): + return pp_console_row(next(self.pps())) + + def pps(self, decode_path=()): + yield _pp( + asn1_type_name=self.asn1_type_name, + obj_name=self.__class__.__name__, + decode_path=decode_path, + value=(self.named or str(self._value)) if self.ready else None, + optional=self.optional, + default=self == self.default, + impl=None if self.tag == self.tag_default else tag_decode(self.tag), + expl=None if self._expl is None else tag_decode(self._expl), + offset=self.offset, + tlen=self.tlen, + llen=self.llen, + vlen=self.vlen, + expl_offset=self.expl_offset if self.expled else None, + expl_tlen=self.expl_tlen if self.expled else None, + expl_llen=self.expl_llen if self.expled else None, + expl_vlen=self.expl_vlen if self.expled else None, + ) + + +class BitString(Obj): + """``BIT STRING`` bit string type + + >>> BitString(b"hello world") + BIT STRING 88 bits 68656c6c6f20776f726c64 + >>> bytes(b) + b'hello world' + >>> b == b"hello world" + True + >>> b.bit_len + 88 + + >>> b = BitString("'010110000000'B") + BIT STRING 12 bits 5800 + >>> b.bit_len + 12 + >>> b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3] + (False, True, False, True) + >>> b[1000] + False + >>> [v for v in b] + [False, True, False, True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False] + + :: + + class KeyUsage(BitString): + schema = ( + ('digitalSignature', 0), + ('nonRepudiation', 1), + ('keyEncipherment', 2), + ) + + >>> b = KeyUsage(('keyEncipherment', 'nonRepudiation')) + KeyUsage BIT STRING 3 bits nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment + >>> b.named + ['nonRepudiation', 'keyEncipherment'] + >>> b.specs + {'nonRepudiation': 1, 'digitalSignature': 0, 'keyEncipherment': 2} + """ + __slots__ = ("specs",) + tag_default = tag_encode(3) + asn1_type_name = "BIT STRING" + + def __init__( + self, + value=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=False, + _specs=None, + _decoded=(0, 0, 0), + ): + """ + :param value: set the value. Either binary type, tuple of named + values (if ``schema`` is specified in the class), + string in ``'XXX...'B`` form, or + :py:class:`pyderasn.BitString` object + :param bytes impl: override default tag with ``IMPLICIT`` one + :param bytes expl: override default tag with ``EXPLICIT`` one + :param default: set default value. Type same as in ``value`` + :param bool optional: is object ``OPTIONAL`` in sequence + """ + super(BitString, self).__init__(impl, expl, default, optional, _decoded) + specs = getattr(self, "schema", {}) if _specs is None else _specs + self.specs = specs if isinstance(specs, dict) else dict(specs) + self._value = None if value is None else self._value_sanitize(value) + if default is not None: + default = self._value_sanitize(default) + self.default = self.__class__( + value=default, + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + ) + if value is None: + self._value = default + + def _bits2octets(self, bits): + if len(self.specs) > 0: + bits = bits.rstrip("0") + bit_len = len(bits) + bits += "0" * ((8 - (bit_len % 8)) % 8) + octets = bytearray(len(bits) // 8) + for i in six_xrange(len(octets)): + octets[i] = int(bits[i * 8:(i * 8) + 8], 2) + return bit_len, bytes(octets) + + def _value_sanitize(self, value): + if issubclass(value.__class__, BitString): + return value._value + if isinstance(value, (string_types, binary_type)): + if ( + isinstance(value, string_types) and + value.startswith("'") and + value.endswith("'B") + ): + value = value[1:-2] + if not set(value) <= set(("0", "1")): + raise ValueError("B's coding contains unacceptable chars") + return self._bits2octets(value) + elif isinstance(value, binary_type): + return (len(value) * 8, value) + else: + raise InvalidValueType(( + self.__class__, + string_types, + binary_type, + )) + if isinstance(value, tuple): + if ( + len(value) == 2 and + isinstance(value[0], integer_types) and + isinstance(value[1], binary_type) + ): + return value + bits = [] + for name in value: + bit = self.specs.get(name) + if bit is None: + raise ObjUnknown("BitString value: %s" % name) + bits.append(bit) + if len(bits) == 0: + return self._bits2octets("") + bits = set(bits) + return self._bits2octets("".join( + ("1" if bit in bits else "0") + for bit in six_xrange(max(bits) + 1) + )) + raise InvalidValueType((self.__class__, binary_type, string_types)) + + @property + def ready(self): + return self._value is not None + + def copy(self): + obj = self.__class__(_specs=self.specs) + obj._value = self._value + obj.tag = self.tag + obj._expl = self._expl + obj.default = self.default + obj.optional = self.optional + obj.offset = self.offset + obj.llen = self.llen + obj.vlen = self.vlen + return obj + + def __iter__(self): + self._assert_ready() + for i in six_xrange(self._value[0]): + yield self[i] + + @property + def bit_len(self): + self._assert_ready() + return self._value[0] + + def __bytes__(self): + self._assert_ready() + return self._value[1] + + def __eq__(self, their): + if isinstance(their, bytes): + return self._value[1] == their + if not issubclass(their.__class__, BitString): + return False + return ( + self._value == their._value and + self.tag == their.tag and + self._expl == their._expl + ) + + @property + def named(self): + return [name for name, bit in self.specs.items() if self[bit]] + + def __call__( + self, + value=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=None, + ): + return self.__class__( + value=value, + impl=self.tag if impl is None else impl, + expl=self._expl if expl is None else expl, + default=self.default if default is None else default, + optional=self.optional if optional is None else optional, + _specs=self.specs, + ) + + def __getitem__(self, key): + if isinstance(key, int): + bit_len, octets = self._value + if key >= bit_len: + return False + return ( + byte2int(memoryview(octets)[key // 8:]) >> + (7 - (key % 8)) + ) & 1 == 1 + if isinstance(key, string_types): + value = self.specs.get(key) + if value is None: + raise ObjUnknown("BitString value: %s" % key) + return self[value] + raise InvalidValueType((int, str)) + + def _encode(self): + self._assert_ready() + bit_len, octets = self._value + return b"".join(( + self.tag, + len_encode(len(octets) + 1), + int2byte((8 - bit_len % 8) % 8), + octets, + )) + + def _decode(self, tlv, offset=0, decode_path=()): + try: + t, _, lv = tag_strip(tlv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if t != self.tag: + raise TagMismatch( + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + try: + l, llen, v = len_decode(lv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if l > len(v): + raise NotEnoughData( + "encoded length is longer than data", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if l == 0: + raise NotEnoughData( + "zero length", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + pad_size = byte2int(v) + if l == 1 and pad_size != 0: + raise DecodeError( + "invalid empty value", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if pad_size > 7: + raise DecodeError( + "too big pad", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if byte2int(v[-1:]) & ((1 << pad_size) - 1) != 0: + raise DecodeError( + "invalid pad", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + v, tail = v[:l], v[l:] + obj = self.__class__( + value=((len(v) - 1) * 8 - pad_size, v[1:].tobytes()), + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + default=self.default, + optional=self.optional, + _specs=self.specs, + _decoded=(offset, llen, l), + ) + return obj, tail + + def __repr__(self): + return pp_console_row(next(self.pps())) + + def pps(self, decode_path=()): + value = None + blob = None + if self.ready: + bit_len, blob = self._value + value = "%d bits" % bit_len + if len(self.specs) > 0: + blob = tuple(self.named) + yield _pp( + asn1_type_name=self.asn1_type_name, + obj_name=self.__class__.__name__, + decode_path=decode_path, + value=value, + blob=blob, + optional=self.optional, + default=self == self.default, + impl=None if self.tag == self.tag_default else tag_decode(self.tag), + expl=None if self._expl is None else tag_decode(self._expl), + offset=self.offset, + tlen=self.tlen, + llen=self.llen, + vlen=self.vlen, + expl_offset=self.expl_offset if self.expled else None, + expl_tlen=self.expl_tlen if self.expled else None, + expl_llen=self.expl_llen if self.expled else None, + expl_vlen=self.expl_vlen if self.expled else None, + ) + + +class OctetString(Obj): + """``OCTET STRING`` binary string type + + >>> s = OctetString(b"hello world") + OCTET STRING 11 bytes 68656c6c6f20776f726c64 + >>> s == OctetString(b"hello world") + True + >>> bytes(s) + b'hello world' + + >>> OctetString(b"hello", bounds=(4, 4)) + Traceback (most recent call last): + pyderasn.BoundsError: unsatisfied bounds: 4 <= 5 <= 4 + >>> OctetString(b"hell", bounds=(4, 4)) + OCTET STRING 4 bytes 68656c6c + """ + __slots__ = ("_bound_min", "_bound_max") + tag_default = tag_encode(4) + asn1_type_name = "OCTET STRING" + + def __init__( + self, + value=None, + bounds=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=False, + _decoded=(0, 0, 0), + ): + """ + :param value: set the value. Either binary type, or + :py:class:`pyderasn.OctetString` object + :param bounds: set ``(MIN, MAX)`` value size constraint. + (-inf, +inf) by default + :param bytes impl: override default tag with ``IMPLICIT`` one + :param bytes expl: override default tag with ``EXPLICIT`` one + :param default: set default value. Type same as in ``value`` + :param bool optional: is object ``OPTIONAL`` in sequence + """ + super(OctetString, self).__init__( + impl, + expl, + default, + optional, + _decoded, + ) + self._value = value + if bounds is None: + self._bound_min, self._bound_max = getattr( + self, + "bounds", + (0, float("+inf")), + ) + else: + self._bound_min, self._bound_max = bounds + if value is not None: + self._value = self._value_sanitize(value) + if default is not None: + default = self._value_sanitize(default) + self.default = self.__class__( + value=default, + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + ) + if self._value is None: + self._value = default + + def _value_sanitize(self, value): + if issubclass(value.__class__, OctetString): + value = value._value + elif isinstance(value, binary_type): + pass + else: + raise InvalidValueType((self.__class__, bytes)) + if not self._bound_min <= len(value) <= self._bound_max: + raise BoundsError(self._bound_min, len(value), self._bound_max) + return value + + @property + def ready(self): + return self._value is not None + + def copy(self): + obj = self.__class__() + obj._value = self._value + obj._bound_min = self._bound_min + obj._bound_max = self._bound_max + obj.tag = self.tag + obj._expl = self._expl + obj.default = self.default + obj.optional = self.optional + obj.offset = self.offset + obj.llen = self.llen + obj.vlen = self.vlen + return obj + + def __bytes__(self): + self._assert_ready() + return self._value + + def __eq__(self, their): + if isinstance(their, binary_type): + return self._value == their + if not issubclass(their.__class__, OctetString): + return False + return ( + self._value == their._value and + self.tag == their.tag and + self._expl == their._expl + ) + + def __call__( + self, + value=None, + bounds=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=None, + ): + return self.__class__( + value=value, + bounds=( + (self._bound_min, self._bound_max) + if bounds is None else bounds + ), + impl=self.tag if impl is None else impl, + expl=self._expl if expl is None else expl, + default=self.default if default is None else default, + optional=self.optional if optional is None else optional, + ) + + def _encode(self): + self._assert_ready() + return b"".join(( + self.tag, + len_encode(len(self._value)), + self._value, + )) + + def _decode(self, tlv, offset=0, decode_path=()): + try: + t, _, lv = tag_strip(tlv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if t != self.tag: + raise TagMismatch( + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + try: + l, llen, v = len_decode(lv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if l > len(v): + raise NotEnoughData( + "encoded length is longer than data", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + v, tail = v[:l], v[l:] + try: + obj = self.__class__( + value=v.tobytes(), + bounds=(self._bound_min, self._bound_max), + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + default=self.default, + optional=self.optional, + _decoded=(offset, llen, l), + ) + except BoundsError as err: + raise DecodeError( + msg=str(err), + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + return obj, tail + + def __repr__(self): + return pp_console_row(next(self.pps())) + + def pps(self, decode_path=()): + yield _pp( + asn1_type_name=self.asn1_type_name, + obj_name=self.__class__.__name__, + decode_path=decode_path, + value=("%d bytes" % len(self._value)) if self.ready else None, + blob=self._value if self.ready else None, + optional=self.optional, + default=self == self.default, + impl=None if self.tag == self.tag_default else tag_decode(self.tag), + expl=None if self._expl is None else tag_decode(self._expl), + offset=self.offset, + tlen=self.tlen, + llen=self.llen, + vlen=self.vlen, + expl_offset=self.expl_offset if self.expled else None, + expl_tlen=self.expl_tlen if self.expled else None, + expl_llen=self.expl_llen if self.expled else None, + expl_vlen=self.expl_vlen if self.expled else None, + ) + + +class Null(Obj): + """``NULL`` null object + + >>> n = Null() + NULL + >>> n.ready + True + """ + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(5) + asn1_type_name = "NULL" + + def __init__( + self, + value=None, # unused, but Sequence passes it + impl=None, + expl=None, + optional=False, + _decoded=(0, 0, 0), + ): + """ + :param bytes impl: override default tag with ``IMPLICIT`` one + :param bytes expl: override default tag with ``EXPLICIT`` one + :param bool optional: is object ``OPTIONAL`` in sequence + """ + super(Null, self).__init__(impl, expl, None, optional, _decoded) + self.default = None + + @property + def ready(self): + return True + + def copy(self): + obj = self.__class__() + obj.tag = self.tag + obj._expl = self._expl + obj.default = self.default + obj.optional = self.optional + obj.offset = self.offset + obj.llen = self.llen + obj.vlen = self.vlen + return obj + + def __eq__(self, their): + if not issubclass(their.__class__, Null): + return False + return ( + self.tag == their.tag and + self._expl == their._expl + ) + + def __call__( + self, + value=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + optional=None, + ): + return self.__class__( + impl=self.tag if impl is None else impl, + expl=self._expl if expl is None else expl, + optional=self.optional if optional is None else optional, + ) + + def _encode(self): + return self.tag + len_encode(0) + + def _decode(self, tlv, offset=0, decode_path=()): + try: + t, _, lv = tag_strip(tlv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if t != self.tag: + raise TagMismatch( + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + try: + l, _, v = len_decode(lv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if l != 0: + raise InvalidLength( + "Null must have zero length", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + obj = self.__class__( + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + optional=self.optional, + _decoded=(offset, 1, 0), + ) + return obj, v + + def __repr__(self): + return pp_console_row(next(self.pps())) + + def pps(self, decode_path=()): + yield _pp( + asn1_type_name=self.asn1_type_name, + obj_name=self.__class__.__name__, + decode_path=decode_path, + optional=self.optional, + impl=None if self.tag == self.tag_default else tag_decode(self.tag), + expl=None if self._expl is None else tag_decode(self._expl), + offset=self.offset, + tlen=self.tlen, + llen=self.llen, + vlen=self.vlen, + expl_offset=self.expl_offset if self.expled else None, + expl_tlen=self.expl_tlen if self.expled else None, + expl_llen=self.expl_llen if self.expled else None, + expl_vlen=self.expl_vlen if self.expled else None, + ) + + +class ObjectIdentifier(Obj): + """``OBJECT IDENTIFIER`` OID type + + >>> oid = ObjectIdentifier((1, 2, 3)) + OBJECT IDENTIFIER 1.2.3 + >>> oid == ObjectIdentifier("1.2.3") + True + >>> tuple(oid) + (1, 2, 3) + >>> str(oid) + '1.2.3' + >>> oid + (4, 5) + ObjectIdentifier("1.7") + OBJECT IDENTIFIER + + >>> str(ObjectIdentifier((3, 1))) + Traceback (most recent call last): + pyderasn.InvalidOID: unacceptable first arc value + """ + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(6) + asn1_type_name = "OBJECT IDENTIFIER" + + def __init__( + self, + value=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=False, + _decoded=(0, 0, 0), + ): + """ + :param value: set the value. Either tuples of integers, + string of "."-concatenated integers, or + :py:class:`pyderasn.ObjectIdentifier` object + :param bytes impl: override default tag with ``IMPLICIT`` one + :param bytes expl: override default tag with ``EXPLICIT`` one + :param default: set default value. Type same as in ``value`` + :param bool optional: is object ``OPTIONAL`` in sequence + """ + super(ObjectIdentifier, self).__init__( + impl, + expl, + default, + optional, + _decoded, + ) + self._value = value + if value is not None: + self._value = self._value_sanitize(value) + if default is not None: + default = self._value_sanitize(default) + self.default = self.__class__( + value=default, + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + ) + if self._value is None: + self._value = default + + def __add__(self, their): + if isinstance(their, self.__class__): + return self.__class__(self._value + their._value) + if isinstance(their, tuple): + return self.__class__(self._value + their) + raise InvalidValueType((self.__class__, tuple)) + + def _value_sanitize(self, value): + if issubclass(value.__class__, ObjectIdentifier): + return value._value + if isinstance(value, string_types): + try: + value = tuple(int(arc) for arc in value.split(".")) + except ValueError: + raise InvalidOID("unacceptable arcs values") + if isinstance(value, tuple): + if len(value) < 2: + raise InvalidOID("less than 2 arcs") + first_arc = value[0] + if first_arc in (0, 1): + if not (0 <= value[1] <= 39): + raise InvalidOID("second arc is too wide") + elif first_arc == 2: + pass + else: + raise InvalidOID("unacceptable first arc value") + return value + raise InvalidValueType((self.__class__, str, tuple)) + + @property + def ready(self): + return self._value is not None + + def copy(self): + obj = self.__class__() + obj._value = self._value + obj.tag = self.tag + obj._expl = self._expl + obj.default = self.default + obj.optional = self.optional + obj.offset = self.offset + obj.llen = self.llen + obj.vlen = self.vlen + return obj + + def __iter__(self): + self._assert_ready() + return iter(self._value) + + def __str__(self): + return ".".join(str(arc) for arc in self._value or ()) + + def __hash__(self): + self._assert_ready() + return hash( + self.tag + + bytes(self._expl or b"") + + str(self._value).encode("ascii"), + ) + + def __eq__(self, their): + if isinstance(their, tuple): + return self._value == their + if not issubclass(their.__class__, ObjectIdentifier): + return False + return ( + self.tag == their.tag and + self._expl == their._expl and + self._value == their._value + ) + + def __lt__(self, their): + return self._value < their + + def __gt__(self, their): + return self._value > their + + def __call__( + self, + value=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=None, + ): + return self.__class__( + value=value, + impl=self.tag if impl is None else impl, + expl=self._expl if expl is None else expl, + default=self.default if default is None else default, + optional=self.optional if optional is None else optional, + ) + + def _encode(self): + self._assert_ready() + value = self._value + first_value = value[1] + first_arc = value[0] + if first_arc == 0: + pass + elif first_arc == 1: + first_value += 40 + elif first_arc == 2: + first_value += 80 + else: # pragma: no cover + raise RuntimeError("invalid arc is stored") + octets = [zero_ended_encode(first_value)] + for arc in value[2:]: + octets.append(zero_ended_encode(arc)) + v = b"".join(octets) + return b"".join((self.tag, len_encode(len(v)), v)) + + def _decode(self, tlv, offset=0, decode_path=()): + try: + t, _, lv = tag_strip(tlv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if t != self.tag: + raise TagMismatch( + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + try: + l, llen, v = len_decode(lv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if l > len(v): + raise NotEnoughData( + "encoded length is longer than data", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if l == 0: + raise NotEnoughData( + "zero length", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + v, tail = v[:l], v[l:] + arcs = [] + while len(v) > 0: + i = 0 + arc = 0 + while True: + octet = indexbytes(v, i) + arc = (arc << 7) | (octet & 0x7F) + if octet & 0x80 == 0: + arcs.append(arc) + v = v[i + 1:] + break + i += 1 + if i == len(v): + raise DecodeError( + "unfinished OID", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + first_arc = 0 + second_arc = arcs[0] + if 0 <= second_arc <= 39: + first_arc = 0 + elif 40 <= second_arc <= 79: + first_arc = 1 + second_arc -= 40 + else: + first_arc = 2 + second_arc -= 80 + obj = self.__class__( + value=tuple([first_arc, second_arc] + arcs[1:]), + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + default=self.default, + optional=self.optional, + _decoded=(offset, llen, l), + ) + return obj, tail + + def __repr__(self): + return pp_console_row(next(self.pps())) + + def pps(self, decode_path=()): + yield _pp( + asn1_type_name=self.asn1_type_name, + obj_name=self.__class__.__name__, + decode_path=decode_path, + value=str(self) if self.ready else None, + optional=self.optional, + default=self == self.default, + impl=None if self.tag == self.tag_default else tag_decode(self.tag), + expl=None if self._expl is None else tag_decode(self._expl), + offset=self.offset, + tlen=self.tlen, + llen=self.llen, + vlen=self.vlen, + expl_offset=self.expl_offset if self.expled else None, + expl_tlen=self.expl_tlen if self.expled else None, + expl_llen=self.expl_llen if self.expled else None, + expl_vlen=self.expl_vlen if self.expled else None, + ) + + +class Enumerated(Integer): + """``ENUMERATED`` integer type + + This type is identical to :py:class:`pyderasn.Integer`, but requires + schema to be specified and does not accept values missing from it. + """ + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(10) + asn1_type_name = "ENUMERATED" + + def __init__( + self, + value=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=False, + _specs=None, + _decoded=(0, 0, 0), + bounds=None, # dummy argument, workability for Integer.decode + ): + super(Enumerated, self).__init__( + value=value, + impl=impl, + expl=expl, + default=default, + optional=optional, + _specs=_specs, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + if len(self.specs) == 0: + raise ValueError("schema must be specified") + + def _value_sanitize(self, value): + if isinstance(value, self.__class__): + value = value._value + elif isinstance(value, integer_types): + if value not in list(self.specs.values()): + raise DecodeError( + "unknown integer value: %s" % value, + klass=self.__class__, + ) + elif isinstance(value, string_types): + value = self.specs.get(value) + if value is None: + raise ObjUnknown("integer value: %s" % value) + else: + raise InvalidValueType((self.__class__, int, str)) + return value + + def copy(self): + obj = self.__class__(_specs=self.specs) + obj._value = self._value + obj._bound_min = self._bound_min + obj._bound_max = self._bound_max + obj.tag = self.tag + obj._expl = self._expl + obj.default = self.default + obj.optional = self.optional + obj.offset = self.offset + obj.llen = self.llen + obj.vlen = self.vlen + return obj + + def __call__( + self, + value=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=None, + _specs=None, + ): + return self.__class__( + value=value, + impl=self.tag if impl is None else impl, + expl=self._expl if expl is None else expl, + default=self.default if default is None else default, + optional=self.optional if optional is None else optional, + _specs=self.specs, + ) + + +class CommonString(OctetString): + """Common class for all strings + + Everything resembles :py:class:`pyderasn.OctetString`, except + ability to deal with unicode text strings. + + >>> hexenc("привет мир".encode("utf-8")) + 'd0bfd180d0b8d0b2d0b5d18220d0bcd0b8d180' + >>> UTF8String("привет мир") == UTF8String(hexdec("d0...80")) + True + >>> s = UTF8String("привет мир") + UTF8String UTF8String привет мир + >>> str(s) + 'привет мир' + >>> hexenc(bytes(s)) + 'd0bfd180d0b8d0b2d0b5d18220d0bcd0b8d180' + + >>> PrintableString("привет мир") + Traceback (most recent call last): + UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-5: ordinal not in range(128) + + >>> BMPString("ада", bounds=(2, 2)) + Traceback (most recent call last): + pyderasn.BoundsError: unsatisfied bounds: 2 <= 3 <= 2 + >>> s = BMPString("ад", bounds=(2, 2)) + >>> s.encoding + 'utf-16-be' + >>> hexenc(bytes(s)) + '04300434' + + .. list-table:: + :header-rows: 1 + + * - Class + - Text Encoding + * - :py:class:`pyderasn.UTF8String` + - utf-8 + * - :py:class:`pyderasn.NumericString` + - ascii + * - :py:class:`pyderasn.PrintableString` + - ascii + * - :py:class:`pyderasn.TeletexString` + - ascii + * - :py:class:`pyderasn.T61String` + - ascii + * - :py:class:`pyderasn.VideotexString` + - iso-8859-1 + * - :py:class:`pyderasn.IA5String` + - ascii + * - :py:class:`pyderasn.GraphicString` + - iso-8859-1 + * - :py:class:`pyderasn.VisibleString` + - ascii + * - :py:class:`pyderasn.ISO646String` + - ascii + * - :py:class:`pyderasn.GeneralString` + - iso-8859-1 + * - :py:class:`pyderasn.UniversalString` + - utf-32-be + * - :py:class:`pyderasn.BMPString` + - utf-16-be + """ + __slots__ = ("encoding",) + + def _value_sanitize(self, value): + value_raw = None + value_decoded = None + if isinstance(value, self.__class__): + value_raw = value._value + elif isinstance(value, text_type): + value_decoded = value + elif isinstance(value, binary_type): + value_raw = value + else: + raise InvalidValueType((self.__class__, text_type, binary_type)) + value_raw = ( + value_decoded.encode(self.encoding) + if value_raw is None else value_raw + ) + value_decoded = ( + value_raw.decode(self.encoding) + if value_decoded is None else value_decoded + ) + if not self._bound_min <= len(value_decoded) <= self._bound_max: + raise BoundsError( + self._bound_min, + len(value_decoded), + self._bound_max, + ) + return value_raw + + def __eq__(self, their): + if isinstance(their, binary_type): + return self._value == their + if isinstance(their, text_type): + return self._value == their.encode(self.encoding) + if not isinstance(their, self.__class__): + return False + return ( + self._value == their._value and + self.tag == their.tag and + self._expl == their._expl + ) + + def __unicode__(self): + if self.ready: + return self._value.decode(self.encoding) + return text_type(self._value) + + def __repr__(self): + return pp_console_row(next(self.pps(no_unicode=PY2))) + + def pps(self, decode_path=(), no_unicode=False): + value = None + if self.ready: + value = hexenc(bytes(self)) if no_unicode else self.__unicode__() + yield _pp( + asn1_type_name=self.asn1_type_name, + obj_name=self.__class__.__name__, + decode_path=decode_path, + value=value, + optional=self.optional, + default=self == self.default, + impl=None if self.tag == self.tag_default else tag_decode(self.tag), + expl=None if self._expl is None else tag_decode(self._expl), + offset=self.offset, + tlen=self.tlen, + llen=self.llen, + vlen=self.vlen, + ) + + +class UTF8String(CommonString): + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(12) + encoding = "utf-8" + asn1_type_name = "UTF8String" + + +class NumericString(CommonString): + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(18) + encoding = "ascii" + asn1_type_name = "NumericString" + + +class PrintableString(CommonString): + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(19) + encoding = "ascii" + asn1_type_name = "PrintableString" + + +class TeletexString(CommonString): + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(20) + encoding = "ascii" + asn1_type_name = "TeletexString" + + +class T61String(TeletexString): + __slots__ = () + asn1_type_name = "T61String" + + +class VideotexString(CommonString): + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(21) + encoding = "iso-8859-1" + asn1_type_name = "VideotexString" + + +class IA5String(CommonString): + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(22) + encoding = "ascii" + asn1_type_name = "IA5" + + +class UTCTime(CommonString): + """``UTCTime`` datetime type + + >>> t = UTCTime(datetime(2017, 9, 30, 22, 7, 50, 123)) + UTCTime UTCTime 2017-09-30T22:07:50 + >>> str(t) + '170930220750Z' + >>> bytes(t) + b'170930220750Z' + >>> t.todatetime() + datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 30, 22, 7, 50) + >>> UTCTime(datetime(2057, 9, 30, 22, 7, 50)).todatetime() + datetime.datetime(1957, 9, 30, 22, 7, 50) + """ + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(23) + encoding = "ascii" + asn1_type_name = "UTCTime" + + fmt = "%y%m%d%H%M%SZ" + + def __init__( + self, + value=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=False, + _decoded=(0, 0, 0), + bounds=None, # dummy argument, workability for OctetString.decode + ): + """ + :param value: set the value. Either datetime type, or + :py:class:`pyderasn.UTCTime` object + :param bytes impl: override default tag with ``IMPLICIT`` one + :param bytes expl: override default tag with ``EXPLICIT`` one + :param default: set default value. Type same as in ``value`` + :param bool optional: is object ``OPTIONAL`` in sequence + """ + super(UTCTime, self).__init__( + impl=impl, + expl=expl, + default=default, + optional=optional, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + self._value = value + if value is not None: + self._value = self._value_sanitize(value) + if default is not None: + default = self._value_sanitize(default) + self.default = self.__class__( + value=default, + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + ) + if self._value is None: + self._value = default + + def _value_sanitize(self, value): + if isinstance(value, self.__class__): + return value._value + if isinstance(value, datetime): + return value.strftime(self.fmt).encode("ascii") + if isinstance(value, binary_type): + value_decoded = value.decode("ascii") + if len(value_decoded) == 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1: + try: + datetime.strptime(value_decoded, self.fmt) + except ValueError: + raise DecodeError("invalid UTCTime format") + return value + else: + raise DecodeError("invalid UTCTime length") + raise InvalidValueType((self.__class__, datetime)) + + def __eq__(self, their): + if isinstance(their, binary_type): + return self._value == their + if isinstance(their, datetime): + return self.todatetime() == their + if not isinstance(their, self.__class__): + return False + return ( + self._value == their._value and + self.tag == their.tag and + self._expl == their._expl + ) + + def todatetime(self): + """Convert to datetime + + :returns: datetime + + Pay attention that UTCTime can not hold full year, so all years + having < 50 years are treated as 20xx, 19xx otherwise, according + to X.509 recomendation. + """ + value = datetime.strptime(self._value.decode("ascii"), self.fmt) + year = value.year % 100 + return datetime( + year=(2000 + year) if year < 50 else (1900 + year), + month=value.month, +, + hour=value.hour, + minute=value.minute, + second=value.second, + ) + + def __repr__(self): + return pp_console_row(next(self.pps())) + + def pps(self, decode_path=()): + yield _pp( + asn1_type_name=self.asn1_type_name, + obj_name=self.__class__.__name__, + decode_path=decode_path, + value=self.todatetime().isoformat() if self.ready else None, + optional=self.optional, + default=self == self.default, + impl=None if self.tag == self.tag_default else tag_decode(self.tag), + expl=None if self._expl is None else tag_decode(self._expl), + offset=self.offset, + tlen=self.tlen, + llen=self.llen, + vlen=self.vlen, + ) + + +class GeneralizedTime(UTCTime): + """``GeneralizedTime`` datetime type + + This type is similar to :py:class:`pyderasn.UTCTime`. + + >>> t = GeneralizedTime(datetime(2017, 9, 30, 22, 7, 50, 123)) + GeneralizedTime GeneralizedTime 2017-09-30T22:07:50.000123 + >>> str(t) + '20170930220750.000123Z' + >>> t = GeneralizedTime(datetime(2057, 9, 30, 22, 7, 50)) + GeneralizedTime GeneralizedTime 2057-09-30T22:07:50 + """ + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(24) + asn1_type_name = "GeneralizedTime" + + fmt = "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ" + fmt_ms = "%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%fZ" + + def _value_sanitize(self, value): + if isinstance(value, self.__class__): + return value._value + if isinstance(value, datetime): + return value.strftime( + self.fmt_ms if value.microsecond > 0 else self.fmt + ).encode("ascii") + if isinstance(value, binary_type): + value_decoded = value.decode("ascii") + if len(value_decoded) == 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1: + try: + datetime.strptime(value_decoded, self.fmt) + except ValueError: + raise DecodeError( + "invalid GeneralizedTime (without ms) format", + ) + return value + elif len(value_decoded) >= 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1: + try: + datetime.strptime(value_decoded, self.fmt_ms) + except ValueError: + raise DecodeError( + "invalid GeneralizedTime (with ms) format", + ) + return value + else: + raise DecodeError( + "invalid GeneralizedTime length", + klass=self.__class__, + ) + raise InvalidValueType((self.__class__, datetime)) + + def todatetime(self): + value = self._value.decode("ascii") + if len(value) == 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1: + return datetime.strptime(value, self.fmt) + return datetime.strptime(value, self.fmt_ms) + + +class GraphicString(CommonString): + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(25) + encoding = "iso-8859-1" + asn1_type_name = "GraphicString" + + +class VisibleString(CommonString): + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(26) + encoding = "ascii" + asn1_type_name = "VisibleString" + + +class ISO646String(VisibleString): + __slots__ = () + asn1_type_name = "ISO646String" + + +class GeneralString(CommonString): + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(27) + encoding = "iso-8859-1" + asn1_type_name = "GeneralString" + + +class UniversalString(CommonString): + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(28) + encoding = "utf-32-be" + asn1_type_name = "UniversalString" + + +class BMPString(CommonString): + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(30) + encoding = "utf-16-be" + asn1_type_name = "BMPString" + + +class Choice(Obj): + """``CHOICE`` special type + + :: + + class GeneralName(Choice): + schema = ( + ('rfc822Name', IA5String(impl=tag_ctxp(1))), + ('dNSName', IA5String(impl=tag_ctxp(2))), + ) + + >>> gn = GeneralName() + GeneralName CHOICE + >>> gn["rfc822Name"] = IA5String("foo@bar.baz") + GeneralName CHOICE rfc822Name[[1] IA5String IA5 foo@bar.baz] + >>> gn["dNSName"] = IA5String("bar.baz") + GeneralName CHOICE dNSName[[2] IA5String IA5 bar.baz] + >>> gn["rfc822Name"] + None + >>> gn["dNSName"] + [2] IA5String IA5 bar.baz + >>> gn.choice + 'dNSName' + >>> gn.value == gn["dNSName"] + True + >>> gn.specs + OrderedDict([('rfc822Name', [1] IA5String IA5), ('dNSName', [2] IA5String IA5)]) + + >>> GeneralName(("rfc822Name", IA5String("foo@bar.baz"))) + GeneralName CHOICE rfc822Name[[1] IA5String IA5 foo@bar.baz] + """ + __slots__ = ("specs",) + tag_default = None + asn1_type_name = "CHOICE" + + def __init__( + self, + value=None, + schema=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=False, + _decoded=(0, 0, 0), + ): + """ + :param value: set the value. Either ``(choice, value)`` tuple, or + :py:class:`pyderasn.Choice` object + :param bytes impl: can not be set, do **not** use it + :param bytes expl: override default tag with ``EXPLICIT`` one + :param default: set default value. Type same as in ``value`` + :param bool optional: is object ``OPTIONAL`` in sequence + """ + if impl is not None: + raise ValueError("no implicit tag allowed for CHOICE") + super(Choice, self).__init__(None, expl, default, optional, _decoded) + if schema is None: + schema = getattr(self, "schema", ()) + if len(schema) == 0: + raise ValueError("schema must be specified") + self.specs = ( + schema if isinstance(schema, OrderedDict) else OrderedDict(schema) + ) + self._value = None + if value is not None: + self._value = self._value_sanitize(value) + if default is not None: + default_value = self._value_sanitize(default) + default_obj = self.__class__(impl=self.tag, expl=self._expl) + default_obj.specs = self.specs + default_obj._value = default_value + self.default = default_obj + if value is None: + self._value = default_obj.copy()._value + + def _value_sanitize(self, value): + if isinstance(value, self.__class__): + return value._value + if isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 2: + choice, obj = value + spec = self.specs.get(choice) + if spec is None: + raise ObjUnknown(choice) + if not isinstance(obj, spec.__class__): + raise InvalidValueType((spec,)) + return (choice, spec(obj)) + raise InvalidValueType((self.__class__, tuple)) + + @property + def ready(self): + return self._value is not None and self._value[1].ready + + def copy(self): + obj = self.__class__(schema=self.specs) + obj._expl = self._expl + obj.default = self.default + obj.optional = self.optional + obj.offset = self.offset + obj.llen = self.llen + obj.vlen = self.vlen + value = self._value + if value is not None: + obj._value = (value[0], value[1].copy()) + return obj + + def __eq__(self, their): + if isinstance(their, tuple) and len(their) == 2: + return self._value == their + if not isinstance(their, self.__class__): + return False + return ( + self.specs == their.specs and + self._value == their._value + ) + + def __call__( + self, + value=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=None, + ): + return self.__class__( + value=value, + schema=self.specs, + expl=self._expl if expl is None else expl, + default=self.default if default is None else default, + optional=self.optional if optional is None else optional, + ) + + @property + def choice(self): + self._assert_ready() + return self._value[0] + + @property + def value(self): + self._assert_ready() + return self._value[1] + + def __getitem__(self, key): + if key not in self.specs: + raise ObjUnknown(key) + if self._value is None: + return None + choice, value = self._value + if choice != key: + return None + return value + + def __setitem__(self, key, value): + spec = self.specs.get(key) + if spec is None: + raise ObjUnknown(key) + if not isinstance(value, spec.__class__): + raise InvalidValueType((spec.__class__,)) + self._value = (key, spec(value)) + + @property + def tlen(self): + return 0 + + @property + def decoded(self): + return self._value[1].decoded if self.ready else False + + def _encode(self): + self._assert_ready() + return self._value[1].encode() + + def _decode(self, tlv, offset=0, decode_path=()): + for choice, spec in self.specs.items(): + try: + value, tail = spec.decode( + tlv, + offset=offset, + leavemm=True, + decode_path=decode_path + (choice,), + ) + except TagMismatch: + continue + obj = self.__class__( + schema=self.specs, + expl=self._expl, + default=self.default, + optional=self.optional, + _decoded=(offset, 0, value.tlvlen), + ) + obj._value = (choice, value) + return obj, tail + raise TagMismatch( + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + + def __repr__(self): + value = pp_console_row(next(self.pps())) + if self.ready: + value = "%s[%r]" % (value, self.value) + return value + + def pps(self, decode_path=()): + yield _pp( + asn1_type_name=self.asn1_type_name, + obj_name=self.__class__.__name__, + decode_path=decode_path, + value=self.choice if self.ready else None, + optional=self.optional, + default=self == self.default, + impl=None if self.tag == self.tag_default else tag_decode(self.tag), + expl=None if self._expl is None else tag_decode(self._expl), + offset=self.offset, + tlen=self.tlen, + llen=self.llen, + vlen=self.vlen, + ) + if self.ready: + yield self.value.pps(decode_path=decode_path + (self.choice,)) + + +class PrimitiveTypes(Choice): + """Predefined ``CHOICE`` for all generic primitive types + + It could be useful for general decoding of some unspecified values: + + >>> PrimitiveTypes().decode(hexdec("0403666f6f"))[0].value + OCTET STRING 3 bytes 666f6f + >>> PrimitiveTypes().decode(hexdec("0203123456"))[0].value + INTEGER 1193046 + """ + __slots__ = () + schema = tuple((klass.__name__, klass()) for klass in ( + Boolean, + Integer, + BitString, + OctetString, + Null, + ObjectIdentifier, + UTF8String, + NumericString, + PrintableString, + TeletexString, + VideotexString, + IA5String, + UTCTime, + GeneralizedTime, + GraphicString, + VisibleString, + ISO646String, + GeneralString, + UniversalString, + BMPString, + )) + + +class Any(Obj): + """``ANY`` special type + + >>> Any(Integer(-123)) + ANY 020185 + >>> a = Any(OctetString(b"hello world").encode()) + ANY 040b68656c6c6f20776f726c64 + >>> hexenc(bytes(a)) + b'0x040x0bhello world' + """ + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(0) + asn1_type_name = "ANY" + + def __init__( + self, + value=None, + expl=None, + optional=False, + _decoded=(0, 0, 0), + ): + """ + :param value: set the value. Either any kind of pyderasn's + **ready** object, or bytes. Pay attention that + **no** validation is performed is raw binary value + is valid TLV + :param bytes expl: override default tag with ``EXPLICIT`` one + :param bool optional: is object ``OPTIONAL`` in sequence + """ + super(Any, self).__init__(None, expl, None, optional, _decoded) + self._value = None if value is None else self._value_sanitize(value) + + def _value_sanitize(self, value): + if isinstance(value, self.__class__): + return value._value + if isinstance(value, Obj): + return value.encode() + if isinstance(value, binary_type): + return value + raise InvalidValueType((self.__class__, Obj, binary_type)) + + @property + def ready(self): + return self._value is not None + + def copy(self): + obj = self.__class__() + obj._value = self._value + obj.tag = self.tag + obj._expl = self._expl + obj.optional = self.optional + obj.offset = self.offset + obj.llen = self.llen + obj.vlen = self.vlen + return obj + + def __eq__(self, their): + if isinstance(their, binary_type): + return self._value == their + if issubclass(their.__class__, Any): + return self._value == their._value + return False + + def __call__( + self, + value=None, + expl=None, + optional=None, + ): + return self.__class__( + value=value, + expl=self._expl if expl is None else expl, + optional=self.optional if optional is None else optional, + ) + + def __bytes__(self): + self._assert_ready() + return self._value + + @property + def tlen(self): + return 0 + + def _encode(self): + self._assert_ready() + return self._value + + def _decode(self, tlv, offset=0, decode_path=()): + try: + t, tlen, lv = tag_strip(tlv) + l, llen, v = len_decode(lv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if l > len(v): + raise NotEnoughData( + "encoded length is longer than data", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + tlvlen = tlen + llen + l + v, tail = tlv[:tlvlen], v[l:] + obj = self.__class__( + value=v.tobytes(), + expl=self._expl, + optional=self.optional, + _decoded=(offset, 0, tlvlen), + ) + obj.tag = t + return obj, tail + + def __repr__(self): + return pp_console_row(next(self.pps())) + + def pps(self, decode_path=()): + yield _pp( + asn1_type_name=self.asn1_type_name, + obj_name=self.__class__.__name__, + decode_path=decode_path, + blob=self._value if self.ready else None, + optional=self.optional, + default=self == self.default, + impl=None if self.tag == self.tag_default else tag_decode(self.tag), + expl=None if self._expl is None else tag_decode(self._expl), + offset=self.offset, + tlen=self.tlen, + llen=self.llen, + vlen=self.vlen, + expl_offset=self.expl_offset if self.expled else None, + expl_tlen=self.expl_tlen if self.expled else None, + expl_llen=self.expl_llen if self.expled else None, + expl_vlen=self.expl_vlen if self.expled else None, + ) + + +######################################################################## +# ASN.1 constructed types +######################################################################## + +class Sequence(Obj): + __slots__ = ("specs",) + tag_default = tag_encode(form=TagFormConstructed, num=16) + asn1_type_name = "SEQUENCE" + + def __init__( + self, + value=None, + schema=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=False, + _decoded=(0, 0, 0), + ): + super(Sequence, self).__init__(impl, expl, default, optional, _decoded) + if schema is None: + schema = getattr(self, "schema", ()) + self.specs = ( + schema if isinstance(schema, OrderedDict) else OrderedDict(schema) + ) + self._value = {} + if value is not None: + self._value = self._value_sanitize(value) + if default is not None: + default_value = self._value_sanitize(default) + default_obj = self.__class__(impl=self.tag, expl=self._expl) + default_obj.specs = self.specs + default_obj._value = default_value + self.default = default_obj + if value is None: + self._value = default_obj.copy()._value + + def _value_sanitize(self, value): + if not issubclass(value.__class__, Sequence): + raise InvalidValueType((Sequence,)) + return value._value + + @property + def ready(self): + for name, spec in self.specs.items(): + value = self._value.get(name) + if value is None: + if spec.optional: + continue + return False + else: + if not value.ready: + return False + return True + + def copy(self): + obj = self.__class__(schema=self.specs) + obj.tag = self.tag + obj._expl = self._expl + obj.default = self.default + obj.optional = self.optional + obj.offset = self.offset + obj.llen = self.llen + obj.vlen = self.vlen + obj._value = {k: v.copy() for k, v in self._value.items()} + return obj + + def __eq__(self, their): + if not isinstance(their, self.__class__): + return False + return ( + self.specs == their.specs and + self.tag == their.tag and + self._expl == their._expl and + self._value == their._value + ) + + def __call__( + self, + value=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=None, + ): + return self.__class__( + value=value, + schema=self.specs, + impl=self.tag if impl is None else impl, + expl=self._expl if expl is None else expl, + default=self.default if default is None else default, + optional=self.optional if optional is None else optional, + ) + + def __contains__(self, key): + return key in self._value + + def __setitem__(self, key, value): + spec = self.specs.get(key) + if spec is None: + raise ObjUnknown(key) + if value is None: + self._value.pop(key, None) + return + if not isinstance(value, spec.__class__): + raise InvalidValueType((spec.__class__,)) + value = spec(value=value) + if spec.default is not None and value == spec.default: + self._value.pop(key, None) + return + self._value[key] = value + + def __getitem__(self, key): + value = self._value.get(key) + if value is not None: + return value + spec = self.specs.get(key) + if spec is None: + raise ObjUnknown(key) + if spec.default is not None: + return spec.default + return None + + def _encoded_values(self): + raws = [] + for name, spec in self.specs.items(): + value = self._value.get(name) + if value is None: + if spec.optional: + continue + raise ObjNotReady(name) + raws.append(value.encode()) + return raws + + def _encode(self): + v = b"".join(self._encoded_values()) + return b"".join((self.tag, len_encode(len(v)), v)) + + def _decode(self, tlv, offset=0, decode_path=()): + try: + t, tlen, lv = tag_strip(tlv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if t != self.tag: + raise TagMismatch( + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + try: + l, llen, v = len_decode(lv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if l > len(v): + raise NotEnoughData( + "encoded length is longer than data", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + v, tail = v[:l], v[l:] + sub_offset = offset + tlen + llen + values = {} + for name, spec in self.specs.items(): + if len(v) == 0 and spec.optional: + continue + try: + value, v_tail = spec.decode( + v, + sub_offset, + leavemm=True, + decode_path=decode_path + (name,), + ) + except TagMismatch: + if spec.optional: + continue + raise + sub_offset += (value.expl_tlvlen if value.expled else value.tlvlen) + v = v_tail + if spec.default is not None and value == spec.default: + # Encoded default values are not valid in DER, + # but we still allow that + continue + values[name] = value + if len(v) > 0: + raise DecodeError( + "remaining data", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + obj = self.__class__( + schema=self.specs, + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + default=self.default, + optional=self.optional, + _decoded=(offset, llen, l), + ) + obj._value = values + return obj, tail + + def __repr__(self): + value = pp_console_row(next(self.pps())) + cols = [] + for name in self.specs: + _value = self._value.get(name) + if _value is None: + continue + cols.append(repr(_value)) + return "%s[%s]" % (value, ", ".join(cols)) + + def pps(self, decode_path=()): + yield _pp( + asn1_type_name=self.asn1_type_name, + obj_name=self.__class__.__name__, + decode_path=decode_path, + optional=self.optional, + default=self == self.default, + impl=None if self.tag == self.tag_default else tag_decode(self.tag), + expl=None if self._expl is None else tag_decode(self._expl), + offset=self.offset, + tlen=self.tlen, + llen=self.llen, + vlen=self.vlen, + expl_offset=self.expl_offset if self.expled else None, + expl_tlen=self.expl_tlen if self.expled else None, + expl_llen=self.expl_llen if self.expled else None, + expl_vlen=self.expl_vlen if self.expled else None, + ) + for name in self.specs: + value = self._value.get(name) + if value is None: + continue + yield value.pps(decode_path=decode_path + (name,)) + + +class Set(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(form=TagFormConstructed, num=17) + asn1_type_name = "SET" + + def _encode(self): + raws = self._encoded_values() + raws.sort() + v = b"".join(raws) + return b"".join((self.tag, len_encode(len(v)), v)) + + def _decode(self, tlv, offset=0, decode_path=()): + try: + t, tlen, lv = tag_strip(tlv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if t != self.tag: + raise TagMismatch( + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + try: + l, llen, v = len_decode(lv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if l > len(v): + raise NotEnoughData( + "encoded length is longer than data", + klass=self.__class__, + offset=offset, + ) + v, tail = v[:l], v[l:] + sub_offset = offset + tlen + llen + values = {} + specs_items = self.specs.items + while len(v) > 0: + for name, spec in specs_items(): + try: + value, v_tail = spec.decode( + v, + sub_offset, + leavemm=True, + decode_path=decode_path + (name,), + ) + except TagMismatch: + continue + sub_offset += ( + value.expl_tlvlen if value.expled else value.tlvlen + ) + v = v_tail + if spec.default is None or value != spec.default: # pragma: no cover + # SeqMixing.test_encoded_default_accepted covers that place + values[name] = value + break + else: + raise TagMismatch( + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + obj = self.__class__( + schema=self.specs, + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + default=self.default, + optional=self.optional, + _decoded=(offset, llen, l), + ) + obj._value = values + return obj, tail + + +class SequenceOf(Obj): + __slots__ = ("spec", "_bound_min", "_bound_max") + tag_default = tag_encode(form=TagFormConstructed, num=16) + asn1_type_name = "SEQUENCE OF" + + def __init__( + self, + value=None, + schema=None, + bounds=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=False, + _decoded=(0, 0, 0), + ): + super(SequenceOf, self).__init__( + impl, + expl, + default, + optional, + _decoded, + ) + if schema is None: + schema = getattr(self, "schema", None) + if schema is None: + raise ValueError("schema must be specified") + self.spec = schema + if bounds is None: + self._bound_min, self._bound_max = getattr( + self, + "bounds", + (0, float("+inf")), + ) + else: + self._bound_min, self._bound_max = bounds + self._value = [] + if value is not None: + self._value = self._value_sanitize(value) + if default is not None: + default_value = self._value_sanitize(default) + default_obj = self.__class__( + schema=schema, + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + ) + default_obj._value = default_value + self.default = default_obj + if value is None: + self._value = default_obj.copy()._value + + def _value_sanitize(self, value): + if issubclass(value.__class__, SequenceOf): + value = value._value + elif hasattr(value, "__iter__"): + value = list(value) + else: + raise InvalidValueType((self.__class__, iter)) + if not self._bound_min <= len(value) <= self._bound_max: + raise BoundsError(self._bound_min, len(value), self._bound_max) + for v in value: + if not isinstance(v, self.spec.__class__): + raise InvalidValueType((self.spec.__class__,)) + return value + + @property + def ready(self): + return all(v.ready for v in self._value) + + def copy(self): + obj = self.__class__(schema=self.spec) + obj._bound_min = self._bound_min + obj._bound_max = self._bound_max + obj.tag = self.tag + obj._expl = self._expl + obj.default = self.default + obj.optional = self.optional + obj.offset = self.offset + obj.llen = self.llen + obj.vlen = self.vlen + obj._value = [v.copy() for v in self._value] + return obj + + def __eq__(self, their): + if isinstance(their, self.__class__): + return ( + self.spec == their.spec and + self.tag == their.tag and + self._expl == their._expl and + self._value == their._value + ) + if hasattr(their, "__iter__"): + return self._value == list(their) + return False + + def __call__( + self, + value=None, + bounds=None, + impl=None, + expl=None, + default=None, + optional=None, + ): + return self.__class__( + value=value, + schema=self.spec, + bounds=( + (self._bound_min, self._bound_max) + if bounds is None else bounds + ), + impl=self.tag if impl is None else impl, + expl=self._expl if expl is None else expl, + default=self.default if default is None else default, + optional=self.optional if optional is None else optional, + ) + + def __contains__(self, key): + return key in self._value + + def append(self, value): + if not isinstance(value, self.spec.__class__): + raise InvalidValueType((self.spec.__class__,)) + if len(self._value) + 1 > self._bound_max: + raise BoundsError( + self._bound_min, + len(self._value) + 1, + self._bound_max, + ) + self._value.append(value) + + def __iter__(self): + self._assert_ready() + return iter(self._value) + + def __len__(self): + self._assert_ready() + return len(self._value) + + def __setitem__(self, key, value): + if not isinstance(value, self.spec.__class__): + raise InvalidValueType((self.spec.__class__,)) + self._value[key] = self.spec(value=value) + + def __getitem__(self, key): + return self._value[key] + + def _encoded_values(self): + return [v.encode() for v in self._value] + + def _encode(self): + v = b"".join(self._encoded_values()) + return b"".join((self.tag, len_encode(len(v)), v)) + + def _decode(self, tlv, offset=0, decode_path=()): + try: + t, tlen, lv = tag_strip(tlv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if t != self.tag: + raise TagMismatch( + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + try: + l, llen, v = len_decode(lv) + except DecodeError as err: + raise err.__class__( + msg=err.msg, + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + if l > len(v): + raise NotEnoughData( + "encoded length is longer than data", + klass=self.__class__, + decode_path=decode_path, + offset=offset, + ) + v, tail = v[:l], v[l:] + sub_offset = offset + tlen + llen + _value = [] + spec = self.spec + while len(v) > 0: + value, v_tail = spec.decode( + v, + sub_offset, + leavemm=True, + decode_path=decode_path + (str(len(_value)),), + ) + sub_offset += (value.expl_tlvlen if value.expled else value.tlvlen) + v = v_tail + _value.append(value) + obj = self.__class__( + value=_value, + schema=spec, + bounds=(self._bound_min, self._bound_max), + impl=self.tag, + expl=self._expl, + default=self.default, + optional=self.optional, + _decoded=(offset, llen, l), + ) + return obj, tail + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s[%s]" % ( + pp_console_row(next(self.pps())), + ", ".join(repr(v) for v in self._value), + ) + + def pps(self, decode_path=()): + yield _pp( + asn1_type_name=self.asn1_type_name, + obj_name=self.__class__.__name__, + decode_path=decode_path, + optional=self.optional, + default=self == self.default, + impl=None if self.tag == self.tag_default else tag_decode(self.tag), + expl=None if self._expl is None else tag_decode(self._expl), + offset=self.offset, + tlen=self.tlen, + llen=self.llen, + vlen=self.vlen, + expl_offset=self.expl_offset if self.expled else None, + expl_tlen=self.expl_tlen if self.expled else None, + expl_llen=self.expl_llen if self.expled else None, + expl_vlen=self.expl_vlen if self.expled else None, + ) + for i, value in enumerate(self._value): + yield value.pps(decode_path=decode_path + (str(i),)) + + +class SetOf(SequenceOf): + __slots__ = () + tag_default = tag_encode(form=TagFormConstructed, num=17) + asn1_type_name = "SET OF" + + def _encode(self): + raws = self._encoded_values() + raws.sort() + v = b"".join(raws) + return b"".join((self.tag, len_encode(len(v)), v)) + + +def obj_by_path(pypath): # pragma: no cover + """Import object specified as string Python path + + Modules must be separated from classes/functions with ``:``. + + >>> obj_by_path("") + + >>> obj_by_path("") + + """ + mod, objs = pypath.rsplit(":", 1) + from importlib import import_module + obj = import_module(mod) + for obj_name in objs.split("."): + obj = getattr(obj, obj_name) + return obj + + +def main(): # pragma: no cover + import argparse + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="PyDERASN ASN.1 DER decoder") + parser.add_argument( + "--oids", + help="Python path to dictionary with OIDs", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--schema", + help="Python path to schema definition to use", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "DERFile", + type=argparse.FileType("rb"), + help="Python path to schema definition to use", + ) + args = parser.parse_args() + der = memoryview( + args.DERFile.close() + oids = obj_by_path(args.oids) if args.oids else {} + if args.schema: + schema = obj_by_path(args.schema) + from functools import partial + pprinter = partial(pprint, big_blobs=True) + else: + # All of this below is a big hack with self references + choice = PrimitiveTypes() + choice.specs["SequenceOf"] = SequenceOf(schema=choice) + choice.specs["SetOf"] = SetOf(schema=choice) + for i in range(31): + choice.specs["SequenceOf%d" % i] = SequenceOf( + schema=choice, + expl=tag_ctxc(i), + ) + choice.specs["Any"] = Any() + + # Class name equals to type name, to omit it from output + class SEQUENCEOF(SequenceOf): + __slots__ = () + schema = choice + schema = SEQUENCEOF() + + def pprint_any(obj, oids=None): + def _pprint_pps(pps): + for pp in pps: + if hasattr(pp, "_fields"): + if pp.asn1_type_name == Choice.asn1_type_name: + continue + pp_kwargs = pp._asdict() + pp_kwargs["decode_path"] = pp.decode_path[:-1] + (">",) + pp = _pp(**pp_kwargs) + yield pp_console_row( + pp, + oids=oids, + with_offsets=True, + with_blob=False, + ) + for row in pp_console_blob(pp): + yield row + else: + for row in _pprint_pps(pp): + yield row + return "\n".join(_pprint_pps(obj.pps())) + pprinter = pprint_any + obj, tail = schema().decode(der) + print(pprinter(obj, oids=oids)) + if tail != b"": + print("\nTrailing data: %s" % hexenc(tail)) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + main() diff --git a/pyderasn.pyi b/pyderasn.pyi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83f0032 --- /dev/null +++ b/pyderasn.pyi @@ -0,0 +1,822 @@ +from datetime import datetime +from typing import Any as TAny +from typing import Dict +from typing import NamedTuple +from typing import Optional +from typing import Sequence as TSequence +from typing import Tuple +from typing import Type +from typing import Union + + +TagClassUniversal = ... # type: int +TagClassApplication = ... # type: int +TagClassContext = ... # type: int +TagClassPrivate = ... # type: int +TagFormPrimitive = ... # type: int +TagFormConstructed = ... # type: int +TagClassReprs = ... # type: Dict[int, str] + + +class DecodeError(Exception): + msg = ... # type: str + klass = ... # type: Type + decode_path = ... # type: Tuple[str, ...] + offset = ... # type: int + + def __init__( + self, + msg: str=..., + klass: Optional[TAny]=..., + decode_path: TAny=..., + offset: int=..., + ) -> None: ... + +class NotEnoughData(DecodeError): ... + +class TagMismatch(DecodeError): ... + +class InvalidLength(DecodeError): ... + +class InvalidOID(DecodeError): ... + +class ObjUnknown(ValueError): + name = ... # type: str + + def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: ... + +class ObjNotReady(ValueError): + name = ... # type: str + + def __init__(self, str) -> None: ... + +class InvalidValueType(ValueError): + expected_types = ... # type: Tuple[Type, ...] + + def __init__(self, expected_types: Tuple[Type, ...]) -> None: ... + +class BoundsError(ValueError): + bound_min = ... # type: int + value = ... # type: int + bound_max = ... # type: int + + def __init__(self, bound_min: int, value: int, bound_max: int) -> None: ... + +def hexdec(data: str) -> bytes: ... + +def hexenc(data: bytes) -> str: ... + +def int_bytes_len(num: int, byte_len: int=...) -> int: ... + +def zero_ended_encode(num: int) -> bytes: ... + +def tag_encode(num: int, klass: int=..., form: int=...) -> bytes: ... + +def tag_decode(tag: bytes) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: ... + +def tag_ctxp(num: int) -> bytes: ... + +def tag_ctxc(num: int) -> bytes: ... + +def tag_strip(data: memoryview) -> Tuple[memoryview, int, memoryview]: ... + +def len_encode(l: int) -> bytes: ... + +def len_decode(data: memoryview) -> Tuple[int, int, memoryview]: ... + +class Obj: + tag = ... # type: bytes + optional = ... # type: bool + + def __init__( + self, + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[TAny]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + @property + def ready(self) -> bool: ... + + @property + def decoded(self) -> bool: ... + + def copy(self) -> "Obj": ... + + @property + def tlen(self) -> int: ... + + @property + def tlvlen(self) -> int: ... + + def encode(self) -> bytes: ... + + def decode( + self, + data: bytes, + offset: int=..., + leavemm: bool=..., + decode_path: Tuple[str, ...]=..., + ) -> Tuple[Obj, bytes]: ... + + @property + def expled(self) -> bool: ... + + @property + def expl_tag(self) -> bytes: ... + + @property + def expl_tlen(self) -> int: ... + + @property + def expl_llen(self) -> int: ... + + @property + def expl_offset(self) -> int: ... + + @property + def expl_vlen(self) -> int: ... + + @property + def expl_tlvlen(self) -> int: ... + + +PP = NamedTuple("PP", ( + ("asn1_type_name", str), + ("obj_name", str), + ("decode_path", Tuple[str, ...]), + ("value", Optional[str]), + ("blob", Optional[Union[bytes, Tuple[str, ...]]]), + ("optional", bool), + ("default", bool), + ("impl", Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]]), + ("expl", Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]]), + ("offset", int), + ("tlen", int), + ("llen", int), + ("vlen", int), + ("expl_offset", int), + ("expl_tlen", int), + ("expl_llen", int), + ("expl_vlen", int), +)) + + +def pp_console_row( + pp: PP, + oids: Optional[Dict[str, str]]=..., + with_offsets: bool=..., + with_blob: bool=..., +): ... + +def pp_console_blob(pp: PP) -> TSequence[str]: ... + +def pprint( + obj: Obj, + oids: Optional[Dict[str, str]]=..., + big_blobs: bool=..., +): ... + + +class Boolean(Obj): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "Boolean" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["Boolean", bool]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["Boolean", bool]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + @property + def ready(self) -> bool: ... + + def copy(self) -> "Boolean": ... + + def __call__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["Boolean", bool]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["Boolean", bool]]=..., + optional: Optional[bool]=..., + ) -> "Boolean": ... + + def pps(self, decode_path: Tuple[str, ...]=...) -> TSequence[PP]: ... + + +class Integer(Obj): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + specs = ... # type: Dict[str, int] + default = ... # type: "Integer" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["Integer", int, str]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["Integer", int, str]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + @property + def ready(self) -> bool: ... + + def copy(self) -> "Integer": ... + + @property + def named(self) -> Optional[str]: ... + + def __call__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["Integer", int, str]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["Integer", int, str]]=..., + optional: Optional[bool]=..., + ) -> "Integer": ... + + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + + def pps(self, decode_path: Tuple[str, ...]=...) -> TSequence[PP]: ... + + +class BitString(Obj): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + specs = ... # type: Dict[str, int] + default = ... # type: "BitString" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["BitString", bytes, Tuple[str, ...]]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["BitString", bytes, Tuple[str, ...]]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + @property + def ready(self) -> bool: ... + + def copy(self) -> "BitString": ... + + @property + def bit_len(self) -> int: ... + + @property + def named(self) -> TSequence[str]: ... + + def __call__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["BitString", bytes, Tuple[str, ...]]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["BitString", bytes, Tuple[str, ...]]]=..., + optional: Optional[bool]=..., + ) -> "BitString": ... + + def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: ... + + def pps(self, decode_path: Tuple[str, ...]=...) -> TSequence[PP]: ... + + +class OctetString(Obj): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "OctetString" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["OctetString", bytes]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["OctetString", bytes]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + @property + def ready(self) -> bool: ... + + def copy(self) -> "OctetString": ... + + def __call__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["OctetString", bytes]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["OctetString", bytes]]=..., + optional: Optional[bool]=..., + ) -> "OctetString": ... + + def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: ... + + def pps(self, decode_path: Tuple[str, ...]=...) -> TSequence[PP]: ... + + +class Null(Obj): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "Null" + + def __init__( + self, + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + @property + def ready(self) -> bool: ... + + def copy(self) -> "Null": ... + + def __call__( + self, + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + optional: Optional[bool]=..., + ) -> "Null": ... + + def pps(self, decode_path: Tuple[str, ...]=...) -> TSequence[PP]: ... + + +class ObjectIdentifier(Obj): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "ObjectIdentifier" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["ObjectIdentifier", str, Tuple[int, ...]]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["ObjectIdentifier", str, Tuple[int, ...]]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + @property + def ready(self) -> bool: ... + + def copy(self) -> "ObjectIdentifier": ... + + def __call__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["ObjectIdentifier", str, Tuple[int, ...]]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["ObjectIdentifier", str, Tuple[int, ...]]]=..., + optional: Optional[bool]=..., + ) -> "ObjectIdentifier": ... + + def __add__( + self, + their: Union["ObjectIdentifier", Tuple[int, ...]], + ) -> "ObjectIdentifier": ... + + def pps(self, decode_path: Tuple[str, ...]=...) -> TSequence[PP]: ... + + +class Enumerated(Integer): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "Enumerated" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["Enumerated", str, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["Enumerated", str, int]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + def copy(self) -> "Enumerated": ... + + def __call__( # type: ignore + self, + value: Optional[Union["Enumerated", str, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["Enumerated", str, int]]=..., + optional: Optional[bool]=..., + ) -> "Enumerated": ... + + +class CommonString(OctetString): + def pps( + self, + decode_path: Tuple[str, ...]=..., + no_unicode: bool=..., + ) -> TSequence[PP]: ... + + +class UTF8String(CommonString): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + encoding = ... # type: str + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "UTF8String" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["UTF8String", str, bytes]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["UTF8String", str, bytes]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + def __str__(self) -> str: ... + + +class NumericString(CommonString): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + encoding = ... # type: str + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "NumericString" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["NumericString", str, bytes]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["NumericString", str, bytes]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + +class PrintableString(CommonString): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + encoding = ... # type: str + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "PrintableString" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["PrintableString", str, bytes]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["PrintableString", str, bytes]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + +class TeletexString(CommonString): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + encoding = ... # type: str + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "TeletexString" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["TeletexString", str, bytes]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["TeletexString", str, bytes]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + +class T61String(TeletexString): + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "T61String" + + +class VideotexString(CommonString): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + encoding = ... # type: str + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "VideotexString" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["VideotexString", str, bytes]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["VideotexString", str, bytes]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + +class IA5String(CommonString): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + encoding = ... # type: str + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "IA5String" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["IA5String", str, bytes]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["IA5String", str, bytes]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + +class UTCTime(CommonString): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + encoding = ... # type: str + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "UTCTime" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["UTCTime", datetime]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["UTCTime", datetime]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + def todatetime(self) -> datetime: ... + + def pps(self, decode_path: Tuple[str, ...]=...) -> TSequence[PP]: ... # type: ignore + + +class GeneralizedTime(UTCTime): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "GeneralizedTime" + + def todatetime(self) -> datetime: ... + + +class GraphicString(CommonString): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + encoding = ... # type: str + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "GraphicString" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["GraphicString", str, bytes]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["GraphicString", str, bytes]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + +class VisibleString(CommonString): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + encoding = ... # type: str + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "VisibleString" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["VisibleString", str, bytes]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["VisibleString", str, bytes]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + +class ISO646String(VisibleString): + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "ISO646String" + + +class GeneralString(CommonString): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + encoding = ... # type: str + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "GeneralString" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["GeneralString", str, bytes]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["GeneralString", str, bytes]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + +class UniversalString(CommonString): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + encoding = ... # type: str + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "UniversalString" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["UniversalString", str, bytes]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["UniversalString", str, bytes]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + +class BMPString(CommonString): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + encoding = ... # type: str + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "BMPString" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["BMPString", str, bytes]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["BMPString", str, bytes]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + +class Choice(Obj): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + specs = ... # type: Dict[str, Obj] + default = ... # type: "Choice" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["Choice", Tuple[str, Obj]]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["Choice", Tuple[str, Obj]]]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + @property + def ready(self) -> bool: ... + + def copy(self) -> "Choice": ... + + def __call__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["Choice", Tuple[str, Obj]]]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["Choice", Tuple[str, Obj]]]=..., + optional: Optional[bool]=..., + ) -> "Choice": ... + + def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Optional[Obj]: ... + + def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Obj) -> None: ... + + @property + def choice(self) -> str: ... + + @property + def value(self) -> Obj: ... + + @property + def tlen(self) -> int: ... + + @property + def decoded(self) -> bool: ... + + def pps(self, decode_path: Tuple[str, ...]=...) -> TSequence[PP]: ... + + +class PrimitiveTypes(Choice): + schema = ... # type: Dict[str, Obj] + + +class Any(Obj): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "Any" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union[Obj, bytes]]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + @property + def ready(self) -> bool: ... + + def copy(self) -> "Any": ... + + def __call__( + self, + value: Optional[Union[Obj, bytes]]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + optional: Optional[bool]=..., + ) -> "Any": ... + + def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: ... + + @property + def tlen(self) -> int: ... + + def pps(self, decode_path: Tuple[str, ...]=...) -> TSequence[PP]: ... + + +class Sequence(Obj): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + specs = ... # type: Dict[str, Obj] + default = ... # type: "Sequence" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional["Sequence"]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional["Sequence"]=..., + optional: bool=..., + ) -> None: ... + + @property + def ready(self) -> bool: ... + + def copy(self) -> "Sequence": ... + + def __call__( + self, + value: Optional["Sequence"]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional["Sequence"]=..., + optional: Optional[bool]=..., + ) -> "Sequence": ... + + def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Optional[Obj]: ... + + def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Obj) -> None: ... + + def pps(self, decode_path: Tuple[str, ...]=...) -> TSequence[PP]: ... + + +class Set(Sequence): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "Set" + + +class SequenceOf(Obj): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + spec = ... # type: Obj + default = ... # type: "SequenceOf" + + def __init__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["SequenceOf", TSequence[Obj]]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["SequenceOf", TSequence[Obj]]]=..., + optional: Optional[bool]=..., + ) -> None: ... + + @property + def ready(self) -> bool: ... + + def copy(self) -> "SequenceOf": ... + + def __call__( + self, + value: Optional[Union["SequenceOf", TSequence[Obj]]]=..., + bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=..., + impl: Optional[bytes]=..., + expl: Optional[bytes]=..., + default: Optional[Union["SequenceOf", TSequence[Obj]]]=..., + optional: Optional[bool]=..., + ) -> "SequenceOf": ... + + def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> Obj: ... + + def __iter__(self) -> TSequence[Obj]: ... + + def append(self, value: Obj) -> None: ... + + def pps(self, decode_path: Tuple[str, ...]=...) -> TSequence[PP]: ... + + +class SetOf(SequenceOf): + tag_default = ... # type: bytes + asn1_type_name = ... # type: str + default = ... # type: "SetOf" + + +def obj_by_path(pypath: str) -> TAny: ... diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..762ee5b --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# coding: utf-8 + +from setuptools import setup + + +version = open("VERSION", "rb").read().strip().decode("ascii") + +setup( + name="pyderasn", + version=version, + description="Python ASN.1 DER codec with abstract structures", + long_description=open("README", "rb").read().decode("utf-8"), + author="Sergey Matveev", + author_email="", + url="", + license="LGPLv3+", + classifiers=[ + "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", + "Environment :: Console", + "Intended Audience :: Developers", + "Intended Audience :: System Administrators", + "Intended Audience :: Telecommunications Industry", + "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)", + "Natural Language :: English", + "Operating System :: OS Independent", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 2", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", + "Topic :: Communications", + "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", + ], + py_modules=["pyderasn"], + install_requires=["six"], +) diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93162e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/ @@ -0,0 +1,397 @@ +# coding: utf-8 +# PyDERASN -- Python ASN.1 DER codec with abstract structures +# Copyright (C) 2017 Sergey Matveev +# +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as +# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the +# License, or (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +# License along with this program. If not, see +# . + +from datetime import datetime +from unittest import TestCase + +from pyderasn import Any +from pyderasn import BitString +from pyderasn import Boolean +from pyderasn import Choice +from pyderasn import GeneralizedTime +from pyderasn import hexdec +from pyderasn import IA5String +from pyderasn import Integer +from pyderasn import Null +from pyderasn import ObjectIdentifier +from pyderasn import OctetString +from pyderasn import pprint +from pyderasn import PrintableString +from pyderasn import Sequence +from pyderasn import SequenceOf +from pyderasn import SetOf +from pyderasn import tag_ctxc +from pyderasn import tag_ctxp +from pyderasn import UTCTime + + +some_oids = { + "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1": "id-rsaEncryption", + "1.2.840.113549.1.1.5": "id-sha1WithRSAEncryption", + "1.2.840.113549.1.9.1": "id-emailAddress", + "": "id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier", + "": "id-ce-keyUsage", + "": "id-ce-subjectAltName", + "": "id-ce-issuerAltName", + "": "id-ce-basicConstraints", + "": "id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints", + "": "id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier", + "": "id-ce-extKeyUsage", + "": "id-at-commonName", + "": "id-at-countryName", + "": "id-at-localityName", + "": "id-at-stateOrProvinceName", + "": "id-at-organizationName", + "": "id-at-organizationalUnitName", +} + + +class Version(Integer): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("v1", 0), + ("v2", 1), + ("v3", 2), + ) + + +class CertificateSerialNumber(Integer): + __slots__ = () + pass + + +class AlgorithmIdentifier(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("algorithm", ObjectIdentifier()), + ("parameters", Any(optional=True)), + ) + + +class AttributeType(ObjectIdentifier): + __slots__ = () + pass + + +class AttributeValue(Any): + __slots__ = () + pass + + +class AttributeTypeAndValue(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("type", AttributeType()), + ("value", AttributeValue()), + ) + + +class RelativeDistinguishedName(SetOf): + __slots__ = () + schema = AttributeTypeAndValue() + bounds = (1, float("+inf")) + + +class RDNSequence(SequenceOf): + __slots__ = () + schema = RelativeDistinguishedName() + + +class Name(Choice): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("rdnSequence", RDNSequence()), + ) + + +class Time(Choice): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("utcTime", UTCTime()), + ("generalTime", GeneralizedTime()), + ) + + +class Validity(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("notBefore", Time()), + ("notAfter", Time()), + ) + + +class SubjectPublicKeyInfo(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("algorithm", AlgorithmIdentifier()), + ("subjectPublicKey", BitString()), + ) + + +class UniqueIdentifier(BitString): + __slots__ = () + pass + + +class Extension(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("extnID", ObjectIdentifier()), + ("critical", Boolean(default=False)), + ("extnValue", OctetString()), + ) + + +class Extensions(SequenceOf): + __slots__ = () + schema = Extension() + bounds = (1, float("+inf")) + + +class TBSCertificate(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("version", Version(expl=tag_ctxc(0), default="v1")), + ("serialNumber", CertificateSerialNumber()), + ("signature", AlgorithmIdentifier()), + ("issuer", Name()), + ("validity", Validity()), + ("subject", Name()), + ("subjectPublicKeyInfo", SubjectPublicKeyInfo()), + ("issuerUniqueID", UniqueIdentifier(impl=tag_ctxp(1), optional=True)), + ("subjectUniqueID", UniqueIdentifier(impl=tag_ctxp(2), optional=True)), + ("extensions", Extensions(expl=tag_ctxc(3), optional=True)), + ) + + +class Certificate(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("tbsCertificate", TBSCertificate()), + ("signatureAlgorithm", AlgorithmIdentifier()), + ("signatureValue", BitString()), + ) + + +class TestGoSelfSignedVector(TestCase): + def runTest(self): + raw = hexdec("".join(( + "30820218308201c20209008cc3379210ec2c98300d06092a864886f70d0101050", + "500308192310b3009060355040613025858311330110603550408130a536f6d65", + "2d5374617465310d300b06035504071304436974793121301f060355040a13184", + "96e7465726e6574205769646769747320507479204c7464311a30180603550403", + "131166616c73652e6578616d706c652e636f6d3120301e06092a864886f70d010", + "901161166616c7365406578616d706c652e636f6d301e170d3039313030383030", + "323535335a170d3130313030383030323535335a308192310b300906035504061", + "3025858311330110603550408130a536f6d652d5374617465310d300b06035504", + "071304436974793121301f060355040a1318496e7465726e65742057696467697", + "47320507479204c7464311a30180603550403131166616c73652e6578616d706c", + "652e636f6d3120301e06092a864886f70d010901161166616c7365406578616d7", + "06c652e636f6d305c300d06092a864886f70d0101010500034b003048024100cd", + "b7639c3278f006aa277f6eaf42902b592d8cbcbe38a1c92ba4695a331b1deadea", + "dd8e9a5c27e8c4c2fd0a8889657722a4f2af7589cf2c77045dc8fdeec357d0203", + "010001300d06092a864886f70d0101050500034100a67b06ec5ece92772ca413c", + "ba3ca12568fdc6c7b4511cd40a7f659980402df2b998bb9a4a8cbeb34c0f0a78c", + "f8d91ede14a5ed76bf116fe360aafa8821490435", + ))) + crt, tail = Certificate().decode(raw) + self.assertSequenceEqual(tail, b"") + tbs = crt["tbsCertificate"] + self.assertEqual(tbs["version"], 0) + self.assertFalse(tbs["version"].decoded) + self.assertNotIn("version", tbs) + self.assertEqual(tbs["serialNumber"], 10143011886257155224) + + def assert_raw_equals(obj, expect): + self.assertTrue(obj.decoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual( + raw[obj.offset:obj.offset + obj.tlvlen], + expect.encode(), + ) + assert_raw_equals(tbs["serialNumber"], Integer(10143011886257155224)) + algo_id = AlgorithmIdentifier() + algo_id["algorithm"] = ObjectIdentifier("1.2.840.113549.1.1.5") + algo_id["parameters"] = Any(Null()) + self.assertEqual(tbs["signature"], algo_id) + assert_raw_equals(tbs["signature"], algo_id) + issuer = Name() + rdnSeq = RDNSequence() + for oid, klass, text in ( + ("", PrintableString, "XX"), + ("", PrintableString, "Some-State"), + ("", PrintableString, "City"), + ("", PrintableString, "Internet Widgits Pty Ltd"), + ("", PrintableString, ""), + ("1.2.840.113549.1.9.1", IA5String, ""), + ): + attr = AttributeTypeAndValue() + attr["type"] = AttributeType(oid) + attr["value"] = AttributeValue(klass(text)) + rdn = RelativeDistinguishedName() + rdn.append(attr) + rdnSeq.append(rdn) + issuer["rdnSequence"] = rdnSeq + self.assertEqual(tbs["issuer"], issuer) + assert_raw_equals(tbs["issuer"], issuer) + validity = Validity() + validity["notBefore"] = Time( + ("utcTime", UTCTime(datetime(2009, 10, 8, 0, 25, 53))) + ) + validity["notAfter"] = Time( + ("utcTime", UTCTime(datetime(2010, 10, 8, 0, 25, 53))) + ) + self.assertEqual(tbs["validity"], validity) + assert_raw_equals(tbs["validity"], validity) + self.assertEqual(tbs["subject"], issuer) + assert_raw_equals(tbs["subject"], issuer) + spki = SubjectPublicKeyInfo() + algo_id["algorithm"] = ObjectIdentifier("1.2.840.113549.1.1.1") + spki["algorithm"] = algo_id + spki["subjectPublicKey"] = BitString(hexdec("".join(( + "3048024100cdb7639c3278f006aa277f6eaf42902b592d8cbcbe38a1c92ba4695", + "a331b1deadeadd8e9a5c27e8c4c2fd0a8889657722a4f2af7589cf2c77045dc8f", + "deec357d0203010001", + )))) + self.assertEqual(tbs["subjectPublicKeyInfo"], spki) + assert_raw_equals(tbs["subjectPublicKeyInfo"], spki) + self.assertNotIn("issuerUniqueID", tbs) + self.assertNotIn("subjectUniqueID", tbs) + self.assertNotIn("extensions", tbs) + algo_id["algorithm"] = ObjectIdentifier("1.2.840.113549.1.1.5") + self.assertEqual(crt["signatureAlgorithm"], algo_id) + self.assertEqual(crt["signatureValue"], BitString(hexdec("".join(( + "a67b06ec5ece92772ca413cba3ca12568fdc6c7b4511cd40a7f659980402df2b", + "998bb9a4a8cbeb34c0f0a78cf8d91ede14a5ed76bf116fe360aafa8821490435", + ))))) + self.assertSequenceEqual(crt.encode(), raw) + pprint(crt) + repr(crt) + + tbs = TBSCertificate() + tbs["serialNumber"] = CertificateSerialNumber(10143011886257155224) + + sign_algo_id = AlgorithmIdentifier() + sign_algo_id["algorithm"] = ObjectIdentifier("1.2.840.113549.1.1.5") + sign_algo_id["parameters"] = Any(Null()) + tbs["signature"] = sign_algo_id + + rdnSeq = RDNSequence() + for oid, klass, text in ( + ("", PrintableString, "XX"), + ("", PrintableString, "Some-State"), + ("", PrintableString, "City"), + ("", PrintableString, "Internet Widgits Pty Ltd"), + ("", PrintableString, ""), + ("1.2.840.113549.1.9.1", IA5String, ""), + ): + attr = AttributeTypeAndValue() + attr["type"] = AttributeType(oid) + attr["value"] = AttributeValue(klass(text)) + rdn = RelativeDistinguishedName() + rdn.append(attr) + rdnSeq.append(rdn) + issuer = Name() + issuer["rdnSequence"] = rdnSeq + tbs["issuer"] = issuer + tbs["subject"] = issuer + + validity = Validity() + validity["notBefore"] = Time(("utcTime", UTCTime(datetime(2009, 10, 8, 0, 25, 53)))) + validity["notAfter"] = Time(("utcTime", UTCTime(datetime(2010, 10, 8, 0, 25, 53)))) + tbs["validity"] = validity + + spki = SubjectPublicKeyInfo() + spki_algo_id = sign_algo_id.copy() + spki_algo_id["algorithm"] = ObjectIdentifier("1.2.840.113549.1.1.1") + spki["algorithm"] = spki_algo_id + spki["subjectPublicKey"] = BitString(hexdec("".join(( + "3048024100cdb7639c3278f006aa277f6eaf42902b592d8cbcbe38a1c92ba4695", + "a331b1deadeadd8e9a5c27e8c4c2fd0a8889657722a4f2af7589cf2c77045dc8f", + "deec357d0203010001", + )))) + tbs["subjectPublicKeyInfo"] = spki + + crt = Certificate() + crt["tbsCertificate"] = tbs + crt["signatureAlgorithm"] = sign_algo_id + crt["signatureValue"] = BitString(hexdec("".join(( + "a67b06ec5ece92772ca413cba3ca12568fdc6c7b4511cd40a7f659980402df2b", + "998bb9a4a8cbeb34c0f0a78cf8d91ede14a5ed76bf116fe360aafa8821490435", + )))) + self.assertSequenceEqual(crt.encode(), raw) + + +class TestGoPayPalVector(TestCase): + def runTest(self): + raw = hexdec("".join(( + "30820644308205ada003020102020300f09b300d06092a864886f70d010105050", + "030820112310b3009060355040613024553311230100603550408130942617263", + "656c6f6e61311230100603550407130942617263656c6f6e61312930270603550", + "40a13204950532043657274696669636174696f6e20417574686f726974792073", + "2e6c2e312e302c060355040a142567656e6572616c4069707363612e636f6d204", + "32e492e462e2020422d423632323130363935312e302c060355040b1325697073", + "434120434c41534541312043657274696669636174696f6e20417574686f72697", + "479312e302c06035504031325697073434120434c415345413120436572746966", + "69636174696f6e20417574686f726974793120301e06092a864886f70d0109011", + "61167656e6572616c4069707363612e636f6d301e170d30393032323432333034", + "31375a170d3131303232343233303431375a308194310b3009060355040613025", + "553311330110603550408130a43616c69666f726e696131163014060355040713", + "0d53616e204672616e636973636f3111300f060355040a1308536563757269747", + "931143012060355040b130b53656375726520556e6974312f302d060355040313", + "267777772e70617970616c2e636f6d0073736c2e736563757265636f6e6e65637", + "4696f6e2e636330819f300d06092a864886f70d010101050003818d0030818902", + "818100d269fa6f3a00b4211bc8b102d73f19b2c46db454f88b8accdb72c29e3c6", + "0b9c6913d82b77d99ffd12984c173539c82ddfc248c77d541f3e81e42a1ad2d9e", + "ff5b1026ce9d571773162338c8d6f1baa3965b16674a4f73973a4d14a4f4e23f8", + "b058342d1d0dc2f7ae5b610b211c0dc212a90ffae97715a4981ac40f33bb859b2", + "4f0203010001a38203213082031d30090603551d1304023000301106096086480", + "186f8420101040403020640300b0603551d0f0404030203f830130603551d2504", + "0c300a06082b06010505070301301d0603551d0e04160414618f61344355147f2", + "709ce4c8bea9b7b1925bc6e301f0603551d230418301680140e0760d439c91b5b", + "5d907b23c8d2349d4a9a463930090603551d1104023000301c0603551d1204153", + "013811167656e6572616c4069707363612e636f6d307206096086480186f84201", + "0d046516634f7267616e697a6174696f6e20496e666f726d6174696f6e204e4f5", + "42056414c4944415445442e20434c415345413120536572766572204365727469", + "666963617465206973737565642062792068747470733a2f2f7777772e6970736", + "3612e636f6d2f302f06096086480186f84201020422162068747470733a2f2f77", + "77772e69707363612e636f6d2f6970736361323030322f304306096086480186f", + "84201040436163468747470733a2f2f7777772e69707363612e636f6d2f697073", + "6361323030322f697073636132303032434c41534541312e63726c30460609608", + "6480186f84201030439163768747470733a2f2f7777772e69707363612e636f6d", + "2f6970736361323030322f7265766f636174696f6e434c41534541312e68746d6", + "c3f304306096086480186f84201070436163468747470733a2f2f7777772e6970", + "7363612e636f6d2f6970736361323030322f72656e6577616c434c41534541312", + "e68746d6c3f304106096086480186f84201080434163268747470733a2f2f7777", + "772e69707363612e636f6d2f6970736361323030322f706f6c696379434c41534", + "541312e68746d6c3081830603551d1f047c307a3039a037a0358633687474703a", + "2f2f7777772e69707363612e636f6d2f6970736361323030322f6970736361323", + "03032434c41534541312e63726c303da03ba0398637687474703a2f2f77777762", + "61636b2e69707363612e636f6d2f6970736361323030322f69707363613230303", + "2434c41534541312e63726c303206082b0601050507010104263024302206082b", + "060105050730018616687474703a2f2f6f6373702e69707363612e636f6d2f300", + "d06092a864886f70d01010505000381810068ee799797dd3bef166a06f2149a6e", + "cd9e12f7aa8310bdd17c98fac7aed40e2c9e38059d5260a9990a81b498901daeb", + "b4ad7b9dc889e3778415bf782a5f2ba41255a901a1e4538a1525875942644fb20", + "07ba44cce54a2d723f9847f626dc054605076321ab469b9c78d5545b3d0c1ec86", + "48cb55023826fdbb8221c439607a8bb", + ))) + crt, tail = Certificate().decode(raw) + self.assertSequenceEqual(tail, b"") + self.assertSequenceEqual(crt.encode(), raw) + pprint(crt) + repr(crt) diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fa22ab --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/ @@ -0,0 +1,4887 @@ +# coding: utf-8 +# PyDERASN -- Python ASN.1 DER codec with abstract structures +# Copyright (C) 2017 Sergey Matveev +# +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as +# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the +# License, or (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +# License along with this program. If not, see +# . + +from datetime import datetime +from string import ascii_letters +from string import printable +from string import whitespace +from unittest import TestCase + +from hypothesis import assume +from hypothesis import given +from hypothesis import settings +from hypothesis.strategies import binary +from hypothesis.strategies import booleans +from hypothesis.strategies import composite +from hypothesis.strategies import data as data_strategy +from hypothesis.strategies import datetimes +from hypothesis.strategies import dictionaries +from hypothesis.strategies import integers +from hypothesis.strategies import just +from hypothesis.strategies import lists +from hypothesis.strategies import none +from hypothesis.strategies import one_of +from hypothesis.strategies import permutations +from hypothesis.strategies import sampled_from +from hypothesis.strategies import sets +from hypothesis.strategies import text +from hypothesis.strategies import tuples +from six import assertRaisesRegex +from six import byte2int +from six import indexbytes +from six import int2byte +from six import iterbytes +from six import PY2 +from six import text_type + +from pyderasn import _pp +from pyderasn import Any +from pyderasn import BitString +from pyderasn import BMPString +from pyderasn import Boolean +from pyderasn import BoundsError +from pyderasn import Choice +from pyderasn import DecodeError +from pyderasn import Enumerated +from pyderasn import GeneralizedTime +from pyderasn import GeneralString +from pyderasn import GraphicString +from pyderasn import hexdec +from pyderasn import hexenc +from pyderasn import IA5String +from pyderasn import Integer +from pyderasn import InvalidLength +from pyderasn import InvalidOID +from pyderasn import InvalidValueType +from pyderasn import len_decode +from pyderasn import len_encode +from pyderasn import NotEnoughData +from pyderasn import Null +from pyderasn import NumericString +from pyderasn import ObjectIdentifier +from pyderasn import ObjNotReady +from pyderasn import ObjUnknown +from pyderasn import OctetString +from pyderasn import pp_console_row +from pyderasn import pprint +from pyderasn import PrintableString +from pyderasn import Sequence +from pyderasn import SequenceOf +from pyderasn import Set +from pyderasn import SetOf +from pyderasn import tag_ctxc +from pyderasn import tag_decode +from pyderasn import tag_encode +from pyderasn import tag_strip +from pyderasn import TagClassApplication +from pyderasn import TagClassContext +from pyderasn import TagClassPrivate +from pyderasn import TagClassUniversal +from pyderasn import TagFormConstructed +from pyderasn import TagFormPrimitive +from pyderasn import TagMismatch +from pyderasn import TeletexString +from pyderasn import UniversalString +from pyderasn import UTCTime +from pyderasn import UTF8String +from pyderasn import VideotexString +from pyderasn import VisibleString + + +settings.register_profile('local', settings( + deadline=5000, + perform_health_check=False, +)) +settings.load_profile('local') +LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES = settings().max_examples * 4 + +tag_classes = sampled_from(( + TagClassApplication, + TagClassContext, + TagClassPrivate, + TagClassUniversal, +)) +tag_forms = sampled_from((TagFormConstructed, TagFormPrimitive)) + + +class TestHex(TestCase): + @given(binary()) + def test_symmetric(self, data): + self.assertEqual(hexdec(hexenc(data)), data) + + +class TestTagCoder(TestCase): + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given( + tag_classes, + tag_forms, + integers(min_value=0, max_value=30), + binary(max_size=5), + ) + def test_short(self, klass, form, num, junk): + raw = tag_encode(klass=klass, form=form, num=num) + self.assertEqual(tag_decode(raw), (klass, form, num)) + self.assertEqual(len(raw), 1) + self.assertEqual( + byte2int(tag_encode(klass=klass, form=form, num=0)), + byte2int(raw) & (1 << 7 | 1 << 6 | 1 << 5), + ) + stripped, tlen, tail = tag_strip(memoryview(raw + junk)) + self.assertSequenceEqual(stripped.tobytes(), raw) + self.assertEqual(tlen, len(raw)) + self.assertSequenceEqual(tail, junk) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given( + tag_classes, + tag_forms, + integers(min_value=31), + binary(max_size=5), + ) + def test_long(self, klass, form, num, junk): + raw = tag_encode(klass=klass, form=form, num=num) + self.assertEqual(tag_decode(raw), (klass, form, num)) + self.assertGreater(len(raw), 1) + self.assertEqual( + byte2int(tag_encode(klass=klass, form=form, num=0)) | 31, + byte2int(raw[:1]), + ) + self.assertEqual(byte2int(raw[-1:]) & 0x80, 0) + self.assertTrue(all(b & 0x80 > 0 for b in iterbytes(raw[1:-1]))) + stripped, tlen, tail = tag_strip(memoryview(raw + junk)) + self.assertSequenceEqual(stripped.tobytes(), raw) + self.assertEqual(tlen, len(raw)) + self.assertSequenceEqual(tail, junk) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given(integers(min_value=31)) + def test_unfinished_tag(self, num): + raw = bytearray(tag_encode(num=num)) + for i in range(1, len(raw)): + raw[i] |= 0x80 + with assertRaisesRegex(self, DecodeError, "unfinished tag"): + tag_strip(bytes(raw)) + + def test_go_vectors_valid(self): + for data, (eklass, etag, elen, eform) in ( + (b"\x80\x01", (TagClassContext, 0, 1, TagFormPrimitive)), + (b"\xa0\x01", (TagClassContext, 0, 1, TagFormConstructed)), + (b"\x02\x00", (TagClassUniversal, 2, 0, TagFormPrimitive)), + (b"\xfe\x00", (TagClassPrivate, 30, 0, TagFormConstructed)), + (b"\x1f\x1f\x00", (TagClassUniversal, 31, 0, TagFormPrimitive)), + (b"\x1f\x81\x00\x00", (TagClassUniversal, 128, 0, TagFormPrimitive)), + (b"\x1f\x81\x80\x01\x00", (TagClassUniversal, 0x4001, 0, TagFormPrimitive)), + (b"\x00\x81\x80", (TagClassUniversal, 0, 128, TagFormPrimitive)), + (b"\x00\x82\x01\x00", (TagClassUniversal, 0, 256, TagFormPrimitive)), + (b"\xa0\x84\x7f\xff\xff\xff", (TagClassContext, 0, 0x7fffffff, TagFormConstructed)), + ): + tag, _, len_encoded = tag_strip(memoryview(data)) + klass, form, num = tag_decode(tag) + _len, _, tail = len_decode(len_encoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual(tail, b"") + self.assertEqual(klass, eklass) + self.assertEqual(num, etag) + self.assertEqual(_len, elen) + self.assertEqual(form, eform) + + def test_go_vectors_invalid(self): + for data in ( + b"\x00\x83\x01\x00", + b"\x1f\x85", + b"\x30\x80", + b"\xa0\x82\x00\xff", + b"\xa0\x81\x7f", + ): + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError): + _, _, len_encoded = tag_strip(memoryview(data)) + len_decode(len_encoded) + + @given( + integers(min_value=0, max_value=127), + integers(min_value=0, max_value=2), + ) + def test_long_instead_of_short(self, l, dummy_num): + octets = (b"\x00" * dummy_num) + int2byte(l) + octets = int2byte((dummy_num + 1) | 0x80) + octets + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError): + len_decode(octets) + + +class TestLenCoder(TestCase): + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given( + integers(min_value=0, max_value=127), + binary(max_size=5), + ) + def test_short(self, l, junk): + raw = len_encode(l) + junk + decoded, llen, tail = len_decode(memoryview(raw)) + self.assertEqual(decoded, l) + self.assertEqual(llen, 1) + self.assertEqual(len(raw), 1 + len(junk)) + self.assertEqual(tail.tobytes(), junk) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given( + integers(min_value=128), + binary(max_size=5), + ) + def test_long(self, l, junk): + raw = len_encode(l) + junk + decoded, llen, tail = len_decode(memoryview(raw)) + self.assertEqual(decoded, l) + self.assertEqual((llen - 1) | 0x80, byte2int(raw)) + self.assertEqual(llen, len(raw) - len(junk)) + self.assertNotEqual(indexbytes(raw, 1), 0) + self.assertSequenceEqual(tail.tobytes(), junk) + + def test_empty(self): + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + len_decode(b"") + + @given(integers(min_value=128)) + def test_stripped(self, _len): + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + len_decode(len_encode(_len)[:-1]) + + +text_printable = text(alphabet=printable, min_size=1) + + +@composite +def text_letters(draw): + result = draw(text(alphabet=ascii_letters, min_size=1)) + if PY2: + result = result.encode("ascii") + return result + + +class CommonMixin(object): + def test_tag_default(self): + obj = self.base_klass() + self.assertEqual(obj.tag, obj.tag_default) + + def test_simultaneous_impl_expl(self): + with self.assertRaises(ValueError): + self.base_klass(impl=b"whatever", expl=b"whenever") + + @given(binary(), integers(), integers(), integers()) + def test_decoded(self, impl, offset, llen, vlen): + obj = self.base_klass(impl=impl, _decoded=(offset, llen, vlen)) + self.assertEqual(obj.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(obj.llen, llen) + self.assertEqual(obj.vlen, vlen) + self.assertEqual(obj.tlen, len(impl)) + self.assertEqual(obj.tlvlen, obj.tlen + obj.llen + obj.vlen) + + @given(binary()) + def test_impl_inherited(self, impl_tag): + class Inherited(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + impl = impl_tag + obj = Inherited() + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj.impl, impl_tag) + self.assertFalse(obj.expled) + + @given(binary()) + def test_expl_inherited(self, expl_tag): + class Inherited(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + expl = expl_tag + obj = Inherited() + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj.expl, expl_tag) + self.assertTrue(obj.expled) + + def assert_copied_basic_fields(self, obj, obj_copied): + self.assertEqual(obj, obj_copied) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj.tag, obj_copied.tag) + self.assertEqual(obj.expl_tag, obj_copied.expl_tag) + self.assertEqual(obj.default, obj_copied.default) + self.assertEqual(obj.optional, obj_copied.optional) + self.assertEqual(obj.offset, obj_copied.offset) + self.assertEqual(obj.llen, obj_copied.llen) + self.assertEqual(obj.vlen, obj_copied.vlen) + + +@composite +def boolean_values_strat(draw, do_expl=False): + value = draw(one_of(none(), booleans())) + impl = None + expl = None + if do_expl: + expl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + else: + impl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + default = draw(one_of(none(), booleans())) + optional = draw(one_of(none(), booleans())) + _decoded = ( + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + ) + return (value, impl, expl, default, optional, _decoded) + + +class BooleanInherited(Boolean): + __slots__ = () + + +class TestBoolean(CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = Boolean + + def test_invalid_value_type(self): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + Boolean(123) + repr(err.exception) + + @given(booleans()) + def test_optional(self, optional): + obj = Boolean(default=Boolean(False), optional=optional) + self.assertTrue(obj.optional) + + @given(booleans()) + def test_ready(self, value): + obj = Boolean() + self.assertFalse(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + with self.assertRaises(ObjNotReady) as err: + obj.encode() + repr(err.exception) + obj = Boolean(value) + self.assertTrue(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + + @given(booleans(), booleans(), binary(), binary()) + def test_comparison(self, value1, value2, tag1, tag2): + for klass in (Boolean, BooleanInherited): + obj1 = klass(value1) + obj2 = klass(value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, value1 == value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == bool(obj2), value1 == value2) + obj1 = klass(value1, impl=tag1) + obj2 = klass(value1, impl=tag2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, tag1 == tag2) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_call(self, d): + for klass in (Boolean, BooleanInherited): + ( + value_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial, + _decoded_initial, + ) = d.draw(boolean_values_strat()) + obj_initial = klass( + value_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial or False, + _decoded_initial, + ) + ( + value, + impl, + expl, + default, + optional, + _decoded, + ) = d.draw(boolean_values_strat(do_expl=impl_initial is None)) + obj = obj_initial(value, impl, expl, default, optional) + if obj.ready: + value_expected = default if value is None else value + value_expected = ( + default_initial if value_expected is None + else value_expected + ) + self.assertEqual(obj, value_expected) + self.assertEqual(obj.tag, impl or impl_initial or obj.tag_default) + self.assertEqual(obj.expl_tag, expl or expl_initial) + self.assertEqual( + obj.default, + default_initial if default is None else default, + ) + if obj.default is None: + optional = optional_initial if optional is None else optional + optional = False if optional is None else optional + else: + optional = True + self.assertEqual(obj.optional, optional) + + @given(boolean_values_strat()) + def test_copy(self, values): + for klass in (Boolean, BooleanInherited): + obj = klass(*values) + obj_copied = obj.copy() + self.assert_copied_basic_fields(obj, obj_copied) + + @given( + booleans(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode), + ) + def test_stripped(self, value, tag_impl): + obj = Boolean(value, impl=tag_impl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + booleans(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc), + ) + def test_stripped_expl(self, value, tag_expl): + obj = Boolean(value, expl=tag_expl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + integers(min_value=31), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_tag(self, tag, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + Boolean().decode( + tag_encode(tag)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given( + integers(min_value=31), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_expl_tag(self, tag, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + Boolean(expl=Boolean.tag_default).decode( + tag_encode(tag)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given( + integers(min_value=128), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_len(self, l, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + Boolean().decode( + Boolean.tag_default + len_encode(l)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given( + integers(min_value=128), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_expl_len(self, l, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + Boolean(expl=Boolean.tag_default).decode( + Boolean.tag_default + len_encode(l)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given( + boolean_values_strat(), + booleans(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc), + integers(min_value=0), + ) + def test_symmetric(self, values, value, tag_expl, offset): + for klass in (Boolean, BooleanInherited): + _, _, _, default, optional, _decoded = values + obj = klass( + value=value, + default=default, + optional=optional, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + self.assertFalse(obj.expled) + obj_encoded = obj.encode() + obj_expled = obj(value, expl=tag_expl) + self.assertTrue(obj_expled.expled) + repr(obj_expled) + pprint(obj_expled) + obj_expled_encoded = obj_expled.encode() + obj_decoded, tail = obj_expled.decode(obj_expled_encoded, offset=offset) + repr(obj_decoded) + pprint(obj_decoded) + self.assertEqual(tail, b"") + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded, obj_expled) + self.assertNotEqual(obj_decoded, obj) + self.assertEqual(bool(obj_decoded), bool(obj_expled)) + self.assertEqual(bool(obj_decoded), bool(obj)) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.encode(), obj_expled_encoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tag, tag_expl) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tlen, len(tag_expl)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + len(len_encode(len(obj_encoded))), + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.tlvlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_vlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.offset, + offset + obj_decoded.expl_tlen + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_offset, offset) + + @given(integers(min_value=2)) + def test_invalid_len(self, l): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidLength): + Boolean().decode(b"".join(( + Boolean.tag_default, + len_encode(l), + b"\x00" * l, + ))) + + @given(integers(min_value=0 + 1, max_value=255 - 1)) + def test_invalid_value(self, value): + with assertRaisesRegex(self, DecodeError, "unacceptable Boolean value"): + Boolean().decode(b"".join(( + Boolean.tag_default, + len_encode(1), + int2byte(value), + ))) + + +@composite +def integer_values_strat(draw, do_expl=False): + bound_min, value, default, bound_max = sorted(draw(sets( + integers(), + min_size=4, + max_size=4, + ))) + if draw(booleans()): + value = None + _specs = None + if draw(booleans()): + _specs = draw(sets(text_letters())) + values = draw(sets( + integers(), + min_size=len(_specs), + max_size=len(_specs), + )) + _specs = list(zip(_specs, values)) + bounds = None + if draw(booleans()): + bounds = (bound_min, bound_max) + impl = None + expl = None + if do_expl: + expl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + else: + impl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + if draw(booleans()): + default = None + optional = draw(one_of(none(), booleans())) + _decoded = ( + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + ) + return (value, bounds, impl, expl, default, optional, _specs, _decoded) + + +class IntegerInherited(Integer): + __slots__ = () + + +class TestInteger(CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = Integer + + def test_invalid_value_type(self): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + Integer(12.3) + repr(err.exception) + + @given(sets(text_letters(), min_size=2)) + def test_unknown_name(self, names_input): + missing = names_input.pop() + + class Int(Integer): + __slots__ = () + schema = [(n, 123) for n in names_input] + with self.assertRaises(ObjUnknown) as err: + Int(missing) + repr(err.exception) + + @given(sets(text_letters(), min_size=2)) + def test_known_name(self, names_input): + class Int(Integer): + __slots__ = () + schema = [(n, 123) for n in names_input] + Int(names_input.pop()) + + @given(booleans()) + def test_optional(self, optional): + obj = Integer(default=Integer(0), optional=optional) + self.assertTrue(obj.optional) + + @given(integers()) + def test_ready(self, value): + obj = Integer() + self.assertFalse(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + with self.assertRaises(ObjNotReady) as err: + obj.encode() + repr(err.exception) + obj = Integer(value) + self.assertTrue(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + hash(obj) + + @given(integers(), integers(), binary(), binary()) + def test_comparison(self, value1, value2, tag1, tag2): + for klass in (Integer, IntegerInherited): + obj1 = klass(value1) + obj2 = klass(value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, value1 == value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == int(obj2), value1 == value2) + obj1 = klass(value1, impl=tag1) + obj2 = klass(value1, impl=tag2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, tag1 == tag2) + + @given(lists(integers())) + def test_sorted_works(self, values): + self.assertSequenceEqual( + [int(v) for v in sorted(Integer(v) for v in values)], + sorted(values), + ) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_named(self, d): + names_input = list(d.draw(sets(text_letters(), min_size=1))) + values_input = list(d.draw(sets( + integers(), + min_size=len(names_input), + max_size=len(names_input), + ))) + chosen_name = d.draw(sampled_from(names_input)) + names_input = dict(zip(names_input, values_input)) + + class Int(Integer): + __slots__ = () + schema = names_input + _int = Int(chosen_name) + self.assertEqual(_int.named, chosen_name) + self.assertEqual(int(_int), names_input[chosen_name]) + + @given(integers(), integers(min_value=0), integers(min_value=0)) + def test_bounds_satisfied(self, bound_min, bound_delta, value_delta): + value = bound_min + value_delta + bound_max = value + bound_delta + Integer(value=value, bounds=(bound_min, bound_max)) + + @given(sets(integers(), min_size=3, max_size=3)) + def test_bounds_unsatisfied(self, values): + values = sorted(values) + with self.assertRaises(BoundsError) as err: + Integer(value=values[0], bounds=(values[1], values[2])) + repr(err.exception) + with self.assertRaises(BoundsError) as err: + Integer(value=values[2], bounds=(values[0], values[1])) + repr(err.exception) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_call(self, d): + for klass in (Integer, IntegerInherited): + ( + value_initial, + bounds_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial, + _specs_initial, + _decoded_initial, + ) = d.draw(integer_values_strat()) + obj_initial = klass( + value_initial, + bounds_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial or False, + _specs_initial, + _decoded_initial, + ) + ( + value, + bounds, + impl, + expl, + default, + optional, + _, + _decoded, + ) = d.draw(integer_values_strat(do_expl=impl_initial is None)) + if (default is None) and (obj_initial.default is not None): + bounds = None + if ( + (bounds is None) and + (value is not None) and + (bounds_initial is not None) and + not (bounds_initial[0] <= value <= bounds_initial[1]) + ): + value = None + if ( + (bounds is None) and + (default is not None) and + (bounds_initial is not None) and + not (bounds_initial[0] <= default <= bounds_initial[1]) + ): + default = None + obj = obj_initial(value, bounds, impl, expl, default, optional) + if obj.ready: + value_expected = default if value is None else value + value_expected = ( + default_initial if value_expected is None + else value_expected + ) + self.assertEqual(obj, value_expected) + self.assertEqual(obj.tag, impl or impl_initial or obj.tag_default) + self.assertEqual(obj.expl_tag, expl or expl_initial) + self.assertEqual( + obj.default, + default_initial if default is None else default, + ) + if obj.default is None: + optional = optional_initial if optional is None else optional + optional = False if optional is None else optional + else: + optional = True + self.assertEqual(obj.optional, optional) + self.assertEqual( + (obj._bound_min, obj._bound_max), + bounds or bounds_initial or (float("-inf"), float("+inf")), + ) + self.assertEqual( + obj.specs, + {} if _specs_initial is None else dict(_specs_initial), + ) + + @given(integer_values_strat()) + def test_copy(self, values): + for klass in (Integer, IntegerInherited): + obj = klass(*values) + obj_copied = obj.copy() + self.assert_copied_basic_fields(obj, obj_copied) + self.assertEqual(obj.specs, obj_copied.specs) + self.assertEqual(obj._bound_min, obj_copied._bound_min) + self.assertEqual(obj._bound_max, obj_copied._bound_max) + self.assertEqual(obj._value, obj_copied._value) + + @given( + integers(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode), + ) + def test_stripped(self, value, tag_impl): + obj = Integer(value, impl=tag_impl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + integers(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc), + ) + def test_stripped_expl(self, value, tag_expl): + obj = Integer(value, expl=tag_expl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + def test_zero_len(self): + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + Integer().decode(b"".join(( + Integer.tag_default, + len_encode(0), + ))) + + @given( + integers(min_value=31), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_tag(self, tag, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + Integer().decode( + tag_encode(tag)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given( + integers(min_value=128), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_len(self, l, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + Integer().decode( + Integer.tag_default + len_encode(l)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given( + sets(integers(), min_size=2, max_size=2), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_invalid_bounds_while_decoding(self, ints, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + value, bound_min = list(sorted(ints)) + + class Int(Integer): + bounds = (bound_min, bound_min) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + Int().decode( + Integer(value).encode(), + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given( + integer_values_strat(), + integers(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc), + integers(min_value=0), + ) + def test_symmetric(self, values, value, tag_expl, offset): + for klass in (Integer, IntegerInherited): + _, _, _, _, default, optional, _, _decoded = values + obj = klass( + value=value, + default=default, + optional=optional, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + self.assertFalse(obj.expled) + obj_encoded = obj.encode() + obj_expled = obj(value, expl=tag_expl) + self.assertTrue(obj_expled.expled) + repr(obj_expled) + pprint(obj_expled) + obj_expled_encoded = obj_expled.encode() + obj_decoded, tail = obj_expled.decode(obj_expled_encoded, offset=offset) + repr(obj_decoded) + pprint(obj_decoded) + self.assertEqual(tail, b"") + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded, obj_expled) + self.assertNotEqual(obj_decoded, obj) + self.assertEqual(int(obj_decoded), int(obj_expled)) + self.assertEqual(int(obj_decoded), int(obj)) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.encode(), obj_expled_encoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tag, tag_expl) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tlen, len(tag_expl)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + len(len_encode(len(obj_encoded))), + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.tlvlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_vlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.offset, + offset + obj_decoded.expl_tlen + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_offset, offset) + + def test_go_vectors_valid(self): + for data, expect in (( + (b"\x00", 0), + (b"\x7f", 127), + (b"\x80", -128), + (b"\xff\x7f", -129), + (b"\xff", -1), + (b"\x01", 1), + (b"\x00\xff", 255), + (b"\xff\x00", -256), + (b"\x01\x00", 256), + (b"\x00\x80", 128), + (b"\x01\x00", 256), + (b"\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", -9223372036854775808), + (b"\x80\x00\x00\x00", -2147483648), + )): + self.assertEqual( + Integer().decode(b"".join(( + Integer.tag_default, + len_encode(len(data)), + data, + )))[0], + expect, + ) + + def test_go_vectors_invalid(self): + for data in (( + b"\x00\x7f", + b"\xff\xf0", + )): + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError): + Integer().decode(b"".join(( + Integer.tag_default, + len_encode(len(data)), + data, + ))) + + +@composite +def bit_string_values_strat(draw, schema=None, value_required=False, do_expl=False): + if schema is None: + schema = () + if draw(booleans()): + schema = draw(sets(text_letters(), min_size=1, max_size=256)) + bits = draw(sets( + integers(min_value=0, max_value=255), + min_size=len(schema), + max_size=len(schema), + )) + schema = list(zip(schema, bits)) + + def _value(value_required): + if not value_required and draw(booleans()): + return + generation_choice = 0 + if value_required: + generation_choice = draw(sampled_from((1, 2, 3))) + if generation_choice == 1 or draw(booleans()): + return "'%s'B" % "".join(draw(lists( + sampled_from(("0", "1")), + max_size=len(schema), + ))) + elif generation_choice == 2 or draw(booleans()): + return draw(binary(max_size=len(schema) // 8)) + elif generation_choice == 3 or draw(booleans()): + return tuple(draw(lists(sampled_from([name for name, _ in schema])))) + return None + value = _value(value_required) + default = _value(value_required=False) + impl = None + expl = None + if do_expl: + expl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + else: + impl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + optional = draw(one_of(none(), booleans())) + _decoded = ( + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + ) + return (schema, value, impl, expl, default, optional, _decoded) + + +class BitStringInherited(BitString): + __slots__ = () + + +class TestBitString(CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = BitString + + @given(lists(booleans())) + def test_b_encoding(self, bits): + obj = BitString("'%s'B" % "".join("1" if bit else "0" for bit in bits)) + self.assertEqual(obj.bit_len, len(bits)) + self.assertSequenceEqual(list(obj), bits) + for i, bit in enumerate(bits): + self.assertEqual(obj[i], bit) + + @given(lists(booleans())) + def test_out_of_bounds_bits(self, bits): + obj = BitString("'%s'B" % "".join("1" if bit else "0" for bit in bits)) + for i in range(len(bits), len(bits) * 2): + self.assertFalse(obj[i]) + + def test_bad_b_encoding(self): + with self.assertRaises(ValueError): + BitString("'010120101'B") + + @given( + integers(min_value=1, max_value=255), + integers(min_value=1, max_value=255), + ) + def test_named_are_stripped(self, leading_zeros, trailing_zeros): + obj = BitString("'%s1%s'B" % (("0" * leading_zeros), ("0" * trailing_zeros))) + self.assertEqual(obj.bit_len, leading_zeros + 1 + trailing_zeros) + self.assertGreater(len(obj.encode()), (leading_zeros + 1 + trailing_zeros) // 8) + + class BS(BitString): + __slots__ = () + schema = (("whatever", 0),) + obj = BS("'%s1%s'B" % (("0" * leading_zeros), ("0" * trailing_zeros))) + self.assertEqual(obj.bit_len, leading_zeros + 1) + self.assertGreater(len(obj.encode()), (leading_zeros + 1) // 8) + + def test_zero_len(self): + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + BitString().decode(b"".join(( + BitString.tag_default, + len_encode(0), + ))) + + def test_invalid_value_type(self): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + BitString(123) + repr(err.exception) + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + BitString(u"123") + repr(err.exception) + + def test_obj_unknown(self): + with self.assertRaises(ObjUnknown) as err: + BitString(b"whatever")["whenever"] + repr(err.exception) + + def test_get_invalid_typ(self): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + BitString(b"whatever")[(1, 2, 3)] + repr(err.exception) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_unknown_name(self, d): + _schema = d.draw(sets(text_letters(), min_size=2, max_size=5)) + missing = _schema.pop() + + class BS(BitString): + __slots__ = () + schema = [(n, i) for i, n in enumerate(_schema)] + with self.assertRaises(ObjUnknown) as err: + BS((missing,)) + repr(err.exception) + + @given(booleans()) + def test_optional(self, optional): + obj = BitString(default=BitString(b""), optional=optional) + self.assertTrue(obj.optional) + + @given(binary()) + def test_ready(self, value): + obj = BitString() + self.assertFalse(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + with self.assertRaises(ObjNotReady) as err: + obj.encode() + repr(err.exception) + obj = BitString(value) + self.assertTrue(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + + @given( + tuples(integers(min_value=0), binary()), + tuples(integers(min_value=0), binary()), + binary(), + binary(), + ) + def test_comparison(self, value1, value2, tag1, tag2): + for klass in (BitString, BitStringInherited): + obj1 = klass(value1) + obj2 = klass(value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, value1 == value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == bytes(obj2), value1[1] == value2[1]) + obj1 = klass(value1, impl=tag1) + obj2 = klass(value1, impl=tag2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, tag1 == tag2) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_call(self, d): + for klass in (BitString, BitStringInherited): + ( + schema_initial, + value_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial, + _decoded_initial, + ) = d.draw(bit_string_values_strat()) + + class BS(klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = schema_initial + obj_initial = BS( + value=value_initial, + impl=impl_initial, + expl=expl_initial, + default=default_initial, + optional=optional_initial or False, + _decoded=_decoded_initial, + ) + ( + _, + value, + impl, + expl, + default, + optional, + _decoded, + ) = d.draw(bit_string_values_strat( + schema=schema_initial, + do_expl=impl_initial is None, + )) + obj = obj_initial( + value=value, + impl=impl, + expl=expl, + default=default, + optional=optional, + ) + self.assertEqual(obj.tag, impl or impl_initial or obj.tag_default) + self.assertEqual(obj.expl_tag, expl or expl_initial) + if obj.default is None: + optional = optional_initial if optional is None else optional + optional = False if optional is None else optional + else: + optional = True + self.assertEqual(obj.optional, optional) + self.assertEqual(obj.specs, obj_initial.specs) + + @given(bit_string_values_strat()) + def test_copy(self, values): + for klass in (BitString, BitStringInherited): + _schema, value, impl, expl, default, optional, _decoded = values + + class BS(klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = _schema + obj = BS( + value=value, + impl=impl, + expl=expl, + default=default, + optional=optional or False, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + obj_copied = obj.copy() + self.assert_copied_basic_fields(obj, obj_copied) + self.assertEqual(obj.specs, obj_copied.specs) + self.assertEqual(obj._value, obj_copied._value) + + @given( + binary(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode), + ) + def test_stripped(self, value, tag_impl): + obj = BitString(value, impl=tag_impl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + binary(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc), + ) + def test_stripped_expl(self, value, tag_expl): + obj = BitString(value, expl=tag_expl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + integers(min_value=31), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_tag(self, tag, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + BitString().decode( + tag_encode(tag)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given( + integers(min_value=128), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_len(self, l, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + BitString().decode( + BitString.tag_default + len_encode(l)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_symmetric(self, d): + ( + _schema, + value, + _, + _, + default, + optional, + _decoded, + ) = d.draw(bit_string_values_strat(value_required=True)) + tag_expl = tag_ctxc(d.draw(integers(min_value=1))) + offset = d.draw(integers(min_value=0)) + for klass in (BitString, BitStringInherited): + class BS(klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = _schema + obj = BS( + value=value, + default=default, + optional=optional, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + self.assertFalse(obj.expled) + obj_encoded = obj.encode() + obj_expled = obj(value, expl=tag_expl) + self.assertTrue(obj_expled.expled) + repr(obj_expled) + pprint(obj_expled) + obj_expled_encoded = obj_expled.encode() + obj_decoded, tail = obj_expled.decode(obj_expled_encoded, offset=offset) + repr(obj_decoded) + pprint(obj_decoded) + self.assertEqual(tail, b"") + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded, obj_expled) + self.assertNotEqual(obj_decoded, obj) + self.assertEqual(bytes(obj_decoded), bytes(obj_expled)) + self.assertEqual(bytes(obj_decoded), bytes(obj)) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.encode(), obj_expled_encoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tag, tag_expl) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tlen, len(tag_expl)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + len(len_encode(len(obj_encoded))), + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.tlvlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_vlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.offset, + offset + obj_decoded.expl_tlen + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_offset, offset) + if isinstance(value, tuple): + self.assertSetEqual(set(value), set(obj_decoded.named)) + for name in value: + obj_decoded[name] + + @given(integers(min_value=1, max_value=255)) + def test_bad_zero_value(self, pad_size): + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError): + BitString().decode(b"".join(( + BitString.tag_default, + len_encode(1), + int2byte(pad_size), + ))) + + def test_go_vectors_invalid(self): + for data in (( + b"\x07\x01", + b"\x07\x40", + b"\x08\x00", + )): + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError): + BitString().decode(b"".join(( + BitString.tag_default, + len_encode(2), + data, + ))) + + def test_go_vectors_valid(self): + obj, _ = BitString().decode(b"".join(( + BitString.tag_default, + len_encode(1), + b"\x00", + ))) + self.assertEqual(bytes(obj), b"") + self.assertEqual(obj.bit_len, 0) + + obj, _ = BitString().decode(b"".join(( + BitString.tag_default, + len_encode(2), + b"\x07\x00", + ))) + self.assertEqual(bytes(obj), b"\x00") + self.assertEqual(obj.bit_len, 1) + + obj = BitString((16, b"\x82\x40")) + self.assertTrue(obj[0]) + self.assertFalse(obj[1]) + self.assertTrue(obj[6]) + self.assertTrue(obj[9]) + self.assertFalse(obj[17]) + + +@composite +def octet_string_values_strat(draw, do_expl=False): + bound_min, bound_max = sorted(draw(sets( + integers(min_value=0, max_value=1 << 7), + min_size=2, + max_size=2, + ))) + value = draw(one_of( + none(), + binary(min_size=bound_min, max_size=bound_max), + )) + default = draw(one_of( + none(), + binary(min_size=bound_min, max_size=bound_max), + )) + bounds = None + if draw(booleans()): + bounds = (bound_min, bound_max) + impl = None + expl = None + if do_expl: + expl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + else: + impl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + optional = draw(one_of(none(), booleans())) + _decoded = ( + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + ) + return (value, bounds, impl, expl, default, optional, _decoded) + + +class OctetStringInherited(OctetString): + __slots__ = () + + +class TestOctetString(CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = OctetString + + def test_invalid_value_type(self): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + OctetString(text_type(123)) + repr(err.exception) + + @given(booleans()) + def test_optional(self, optional): + obj = OctetString(default=OctetString(b""), optional=optional) + self.assertTrue(obj.optional) + + @given(binary()) + def test_ready(self, value): + obj = OctetString() + self.assertFalse(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + with self.assertRaises(ObjNotReady) as err: + obj.encode() + repr(err.exception) + obj = OctetString(value) + self.assertTrue(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + + @given(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary()) + def test_comparison(self, value1, value2, tag1, tag2): + for klass in (OctetString, OctetStringInherited): + obj1 = klass(value1) + obj2 = klass(value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, value1 == value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == bytes(obj2), value1 == value2) + obj1 = klass(value1, impl=tag1) + obj2 = klass(value1, impl=tag2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, tag1 == tag2) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_bounds_satisfied(self, d): + bound_min = d.draw(integers(min_value=0, max_value=1 << 7)) + bound_max = d.draw(integers(min_value=bound_min, max_value=1 << 7)) + value = d.draw(binary(min_size=bound_min, max_size=bound_max)) + OctetString(value=value, bounds=(bound_min, bound_max)) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_bounds_unsatisfied(self, d): + bound_min = d.draw(integers(min_value=1, max_value=1 << 7)) + bound_max = d.draw(integers(min_value=bound_min, max_value=1 << 7)) + value = d.draw(binary(max_size=bound_min - 1)) + with self.assertRaises(BoundsError) as err: + OctetString(value=value, bounds=(bound_min, bound_max)) + repr(err.exception) + value = d.draw(binary(min_size=bound_max + 1)) + with self.assertRaises(BoundsError) as err: + OctetString(value=value, bounds=(bound_min, bound_max)) + repr(err.exception) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_call(self, d): + for klass in (OctetString, OctetStringInherited): + ( + value_initial, + bounds_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial, + _decoded_initial, + ) = d.draw(octet_string_values_strat()) + obj_initial = klass( + value_initial, + bounds_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial or False, + _decoded_initial, + ) + ( + value, + bounds, + impl, + expl, + default, + optional, + _decoded, + ) = d.draw(octet_string_values_strat(do_expl=impl_initial is None)) + if (default is None) and (obj_initial.default is not None): + bounds = None + if ( + (bounds is None) and + (value is not None) and + (bounds_initial is not None) and + not (bounds_initial[0] <= len(value) <= bounds_initial[1]) + ): + value = None + if ( + (bounds is None) and + (default is not None) and + (bounds_initial is not None) and + not (bounds_initial[0] <= len(default) <= bounds_initial[1]) + ): + default = None + obj = obj_initial(value, bounds, impl, expl, default, optional) + if obj.ready: + value_expected = default if value is None else value + value_expected = ( + default_initial if value_expected is None + else value_expected + ) + self.assertEqual(obj, value_expected) + self.assertEqual(obj.tag, impl or impl_initial or obj.tag_default) + self.assertEqual(obj.expl_tag, expl or expl_initial) + self.assertEqual( + obj.default, + default_initial if default is None else default, + ) + if obj.default is None: + optional = optional_initial if optional is None else optional + optional = False if optional is None else optional + else: + optional = True + self.assertEqual(obj.optional, optional) + self.assertEqual( + (obj._bound_min, obj._bound_max), + bounds or bounds_initial or (0, float("+inf")), + ) + + @given(octet_string_values_strat()) + def test_copy(self, values): + for klass in (OctetString, OctetStringInherited): + obj = klass(*values) + obj_copied = obj.copy() + self.assert_copied_basic_fields(obj, obj_copied) + self.assertEqual(obj._bound_min, obj_copied._bound_min) + self.assertEqual(obj._bound_max, obj_copied._bound_max) + self.assertEqual(obj._value, obj_copied._value) + + @given( + binary(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode), + ) + def test_stripped(self, value, tag_impl): + obj = OctetString(value, impl=tag_impl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + binary(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc), + ) + def test_stripped_expl(self, value, tag_expl): + obj = OctetString(value, expl=tag_expl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + integers(min_value=31), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_tag(self, tag, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + OctetString().decode( + tag_encode(tag)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given( + integers(min_value=128), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_len(self, l, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + OctetString().decode( + OctetString.tag_default + len_encode(l)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given( + sets(integers(min_value=0, max_value=10), min_size=2, max_size=2), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_invalid_bounds_while_decoding(self, ints, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + value, bound_min = list(sorted(ints)) + + class String(OctetString): + bounds = (bound_min, bound_min) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + String().decode( + OctetString(b"\x00" * value).encode(), + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given( + octet_string_values_strat(), + binary(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc), + integers(min_value=0), + ) + def test_symmetric(self, values, value, tag_expl, offset): + for klass in (OctetString, OctetStringInherited): + _, _, _, _, default, optional, _decoded = values + obj = klass( + value=value, + default=default, + optional=optional, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + self.assertFalse(obj.expled) + obj_encoded = obj.encode() + obj_expled = obj(value, expl=tag_expl) + self.assertTrue(obj_expled.expled) + repr(obj_expled) + pprint(obj_expled) + obj_expled_encoded = obj_expled.encode() + obj_decoded, tail = obj_expled.decode(obj_expled_encoded, offset=offset) + repr(obj_decoded) + pprint(obj_decoded) + self.assertEqual(tail, b"") + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded, obj_expled) + self.assertNotEqual(obj_decoded, obj) + self.assertEqual(bytes(obj_decoded), bytes(obj_expled)) + self.assertEqual(bytes(obj_decoded), bytes(obj)) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.encode(), obj_expled_encoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tag, tag_expl) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tlen, len(tag_expl)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + len(len_encode(len(obj_encoded))), + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.tlvlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_vlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.offset, + offset + obj_decoded.expl_tlen + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_offset, offset) + + +@composite +def null_values_strat(draw, do_expl=False): + impl = None + expl = None + if do_expl: + expl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + else: + impl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + optional = draw(one_of(none(), booleans())) + _decoded = ( + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + ) + return (impl, expl, optional, _decoded) + + +class NullInherited(Null): + __slots__ = () + + +class TestNull(CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = Null + + def test_ready(self): + obj = Null() + self.assertTrue(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + + @given(binary(), binary()) + def test_comparison(self, tag1, tag2): + for klass in (Null, NullInherited): + obj1 = klass(impl=tag1) + obj2 = klass(impl=tag2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, tag1 == tag2) + self.assertNotEqual(obj1, tag2) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_call(self, d): + for klass in (Null, NullInherited): + ( + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + optional_initial, + _decoded_initial, + ) = d.draw(null_values_strat()) + obj_initial = klass( + impl=impl_initial, + expl=expl_initial, + optional=optional_initial or False, + _decoded=_decoded_initial, + ) + ( + impl, + expl, + optional, + _decoded, + ) = d.draw(null_values_strat(do_expl=impl_initial is None)) + obj = obj_initial(impl=impl, expl=expl, optional=optional) + self.assertEqual(obj.tag, impl or impl_initial or obj.tag_default) + self.assertEqual(obj.expl_tag, expl or expl_initial) + optional = optional_initial if optional is None else optional + optional = False if optional is None else optional + self.assertEqual(obj.optional, optional) + + @given(null_values_strat()) + def test_copy(self, values): + for klass in (Null, NullInherited): + impl, expl, optional, _decoded = values + obj = klass( + impl=impl, + expl=expl, + optional=optional or False, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + obj_copied = obj.copy() + self.assert_copied_basic_fields(obj, obj_copied) + + @given(integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode)) + def test_stripped(self, tag_impl): + obj = Null(impl=tag_impl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given(integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc)) + def test_stripped_expl(self, tag_expl): + obj = Null(expl=tag_expl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + integers(min_value=31), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_tag(self, tag, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + Null().decode( + tag_encode(tag)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given( + integers(min_value=128), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_len(self, l, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + Null().decode( + Null.tag_default + len_encode(l)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given(binary(min_size=1)) + def test_tag_mismatch(self, impl): + assume(impl != Null.tag_default) + with self.assertRaises(TagMismatch): + Null(impl=impl).decode(Null().encode()) + + @given( + null_values_strat(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc), + integers(min_value=0), + ) + def test_symmetric(self, values, tag_expl, offset): + for klass in (Null, NullInherited): + _, _, optional, _decoded = values + obj = klass(optional=optional, _decoded=_decoded) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + self.assertFalse(obj.expled) + obj_encoded = obj.encode() + obj_expled = obj(expl=tag_expl) + self.assertTrue(obj_expled.expled) + repr(obj_expled) + pprint(obj_expled) + obj_expled_encoded = obj_expled.encode() + obj_decoded, tail = obj_expled.decode(obj_expled_encoded, offset=offset) + repr(obj_decoded) + pprint(obj_decoded) + self.assertEqual(tail, b"") + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded, obj_expled) + self.assertNotEqual(obj_decoded, obj) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.encode(), obj_expled_encoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tag, tag_expl) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tlen, len(tag_expl)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + len(len_encode(len(obj_encoded))), + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.tlvlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_vlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.offset, + offset + obj_decoded.expl_tlen + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_offset, offset) + + @given(integers(min_value=1)) + def test_invalid_len(self, l): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidLength): + Null().decode(b"".join(( + Null.tag_default, + len_encode(l), + ))) + + +@composite +def oid_strategy(draw): + first_arc = draw(integers(min_value=0, max_value=2)) + second_arc = 0 + if first_arc in (0, 1): + second_arc = draw(integers(min_value=0, max_value=39)) + else: + second_arc = draw(integers(min_value=0)) + other_arcs = draw(lists(integers(min_value=0))) + return tuple([first_arc, second_arc] + other_arcs) + + +@composite +def oid_values_strat(draw, do_expl=False): + value = draw(one_of(none(), oid_strategy())) + impl = None + expl = None + if do_expl: + expl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + else: + impl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + default = draw(one_of(none(), oid_strategy())) + optional = draw(one_of(none(), booleans())) + _decoded = ( + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + ) + return (value, impl, expl, default, optional, _decoded) + + +class ObjectIdentifierInherited(ObjectIdentifier): + __slots__ = () + + +class TestObjectIdentifier(CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = ObjectIdentifier + + def test_invalid_value_type(self): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + ObjectIdentifier(123) + repr(err.exception) + + @given(booleans()) + def test_optional(self, optional): + obj = ObjectIdentifier(default=ObjectIdentifier("1.2.3"), optional=optional) + self.assertTrue(obj.optional) + + @given(oid_strategy()) + def test_ready(self, value): + obj = ObjectIdentifier() + self.assertFalse(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + with self.assertRaises(ObjNotReady) as err: + obj.encode() + repr(err.exception) + obj = ObjectIdentifier(value) + self.assertTrue(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + hash(obj) + + @given(oid_strategy(), oid_strategy(), binary(), binary()) + def test_comparison(self, value1, value2, tag1, tag2): + for klass in (ObjectIdentifier, ObjectIdentifierInherited): + obj1 = klass(value1) + obj2 = klass(value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, value1 == value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == tuple(obj2), value1 == value2) + self.assertEqual(str(obj1) == str(obj2), value1 == value2) + obj1 = klass(value1, impl=tag1) + obj2 = klass(value1, impl=tag2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, tag1 == tag2) + + @given(lists(oid_strategy())) + def test_sorted_works(self, values): + self.assertSequenceEqual( + [tuple(v) for v in sorted(ObjectIdentifier(v) for v in values)], + sorted(values), + ) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_call(self, d): + for klass in (ObjectIdentifier, ObjectIdentifierInherited): + ( + value_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial, + _decoded_initial, + ) = d.draw(oid_values_strat()) + obj_initial = klass( + value_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial or False, + _decoded_initial, + ) + ( + value, + impl, + expl, + default, + optional, + _decoded, + ) = d.draw(oid_values_strat(do_expl=impl_initial is None)) + obj = obj_initial(value, impl, expl, default, optional) + if obj.ready: + value_expected = default if value is None else value + value_expected = ( + default_initial if value_expected is None + else value_expected + ) + self.assertEqual(obj, value_expected) + self.assertEqual(obj.tag, impl or impl_initial or obj.tag_default) + self.assertEqual(obj.expl_tag, expl or expl_initial) + self.assertEqual( + obj.default, + default_initial if default is None else default, + ) + if obj.default is None: + optional = optional_initial if optional is None else optional + optional = False if optional is None else optional + else: + optional = True + self.assertEqual(obj.optional, optional) + + @given(oid_values_strat()) + def test_copy(self, values): + for klass in (ObjectIdentifier, ObjectIdentifierInherited): + obj = klass(*values) + obj_copied = obj.copy() + self.assert_copied_basic_fields(obj, obj_copied) + self.assertEqual(obj._value, obj_copied._value) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given( + oid_strategy(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode), + ) + def test_stripped(self, value, tag_impl): + obj = ObjectIdentifier(value, impl=tag_impl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + oid_strategy(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc), + ) + def test_stripped_expl(self, value, tag_expl): + obj = ObjectIdentifier(value, expl=tag_expl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + integers(min_value=31), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_tag(self, tag, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + ObjectIdentifier().decode( + tag_encode(tag)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given( + integers(min_value=128), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_len(self, l, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + ObjectIdentifier().decode( + ObjectIdentifier.tag_default + len_encode(l)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + def test_zero_oid(self): + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + ObjectIdentifier().decode( + b"".join((ObjectIdentifier.tag_default, len_encode(0))) + ) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given(oid_strategy()) + def test_unfinished_oid(self, value): + assume(list(value)[-1] > 255) + obj_encoded = ObjectIdentifier(value).encode() + obj, _ = ObjectIdentifier().decode(obj_encoded) + data = obj_encoded[obj.tlen + obj.llen:-1] + data = b"".join(( + ObjectIdentifier.tag_default, + len_encode(len(data)), + data, + )) + with assertRaisesRegex(self, DecodeError, "unfinished OID"): + obj.decode(data) + + @given(integers(min_value=0)) + def test_invalid_short(self, value): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidOID): + ObjectIdentifier((value,)) + with self.assertRaises(InvalidOID): + ObjectIdentifier("%d" % value) + + @given(integers(min_value=3), integers(min_value=0)) + def test_invalid_first_arc(self, first_arc, second_arc): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidOID): + ObjectIdentifier((first_arc, second_arc)) + with self.assertRaises(InvalidOID): + ObjectIdentifier("%d.%d" % (first_arc, second_arc)) + + @given(integers(min_value=0, max_value=1), integers(min_value=40)) + def test_invalid_second_arc(self, first_arc, second_arc): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidOID): + ObjectIdentifier((first_arc, second_arc)) + with self.assertRaises(InvalidOID): + ObjectIdentifier("%d.%d" % (first_arc, second_arc)) + + @given(text(alphabet=ascii_letters + ".", min_size=1)) + def test_junk(self, oid): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidOID): + ObjectIdentifier(oid) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given(oid_strategy()) + def test_validness(self, oid): + obj = ObjectIdentifier(oid) + self.assertEqual(obj, ObjectIdentifier(".".join(str(arc) for arc in oid))) + str(obj) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given( + oid_values_strat(), + oid_strategy(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc), + integers(min_value=0), + ) + def test_symmetric(self, values, value, tag_expl, offset): + for klass in (ObjectIdentifier, ObjectIdentifierInherited): + _, _, _, default, optional, _decoded = values + obj = klass( + value=value, + default=default, + optional=optional, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + self.assertFalse(obj.expled) + obj_encoded = obj.encode() + obj_expled = obj(value, expl=tag_expl) + self.assertTrue(obj_expled.expled) + repr(obj_expled) + pprint(obj_expled) + obj_expled_encoded = obj_expled.encode() + obj_decoded, tail = obj_expled.decode(obj_expled_encoded, offset=offset) + repr(obj_decoded) + pprint(obj_decoded) + self.assertEqual(tail, b"") + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded, obj_expled) + self.assertNotEqual(obj_decoded, obj) + self.assertEqual(tuple(obj_decoded), tuple(obj_expled)) + self.assertEqual(tuple(obj_decoded), tuple(obj)) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.encode(), obj_expled_encoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tag, tag_expl) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tlen, len(tag_expl)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + len(len_encode(len(obj_encoded))), + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.tlvlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_vlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.offset, + offset + obj_decoded.expl_tlen + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_offset, offset) + + @given( + oid_strategy().map(ObjectIdentifier), + oid_strategy().map(ObjectIdentifier), + ) + def test_add(self, oid1, oid2): + oid_expect = ObjectIdentifier(str(oid1) + "." + str(oid2)) + for oid_to_add in (oid2, tuple(oid2)): + self.assertEqual(oid1 + oid_to_add, oid_expect) + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType): + oid1 + str(oid2) + + def test_go_vectors_valid(self): + for data, expect in ( + (b"\x55", (2, 5)), + (b"\x55\x02", (2, 5, 2)), + (b"\x55\x02\xc0\x00", (2, 5, 2, 8192)), + (b"\x81\x34\x03", (2, 100, 3)), + ): + self.assertEqual( + ObjectIdentifier().decode(b"".join(( + ObjectIdentifier.tag_default, + len_encode(len(data)), + data, + )))[0], + expect, + ) + + def test_go_vectors_invalid(self): + data = b"\x55\x02\xc0\x80\x80\x80\x80" + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError): + ObjectIdentifier().decode(b"".join(( + Integer.tag_default, + len_encode(len(data)), + data, + ))) + + +@composite +def enumerated_values_strat(draw, schema=None, do_expl=False): + if schema is None: + schema = list(draw(sets(text_printable, min_size=1, max_size=3))) + values = list(draw(sets( + integers(), + min_size=len(schema), + max_size=len(schema), + ))) + schema = list(zip(schema, values)) + value = draw(one_of(none(), sampled_from([k for k, v in schema]))) + impl = None + expl = None + if do_expl: + expl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + else: + impl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + default = draw(one_of(none(), sampled_from([v for k, v in schema]))) + optional = draw(one_of(none(), booleans())) + _decoded = ( + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + ) + return (schema, value, impl, expl, default, optional, _decoded) + + +class TestEnumerated(CommonMixin, TestCase): + class EWhatever(Enumerated): + __slots__ = () + schema = (("whatever", 0),) + + base_klass = EWhatever + + def test_schema_required(self): + with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "schema must be specified"): + Enumerated() + + def test_invalid_value_type(self): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + self.base_klass((1, 2)) + repr(err.exception) + + @given(sets(text_letters(), min_size=2)) + def test_unknown_name(self, schema_input): + missing = schema_input.pop() + + class E(Enumerated): + __slots__ = () + schema = [(n, 123) for n in schema_input] + with self.assertRaises(ObjUnknown) as err: + E(missing) + repr(err.exception) + + @given( + sets(text_letters(), min_size=2), + sets(integers(), min_size=2), + ) + def test_unknown_value(self, schema_input, values_input): + schema_input.pop() + missing_value = values_input.pop() + _input = list(zip(schema_input, values_input)) + + class E(Enumerated): + __slots__ = () + schema = _input + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + E(missing_value) + repr(err.exception) + + @given(booleans()) + def test_optional(self, optional): + obj = self.base_klass(default="whatever", optional=optional) + self.assertTrue(obj.optional) + + def test_ready(self): + obj = self.base_klass() + self.assertFalse(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + with self.assertRaises(ObjNotReady) as err: + obj.encode() + repr(err.exception) + obj = self.base_klass("whatever") + self.assertTrue(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + + @given(integers(), integers(), binary(), binary()) + def test_comparison(self, value1, value2, tag1, tag2): + class E(Enumerated): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("whatever0", value1), + ("whatever1", value2), + ) + + class EInherited(E): + __slots__ = () + for klass in (E, EInherited): + obj1 = klass(value1) + obj2 = klass(value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, value1 == value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == int(obj2), value1 == value2) + obj1 = klass(value1, impl=tag1) + obj2 = klass(value1, impl=tag2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, tag1 == tag2) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_call(self, d): + ( + schema_initial, + value_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial, + _decoded_initial, + ) = d.draw(enumerated_values_strat()) + + class E(Enumerated): + __slots__ = () + schema = schema_initial + obj_initial = E( + value=value_initial, + impl=impl_initial, + expl=expl_initial, + default=default_initial, + optional=optional_initial or False, + _decoded=_decoded_initial, + ) + ( + _, + value, + impl, + expl, + default, + optional, + _decoded, + ) = d.draw(enumerated_values_strat( + schema=schema_initial, + do_expl=impl_initial is None, + )) + obj = obj_initial( + value=value, + impl=impl, + expl=expl, + default=default, + optional=optional, + ) + if obj.ready: + value_expected = default if value is None else value + value_expected = ( + default_initial if value_expected is None + else value_expected + ) + self.assertEqual( + int(obj), + dict(schema_initial).get(value_expected, value_expected), + ) + self.assertEqual(obj.tag, impl or impl_initial or obj.tag_default) + self.assertEqual(obj.expl_tag, expl or expl_initial) + self.assertEqual( + obj.default, + default_initial if default is None else default, + ) + if obj.default is None: + optional = optional_initial if optional is None else optional + optional = False if optional is None else optional + else: + optional = True + self.assertEqual(obj.optional, optional) + self.assertEqual(obj.specs, dict(schema_initial)) + + @given(enumerated_values_strat()) + def test_copy(self, values): + schema_input, value, impl, expl, default, optional, _decoded = values + + class E(Enumerated): + __slots__ = () + schema = schema_input + obj = E( + value=value, + impl=impl, + expl=expl, + default=default, + optional=optional, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + obj_copied = obj.copy() + self.assert_copied_basic_fields(obj, obj_copied) + self.assertEqual(obj.specs, obj_copied.specs) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_symmetric(self, d): + schema_input, _, _, _, default, optional, _decoded = d.draw( + enumerated_values_strat(), + ) + tag_expl = d.draw(integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc)) + offset = d.draw(integers(min_value=0)) + value = d.draw(sampled_from(sorted([v for _, v in schema_input]))) + + class E(Enumerated): + __slots__ = () + schema = schema_input + obj = E( + value=value, + default=default, + optional=optional, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + self.assertFalse(obj.expled) + obj_encoded = obj.encode() + obj_expled = obj(value, expl=tag_expl) + self.assertTrue(obj_expled.expled) + repr(obj_expled) + pprint(obj_expled) + obj_expled_encoded = obj_expled.encode() + obj_decoded, tail = obj_expled.decode(obj_expled_encoded, offset=offset) + repr(obj_decoded) + pprint(obj_decoded) + self.assertEqual(tail, b"") + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded, obj_expled) + self.assertNotEqual(obj_decoded, obj) + self.assertEqual(int(obj_decoded), int(obj_expled)) + self.assertEqual(int(obj_decoded), int(obj)) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.encode(), obj_expled_encoded) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tag, tag_expl) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tlen, len(tag_expl)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + len(len_encode(len(obj_encoded))), + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.tlvlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_vlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.offset, + offset + obj_decoded.expl_tlen + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_offset, offset) + + +@composite +def string_values_strat(draw, alphabet, do_expl=False): + bound_min, bound_max = sorted(draw(sets( + integers(min_value=0, max_value=1 << 7), + min_size=2, + max_size=2, + ))) + value = draw(one_of( + none(), + text(alphabet=alphabet, min_size=bound_min, max_size=bound_max), + )) + default = draw(one_of( + none(), + text(alphabet=alphabet, min_size=bound_min, max_size=bound_max), + )) + bounds = None + if draw(booleans()): + bounds = (bound_min, bound_max) + impl = None + expl = None + if do_expl: + expl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + else: + impl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + optional = draw(one_of(none(), booleans())) + _decoded = ( + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + ) + return (value, bounds, impl, expl, default, optional, _decoded) + + +class StringMixin(object): + def test_invalid_value_type(self): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + self.base_klass((1, 2)) + repr(err.exception) + + def text_alphabet(self): + if self.base_klass.encoding in ("ascii", "iso-8859-1"): + return printable + whitespace + return None + + @given(booleans()) + def test_optional(self, optional): + obj = self.base_klass(default=self.base_klass(""), optional=optional) + self.assertTrue(obj.optional) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_ready(self, d): + obj = self.base_klass() + self.assertFalse(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + text_type(obj) + with self.assertRaises(ObjNotReady) as err: + obj.encode() + repr(err.exception) + value = d.draw(text(alphabet=self.text_alphabet())) + obj = self.base_klass(value) + self.assertTrue(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + text_type(obj) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_comparison(self, d): + value1 = d.draw(text(alphabet=self.text_alphabet())) + value2 = d.draw(text(alphabet=self.text_alphabet())) + tag1 = d.draw(binary()) + tag2 = d.draw(binary()) + obj1 = self.base_klass(value1) + obj2 = self.base_klass(value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, value1 == value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == bytes(obj2), value1 == value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == text_type(obj2), value1 == value2) + obj1 = self.base_klass(value1, impl=tag1) + obj2 = self.base_klass(value1, impl=tag2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, tag1 == tag2) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_bounds_satisfied(self, d): + bound_min = d.draw(integers(min_value=0, max_value=1 << 7)) + bound_max = d.draw(integers(min_value=bound_min, max_value=1 << 7)) + value = d.draw(text( + alphabet=self.text_alphabet(), + min_size=bound_min, + max_size=bound_max, + )) + self.base_klass(value=value, bounds=(bound_min, bound_max)) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_bounds_unsatisfied(self, d): + bound_min = d.draw(integers(min_value=1, max_value=1 << 7)) + bound_max = d.draw(integers(min_value=bound_min, max_value=1 << 7)) + value = d.draw(text(alphabet=self.text_alphabet(), max_size=bound_min - 1)) + with self.assertRaises(BoundsError) as err: + self.base_klass(value=value, bounds=(bound_min, bound_max)) + repr(err.exception) + value = d.draw(text(alphabet=self.text_alphabet(), min_size=bound_max + 1)) + with self.assertRaises(BoundsError) as err: + self.base_klass(value=value, bounds=(bound_min, bound_max)) + repr(err.exception) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_call(self, d): + ( + value_initial, + bounds_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial, + _decoded_initial, + ) = d.draw(string_values_strat(self.text_alphabet())) + obj_initial = self.base_klass( + value_initial, + bounds_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial or False, + _decoded_initial, + ) + ( + value, + bounds, + impl, + expl, + default, + optional, + _decoded, + ) = d.draw(string_values_strat( + self.text_alphabet(), + do_expl=impl_initial is None, + )) + if (default is None) and (obj_initial.default is not None): + bounds = None + if ( + (bounds is None) and + (value is not None) and + (bounds_initial is not None) and + not (bounds_initial[0] <= len(value) <= bounds_initial[1]) + ): + value = None + if ( + (bounds is None) and + (default is not None) and + (bounds_initial is not None) and + not (bounds_initial[0] <= len(default) <= bounds_initial[1]) + ): + default = None + obj = obj_initial(value, bounds, impl, expl, default, optional) + if obj.ready: + value_expected = default if value is None else value + value_expected = ( + default_initial if value_expected is None + else value_expected + ) + self.assertEqual(obj, value_expected) + self.assertEqual(obj.tag, impl or impl_initial or obj.tag_default) + self.assertEqual(obj.expl_tag, expl or expl_initial) + self.assertEqual( + obj.default, + default_initial if default is None else default, + ) + if obj.default is None: + optional = optional_initial if optional is None else optional + optional = False if optional is None else optional + else: + optional = True + self.assertEqual(obj.optional, optional) + self.assertEqual( + (obj._bound_min, obj._bound_max), + bounds or bounds_initial or (0, float("+inf")), + ) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_copy(self, d): + values = d.draw(string_values_strat(self.text_alphabet())) + obj = self.base_klass(*values) + obj_copied = obj.copy() + self.assert_copied_basic_fields(obj, obj_copied) + self.assertEqual(obj._bound_min, obj_copied._bound_min) + self.assertEqual(obj._bound_max, obj_copied._bound_max) + self.assertEqual(obj._value, obj_copied._value) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_stripped(self, d): + value = d.draw(text(alphabet=self.text_alphabet())) + tag_impl = tag_encode(d.draw(integers(min_value=1))) + obj = self.base_klass(value, impl=tag_impl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_stripped_expl(self, d): + value = d.draw(text(alphabet=self.text_alphabet())) + tag_expl = tag_ctxc(d.draw(integers(min_value=1))) + obj = self.base_klass(value, expl=tag_expl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + integers(min_value=31), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_tag(self, tag, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + self.base_klass().decode( + tag_encode(tag)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given( + integers(min_value=128), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_len(self, l, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + self.base_klass().decode( + self.base_klass.tag_default + len_encode(l)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given( + sets(integers(min_value=0, max_value=10), min_size=2, max_size=2), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_invalid_bounds_while_decoding(self, ints, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + value, bound_min = list(sorted(ints)) + + class String(self.base_klass): + # Multiply this value by four, to satisfy UTF-32 bounds + # (4 bytes per character) validation + bounds = (bound_min * 4, bound_min * 4) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + String().decode( + self.base_klass(b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" * value).encode(), + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_symmetric(self, d): + values = d.draw(string_values_strat(self.text_alphabet())) + value = d.draw(text(alphabet=self.text_alphabet())) + tag_expl = tag_ctxc(d.draw(integers(min_value=1))) + offset = d.draw(integers(min_value=0)) + _, _, _, _, default, optional, _decoded = values + obj = self.base_klass( + value=value, + default=default, + optional=optional, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + self.assertFalse(obj.expled) + obj_encoded = obj.encode() + obj_expled = obj(value, expl=tag_expl) + self.assertTrue(obj_expled.expled) + repr(obj_expled) + pprint(obj_expled) + obj_expled_encoded = obj_expled.encode() + obj_decoded, tail = obj_expled.decode(obj_expled_encoded, offset=offset) + repr(obj_decoded) + pprint(obj_decoded) + self.assertEqual(tail, b"") + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded, obj_expled) + self.assertNotEqual(obj_decoded, obj) + self.assertEqual(bytes(obj_decoded), bytes(obj_expled)) + self.assertEqual(bytes(obj_decoded), bytes(obj)) + self.assertEqual(text_type(obj_decoded), text_type(obj_expled)) + self.assertEqual(text_type(obj_decoded), text_type(obj)) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.encode(), obj_expled_encoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tag, tag_expl) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tlen, len(tag_expl)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + len(len_encode(len(obj_encoded))), + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.tlvlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_vlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.offset, + offset + obj_decoded.expl_tlen + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_offset, offset) + + +class TestUTF8String(StringMixin, CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = UTF8String + + +class TestNumericString(StringMixin, CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = NumericString + + +class TestPrintableString(StringMixin, CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = PrintableString + + +class TestTeletexString(StringMixin, CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = TeletexString + + +class TestVideotexString(StringMixin, CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = VideotexString + + +class TestIA5String(StringMixin, CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = IA5String + + +class TestGraphicString(StringMixin, CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = GraphicString + + +class TestVisibleString(StringMixin, CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = VisibleString + + +class TestGeneralString(StringMixin, CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = GeneralString + + +class TestUniversalString(StringMixin, CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = UniversalString + + +class TestBMPString(StringMixin, CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = BMPString + + +@composite +def generalized_time_values_strat( + draw, + min_datetime, + max_datetime, + omit_ms=False, + do_expl=False, +): + value = None + if draw(booleans()): + value = draw(datetimes(min_value=min_datetime, max_value=max_datetime)) + if omit_ms: + value = value.replace(microsecond=0) + default = None + if draw(booleans()): + default = draw(datetimes(min_value=min_datetime, max_value=max_datetime)) + if omit_ms: + default = default.replace(microsecond=0) + impl = None + expl = None + if do_expl: + expl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + else: + impl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + optional = draw(one_of(none(), booleans())) + _decoded = ( + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + ) + return (value, impl, expl, default, optional, _decoded) + + +class TimeMixin(object): + def test_invalid_value_type(self): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + self.base_klass( + repr(err.exception) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_optional(self, d): + default = d.draw(datetimes( + min_value=self.min_datetime, + max_value=self.max_datetime, + )) + optional = d.draw(booleans()) + obj = self.base_klass(default=default, optional=optional) + self.assertTrue(obj.optional) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_ready(self, d): + obj = self.base_klass() + self.assertFalse(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + with self.assertRaises(ObjNotReady) as err: + obj.encode() + repr(err.exception) + value = d.draw(datetimes(min_value=self.min_datetime)) + obj = self.base_klass(value) + self.assertTrue(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_comparison(self, d): + value1 = d.draw(datetimes( + min_value=self.min_datetime, + max_value=self.max_datetime, + )) + value2 = d.draw(datetimes( + min_value=self.min_datetime, + max_value=self.max_datetime, + )) + tag1 = d.draw(binary()) + tag2 = d.draw(binary()) + if self.omit_ms: + value1 = value1.replace(microsecond=0) + value2 = value2.replace(microsecond=0) + obj1 = self.base_klass(value1) + obj2 = self.base_klass(value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, value1 == value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2.todatetime(), value1 == value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == bytes(obj2), value1 == value2) + obj1 = self.base_klass(value1, impl=tag1) + obj2 = self.base_klass(value1, impl=tag2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, tag1 == tag2) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_call(self, d): + ( + value_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial, + _decoded_initial, + ) = d.draw(generalized_time_values_strat( + min_datetime=self.min_datetime, + max_datetime=self.max_datetime, + omit_ms=self.omit_ms, + )) + obj_initial = self.base_klass( + value=value_initial, + impl=impl_initial, + expl=expl_initial, + default=default_initial, + optional=optional_initial or False, + _decoded=_decoded_initial, + ) + ( + value, + impl, + expl, + default, + optional, + _decoded, + ) = d.draw(generalized_time_values_strat( + min_datetime=self.min_datetime, + max_datetime=self.max_datetime, + omit_ms=self.omit_ms, + do_expl=impl_initial is None, + )) + obj = obj_initial( + value=value, + impl=impl, + expl=expl, + default=default, + optional=optional, + ) + if obj.ready: + value_expected = default if value is None else value + value_expected = ( + default_initial if value_expected is None + else value_expected + ) + self.assertEqual(obj, value_expected) + self.assertEqual(obj.tag, impl or impl_initial or obj.tag_default) + self.assertEqual(obj.expl_tag, expl or expl_initial) + self.assertEqual( + obj.default, + default_initial if default is None else default, + ) + if obj.default is None: + optional = optional_initial if optional is None else optional + optional = False if optional is None else optional + else: + optional = True + self.assertEqual(obj.optional, optional) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_copy(self, d): + values = d.draw(generalized_time_values_strat( + min_datetime=self.min_datetime, + max_datetime=self.max_datetime, + )) + obj = self.base_klass(*values) + obj_copied = obj.copy() + self.assert_copied_basic_fields(obj, obj_copied) + self.assertEqual(obj._value, obj_copied._value) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_stripped(self, d): + value = d.draw(datetimes( + min_value=self.min_datetime, + max_value=self.max_datetime, + )) + tag_impl = tag_encode(d.draw(integers(min_value=1))) + obj = self.base_klass(value, impl=tag_impl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_stripped_expl(self, d): + value = d.draw(datetimes( + min_value=self.min_datetime, + max_value=self.max_datetime, + )) + tag_expl = tag_ctxc(d.draw(integers(min_value=1))) + obj = self.base_klass(value, expl=tag_expl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_symmetric(self, d): + values = d.draw(generalized_time_values_strat( + min_datetime=self.min_datetime, + max_datetime=self.max_datetime, + )) + value = d.draw(datetimes( + min_value=self.min_datetime, + max_value=self.max_datetime, + )) + tag_expl = tag_ctxc(d.draw(integers(min_value=1))) + offset = d.draw(integers(min_value=0)) + _, _, _, default, optional, _decoded = values + obj = self.base_klass( + value=value, + default=default, + optional=optional, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + self.assertFalse(obj.expled) + obj_encoded = obj.encode() + obj_expled = obj(value, expl=tag_expl) + self.assertTrue(obj_expled.expled) + repr(obj_expled) + pprint(obj_expled) + obj_expled_encoded = obj_expled.encode() + obj_decoded, tail = obj_expled.decode(obj_expled_encoded, offset=offset) + repr(obj_decoded) + pprint(obj_decoded) + self.assertEqual(tail, b"") + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded, obj_expled) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.todatetime(), obj_expled.todatetime()) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.todatetime(), obj.todatetime()) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.encode(), obj_expled_encoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tag, tag_expl) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tlen, len(tag_expl)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + len(len_encode(len(obj_encoded))), + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.tlvlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_vlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.offset, + offset + obj_decoded.expl_tlen + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_offset, offset) + + +class TestGeneralizedTime(TimeMixin, CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = GeneralizedTime + omit_ms = False + min_datetime = datetime(1900, 1, 1) + max_datetime = datetime(9999, 12, 31) + + def test_go_vectors_invalid(self): + for data in (( + b"20100102030405", + b"00000100000000Z", + b"20101302030405Z", + b"20100002030405Z", + b"20100100030405Z", + b"20100132030405Z", + b"20100231030405Z", + b"20100102240405Z", + b"20100102036005Z", + b"20100102030460Z", + b"-20100102030410Z", + b"2010-0102030410Z", + b"2010-0002030410Z", + b"201001-02030410Z", + b"20100102-030410Z", + b"2010010203-0410Z", + b"201001020304-10Z", + # These ones are INVALID in *DER*, but accepted + # by Go's encoding/asn1 + b"20100102030405+0607", + b"20100102030405-0607", + )): + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + GeneralizedTime(data) + repr(err.exception) + + def test_go_vectors_valid(self): + self.assertEqual( + GeneralizedTime(b"20100102030405Z").todatetime(), + datetime(2010, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0), + ) + + +class TestUTCTime(TimeMixin, CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = UTCTime + omit_ms = True + min_datetime = datetime(2000, 1, 1) + max_datetime = datetime(2049, 12, 31) + + def test_go_vectors_invalid(self): + for data in (( + b"a10506234540Z", + b"91a506234540Z", + b"9105a6234540Z", + b"910506a34540Z", + b"910506334a40Z", + b"91050633444aZ", + b"910506334461Z", + b"910506334400Za", + b"000100000000Z", + b"101302030405Z", + b"100002030405Z", + b"100100030405Z", + b"100132030405Z", + b"100231030405Z", + b"100102240405Z", + b"100102036005Z", + b"100102030460Z", + b"-100102030410Z", + b"10-0102030410Z", + b"10-0002030410Z", + b"1001-02030410Z", + b"100102-030410Z", + b"10010203-0410Z", + b"1001020304-10Z", + # These ones are INVALID in *DER*, but accepted + # by Go's encoding/asn1 + b"910506164540-0700", + b"910506164540+0730", + b"9105062345Z", + b"5105062345Z", + )): + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + UTCTime(data) + repr(err.exception) + + def test_go_vectors_valid(self): + self.assertEqual( + UTCTime(b"910506234540Z").todatetime(), + datetime(1991, 5, 6, 23, 45, 40, 0), + ) + + @given(integers(min_value=0, max_value=49)) + def test_pre50(self, year): + self.assertEqual( + UTCTime(("%02d1231235959Z" % year).encode("ascii")).todatetime().year, + 2000 + year, + ) + + @given(integers(min_value=50, max_value=99)) + def test_post50(self, year): + self.assertEqual( + UTCTime(("%02d1231235959Z" % year).encode("ascii")).todatetime().year, + 1900 + year, + ) + + +@composite +def any_values_strat(draw, do_expl=False): + value = draw(one_of(none(), binary())) + expl = None + if do_expl: + expl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + optional = draw(one_of(none(), booleans())) + _decoded = ( + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + ) + return (value, expl, optional, _decoded) + + +class AnyInherited(Any): + __slots__ = () + + +class TestAny(CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = Any + + def test_invalid_value_type(self): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + Any(123) + repr(err.exception) + + @given(booleans()) + def test_optional(self, optional): + obj = Any(optional=optional) + self.assertEqual(obj.optional, optional) + + @given(binary()) + def test_ready(self, value): + obj = Any() + self.assertFalse(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + with self.assertRaises(ObjNotReady) as err: + obj.encode() + repr(err.exception) + obj = Any(value) + self.assertTrue(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + + @given(integers()) + def test_basic(self, value): + integer_encoded = Integer(value).encode() + for obj in ( + Any(integer_encoded), + Any(Integer(value)), + Any(Any(Integer(value))), + ): + self.assertSequenceEqual(bytes(obj), integer_encoded) + self.assertEqual( + obj.decode(obj.encode())[0].vlen, + len(integer_encoded), + ) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj.encode(), integer_encoded) + + @given(binary(), binary()) + def test_comparison(self, value1, value2): + for klass in (Any, AnyInherited): + obj1 = klass(value1) + obj2 = klass(value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, value1 == value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == bytes(obj2), value1 == value2) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_call(self, d): + for klass in (Any, AnyInherited): + ( + value_initial, + expl_initial, + optional_initial, + _decoded_initial, + ) = d.draw(any_values_strat()) + obj_initial = klass( + value_initial, + expl_initial, + optional_initial or False, + _decoded_initial, + ) + ( + value, + expl, + optional, + _decoded, + ) = d.draw(any_values_strat(do_expl=True)) + obj = obj_initial(value, expl, optional) + if obj.ready: + value_expected = None if value is None else value + self.assertEqual(obj, value_expected) + self.assertEqual(obj.expl_tag, expl or expl_initial) + if obj.default is None: + optional = optional_initial if optional is None else optional + optional = False if optional is None else optional + self.assertEqual(obj.optional, optional) + + def test_simultaneous_impl_expl(self): + # override it, as Any does not have implicit tag + pass + + def test_decoded(self): + # override it, as Any does not have implicit tag + pass + + @given(any_values_strat()) + def test_copy(self, values): + for klass in (Any, AnyInherited): + obj = klass(*values) + obj_copied = obj.copy() + self.assert_copied_basic_fields(obj, obj_copied) + self.assertEqual(obj._value, obj_copied._value) + + @given(binary().map(OctetString)) + def test_stripped(self, value): + obj = Any(value) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + binary(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc), + ) + def test_stripped_expl(self, value, tag_expl): + obj = Any(value, expl=tag_expl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + integers(min_value=31), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_tag(self, tag, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + Any().decode( + tag_encode(tag)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given( + integers(min_value=128), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_len(self, l, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + Any().decode( + Any.tag_default + len_encode(l)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given( + any_values_strat(), + integers().map(lambda x: Integer(x).encode()), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc), + integers(min_value=0), + ) + def test_symmetric(self, values, value, tag_expl, offset): + for klass in (Any, AnyInherited): + _, _, optional, _decoded = values + obj = klass(value=value, optional=optional, _decoded=_decoded) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + self.assertFalse(obj.expled) + obj_encoded = obj.encode() + obj_expled = obj(value, expl=tag_expl) + self.assertTrue(obj_expled.expled) + repr(obj_expled) + pprint(obj_expled) + obj_expled_encoded = obj_expled.encode() + obj_decoded, tail = obj_expled.decode(obj_expled_encoded, offset=offset) + repr(obj_decoded) + pprint(obj_decoded) + self.assertEqual(tail, b"") + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded, obj_expled) + self.assertEqual(bytes(obj_decoded), bytes(obj_expled)) + self.assertEqual(bytes(obj_decoded), bytes(obj)) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.encode(), obj_expled_encoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tag, tag_expl) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tlen, len(tag_expl)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + len(len_encode(len(obj_encoded))), + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.tlvlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_vlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.offset, + offset + obj_decoded.expl_tlen + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.tlen, 0) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.llen, 0) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.vlen, len(value)) + + +@composite +def choice_values_strat(draw, value_required=False, schema=None, do_expl=False): + if schema is None: + names = list(draw(sets(text_letters(), min_size=1, max_size=5))) + tags = [tag_encode(tag) for tag in draw(sets( + integers(min_value=0), + min_size=len(names), + max_size=len(names), + ))] + schema = [(name, Integer(impl=tag)) for name, tag in zip(names, tags)] + value = None + if value_required or draw(booleans()): + value = draw(tuples( + sampled_from([name for name, _ in schema]), + integers().map(Integer), + )) + expl = None + if do_expl: + expl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + default = draw(one_of( + none(), + tuples(sampled_from([name for name, _ in schema]), integers().map(Integer)), + )) + optional = draw(one_of(none(), booleans())) + _decoded = ( + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + ) + return (schema, value, expl, default, optional, _decoded) + + +class ChoiceInherited(Choice): + __slots__ = () + + +class TestChoice(CommonMixin, TestCase): + class Wahl(Choice): + schema = (("whatever", Boolean()),) + base_klass = Wahl + + def test_schema_required(self): + with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "schema must be specified"): + Choice() + + def test_impl_forbidden(self): + with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "no implicit tag allowed"): + Choice(impl=b"whatever") + + def test_invalid_value_type(self): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + self.base_klass(123) + repr(err.exception) + with self.assertRaises(ObjUnknown) as err: + self.base_klass(("whenever", Boolean(False))) + repr(err.exception) + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + self.base_klass(("whatever", Integer(123))) + repr(err.exception) + + @given(booleans()) + def test_optional(self, optional): + obj = self.base_klass( + default=self.base_klass(("whatever", Boolean(False))), + optional=optional, + ) + self.assertTrue(obj.optional) + + @given(booleans()) + def test_ready(self, value): + obj = self.base_klass() + self.assertFalse(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + self.assertIsNone(obj["whatever"]) + with self.assertRaises(ObjNotReady) as err: + obj.encode() + repr(err.exception) + obj["whatever"] = Boolean() + self.assertFalse(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + obj["whatever"] = Boolean(value) + self.assertTrue(obj.ready) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + + @given(booleans(), booleans()) + def test_comparison(self, value1, value2): + class WahlInherited(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + for klass in (self.base_klass, WahlInherited): + obj1 = klass(("whatever", Boolean(value1))) + obj2 = klass(("whatever", Boolean(value2))) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, value1 == value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2._value, value1 == value2) + self.assertFalse(obj1 == obj2._value[1]) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_call(self, d): + for klass in (Choice, ChoiceInherited): + ( + schema_initial, + value_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial, + _decoded_initial, + ) = d.draw(choice_values_strat()) + + class Wahl(klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = schema_initial + obj_initial = Wahl( + value=value_initial, + expl=expl_initial, + default=default_initial, + optional=optional_initial or False, + _decoded=_decoded_initial, + ) + ( + _, + value, + expl, + default, + optional, + _decoded, + ) = d.draw(choice_values_strat(schema=schema_initial, do_expl=True)) + obj = obj_initial(value, expl, default, optional) + if obj.ready: + value_expected = default if value is None else value + value_expected = ( + default_initial if value_expected is None + else value_expected + ) + self.assertEqual(obj.choice, value_expected[0]) + self.assertEqual(obj.value, int(value_expected[1])) + self.assertEqual(obj.expl_tag, expl or expl_initial) + default_expect = default_initial if default is None else default + if default_expect is not None: + self.assertEqual(obj.default.choice, default_expect[0]) + self.assertEqual(obj.default.value, int(default_expect[1])) + if obj.default is None: + optional = optional_initial if optional is None else optional + optional = False if optional is None else optional + else: + optional = True + self.assertEqual(obj.optional, optional) + self.assertEqual(obj.specs, obj_initial.specs) + + def test_simultaneous_impl_expl(self): + # override it, as Any does not have implicit tag + pass + + def test_decoded(self): + # override it, as Any does not have implicit tag + pass + + @given(choice_values_strat()) + def test_copy(self, values): + _schema, value, expl, default, optional, _decoded = values + + class Wahl(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = _schema + obj = Wahl( + value=value, + expl=expl, + default=default, + optional=optional or False, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + obj_copied = obj.copy() + self.assertIsNone(obj.tag) + self.assertIsNone(obj_copied.tag) + # hack for assert_copied_basic_fields + obj.tag = "whatever" + obj_copied.tag = "whatever" + self.assert_copied_basic_fields(obj, obj_copied) + self.assertEqual(obj._value, obj_copied._value) + self.assertEqual(obj.specs, obj_copied.specs) + + @given(booleans()) + def test_stripped(self, value): + obj = self.base_klass(("whatever", Boolean(value))) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + booleans(), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc), + ) + def test_stripped_expl(self, value, tag_expl): + obj = self.base_klass(("whatever", Boolean(value)), expl=tag_expl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_symmetric(self, d): + _schema, value, _, default, optional, _decoded = d.draw( + choice_values_strat(value_required=True) + ) + tag_expl = tag_ctxc(d.draw(integers(min_value=1))) + offset = d.draw(integers(min_value=0)) + + class Wahl(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = _schema + obj = Wahl( + value=value, + default=default, + optional=optional, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + self.assertFalse(obj.expled) + obj_encoded = obj.encode() + obj_expled = obj(value, expl=tag_expl) + self.assertTrue(obj_expled.expled) + repr(obj_expled) + pprint(obj_expled) + obj_expled_encoded = obj_expled.encode() + obj_decoded, tail = obj_expled.decode(obj_expled_encoded, offset=offset) + repr(obj_decoded) + pprint(obj_decoded) + self.assertEqual(tail, b"") + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded, obj_expled) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.choice, obj_expled.choice) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.value, obj_expled.value) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.choice, obj.choice) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.value, obj.value) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.encode(), obj_expled_encoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tag, tag_expl) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tlen, len(tag_expl)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + len(len_encode(len(obj_encoded))), + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.tlvlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_vlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.offset, + offset + obj_decoded.expl_tlen + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_offset, offset) + self.assertSequenceEqual( + obj_expled_encoded[ + obj_decoded.value.offset - offset: + obj_decoded.value.offset + obj_decoded.value.tlvlen - offset + ], + obj_encoded, + ) + + @given(integers()) + def test_set_get(self, value): + class Wahl(Choice): + schema = ( + ("erste", Boolean()), + ("zweite", Integer()), + ) + obj = Wahl() + with self.assertRaises(ObjUnknown) as err: + obj["whatever"] = "whenever" + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + obj["zweite"] = Boolean(False) + obj["zweite"] = Integer(value) + repr(err.exception) + with self.assertRaises(ObjUnknown) as err: + obj["whatever"] + repr(err.exception) + self.assertIsNone(obj["erste"]) + self.assertEqual(obj["zweite"], Integer(value)) + + def test_tag_mismatch(self): + class Wahl(Choice): + schema = ( + ("erste", Boolean()), + ) + int_encoded = Integer(123).encode() + bool_encoded = Boolean(False).encode() + obj = Wahl() + obj.decode(bool_encoded) + with self.assertRaises(TagMismatch): + obj.decode(int_encoded) + + +@composite +def seq_values_strat(draw, seq_klass, do_expl=False): + value = None + if draw(booleans()): + value = seq_klass() + value._value = { + k: v for k, v in draw(dictionaries( + integers(), + one_of( + booleans().map(Boolean), + integers().map(Integer), + ), + )).items() + } + schema = None + if draw(booleans()): + schema = list(draw(dictionaries( + integers(), + one_of( + booleans().map(Boolean), + integers().map(Integer), + ), + )).items()) + impl = None + expl = None + if do_expl: + expl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + else: + impl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + default = None + if draw(booleans()): + default = seq_klass() + default._value = { + k: v for k, v in draw(dictionaries( + integers(), + one_of( + booleans().map(Boolean), + integers().map(Integer), + ), + )).items() + } + optional = draw(one_of(none(), booleans())) + _decoded = ( + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + ) + return (value, schema, impl, expl, default, optional, _decoded) + + +@composite +def sequence_strat(draw, seq_klass): + inputs = draw(lists( + one_of( + tuples(just(Boolean), booleans(), one_of(none(), booleans())), + tuples(just(Integer), integers(), one_of(none(), integers())), + ), + max_size=6, + )) + tags = draw(sets( + integers(min_value=1), + min_size=len(inputs), + max_size=len(inputs), + )) + inits = [ + ({"expl": tag_ctxc(tag)} if expled else {"impl": tag_encode(tag)}) + for tag, expled in zip(tags, draw(lists( + booleans(), + min_size=len(inputs), + max_size=len(inputs), + ))) + ] + empties = [] + for i, optional in enumerate(draw(lists( + sampled_from(("required", "optional", "empty")), + min_size=len(inputs), + max_size=len(inputs), + ))): + if optional in ("optional", "empty"): + inits[i]["optional"] = True + if optional == "empty": + empties.append(i) + empties = set(empties) + names = list(draw(sets( + text_printable, + min_size=len(inputs), + max_size=len(inputs), + ))) + schema = [] + for i, (klass, value, default) in enumerate(inputs): + schema.append((names[i], klass(default=default, **inits[i]))) + seq_name = draw(text_letters()) + Seq = type(seq_name, (seq_klass,), {"__slots__": (), "schema": tuple(schema)}) + seq = Seq() + expects = [] + for i, (klass, value, default) in enumerate(inputs): + name = names[i] + _, spec = schema[i] + expect = { + "name": name, + "optional": False, + "presented": False, + "default_value": None if spec.default is None else default, + "value": None, + } + if i in empties: + expect["optional"] = True + else: + expect["presented"] = True + expect["value"] = value + if spec.optional: + expect["optional"] = True + if default is not None and default == value: + expect["presented"] = False + seq[name] = klass(value) + expects.append(expect) + return seq, expects + + +@composite +def sequences_strat(draw, seq_klass): + tags = draw(sets(integers(min_value=1), min_size=0, max_size=5)) + inits = [ + ({"expl": tag_ctxc(tag)} if expled else {"impl": tag_encode(tag)}) + for tag, expled in zip(tags, draw(lists( + booleans(), + min_size=len(tags), + max_size=len(tags), + ))) + ] + defaulted = set( + i for i, is_default in enumerate(draw(lists( + booleans(), + min_size=len(tags), + max_size=len(tags), + ))) if is_default + ) + names = list(draw(sets( + text_printable, + min_size=len(tags), + max_size=len(tags), + ))) + seq_expectses = draw(lists( + sequence_strat(seq_klass=seq_klass), + min_size=len(tags), + max_size=len(tags), + )) + seqs = [seq for seq, _ in seq_expectses] + schema = [] + for i, (name, seq) in enumerate(zip(names, seqs)): + schema.append(( + name, + seq(default=(seq if i in defaulted else None), **inits[i]), + )) + seq_name = draw(text_letters()) + Seq = type(seq_name, (seq_klass,), {"__slots__": (), "schema": tuple(schema)}) + seq_outer = Seq() + expect_outers = [] + for name, (seq_inner, expects_inner) in zip(names, seq_expectses): + expect = { + "name": name, + "expects": expects_inner, + "presented": False, + } + seq_outer[name] = seq_inner + if seq_outer.specs[name].default is None: + expect["presented"] = True + expect_outers.append(expect) + return seq_outer, expect_outers + + +class SeqMixing(object): + def test_invalid_value_type(self): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + self.base_klass((1, 2, 3)) + repr(err.exception) + + def test_invalid_value_type_set(self): + class Seq(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = (("whatever", Boolean()),) + seq = Seq() + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + seq["whatever"] = Integer(123) + repr(err.exception) + + @given(booleans()) + def test_optional(self, optional): + obj = self.base_klass(default=self.base_klass(), optional=optional) + self.assertTrue(obj.optional) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_ready(self, d): + ready = { + str(i): v for i, v in enumerate(d.draw(lists( + booleans(), + min_size=1, + max_size=3, + ))) + } + non_ready = { + str(i + len(ready)): v for i, v in enumerate(d.draw(lists( + booleans(), + min_size=1, + max_size=3, + ))) + } + schema_input = [] + for name in d.draw(permutations( + list(ready.keys()) + list(non_ready.keys()), + )): + schema_input.append((name, Boolean())) + + class Seq(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = tuple(schema_input) + seq = Seq() + for name in ready.keys(): + seq[name] + seq[name] = Boolean() + self.assertFalse(seq.ready) + repr(seq) + pprint(seq) + for name, value in ready.items(): + seq[name] = Boolean(value) + self.assertFalse(seq.ready) + repr(seq) + pprint(seq) + with self.assertRaises(ObjNotReady) as err: + seq.encode() + repr(err.exception) + for name, value in non_ready.items(): + seq[name] = Boolean(value) + self.assertTrue(seq.ready) + repr(seq) + pprint(seq) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_call(self, d): + class SeqInherited(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + for klass in (self.base_klass, SeqInherited): + ( + value_initial, + schema_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial, + _decoded_initial, + ) = d.draw(seq_values_strat(seq_klass=klass)) + obj_initial = klass( + value_initial, + schema_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial or False, + _decoded_initial, + ) + ( + value, + _, + impl, + expl, + default, + optional, + _decoded, + ) = d.draw(seq_values_strat( + seq_klass=klass, + do_expl=impl_initial is None, + )) + obj = obj_initial(value, impl, expl, default, optional) + value_expected = default if value is None else value + value_expected = ( + default_initial if value_expected is None + else value_expected + ) + self.assertEqual(obj._value, getattr(value_expected, "_value", {})) + self.assertEqual(obj.tag, impl or impl_initial or obj.tag_default) + self.assertEqual(obj.expl_tag, expl or expl_initial) + self.assertEqual( + {} if obj.default is None else obj.default._value, + getattr(default_initial if default is None else default, "_value", {}), + ) + if obj.default is None: + optional = optional_initial if optional is None else optional + optional = False if optional is None else optional + else: + optional = True + self.assertEqual(list(obj.specs.items()), schema_initial or []) + self.assertEqual(obj.optional, optional) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_copy(self, d): + class SeqInherited(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + for klass in (self.base_klass, SeqInherited): + values = d.draw(seq_values_strat(seq_klass=klass)) + obj = klass(*values) + obj_copied = obj.copy() + self.assert_copied_basic_fields(obj, obj_copied) + self.assertEqual(obj.specs, obj_copied.specs) + self.assertEqual(obj._value, obj_copied._value) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_stripped(self, d): + value = d.draw(integers()) + tag_impl = tag_encode(d.draw(integers(min_value=1))) + + class Seq(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + impl = tag_impl + schema = (("whatever", Integer()),) + seq = Seq() + seq["whatever"] = Integer(value) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + seq.decode(seq.encode()[:-1]) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_stripped_expl(self, d): + value = d.draw(integers()) + tag_expl = tag_ctxc(d.draw(integers(min_value=1))) + + class Seq(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + expl = tag_expl + schema = (("whatever", Integer()),) + seq = Seq() + seq["whatever"] = Integer(value) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + seq.decode(seq.encode()[:-1]) + + @given(binary(min_size=2)) + def test_non_tag_mismatch_raised(self, junk): + try: + _, _, len_encoded = tag_strip(memoryview(junk)) + len_decode(len_encoded) + except Exception: + assume(True) + else: + assume(False) + + class Seq(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("whatever", Integer()), + ("junk", Any()), + ("whenever", Integer()), + ) + seq = Seq() + seq["whatever"] = Integer(123) + seq["junk"] = Any(junk) + seq["whenever"] = Integer(123) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError): + seq.decode(seq.encode()) + + @given( + integers(min_value=31), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_tag(self, tag, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + self.base_klass().decode( + tag_encode(tag)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given( + integers(min_value=128), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_len(self, l, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + self.base_klass().decode( + self.base_klass.tag_default + len_encode(l)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + def _assert_expects(self, seq, expects): + for expect in expects: + self.assertEqual( + seq.specs[expect["name"]].optional, + expect["optional"], + ) + if expect["default_value"] is not None: + self.assertEqual( + seq.specs[expect["name"]].default, + expect["default_value"], + ) + if expect["presented"]: + self.assertIn(expect["name"], seq) + self.assertEqual(seq[expect["name"]], expect["value"]) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_symmetric(self, d): + seq, expects = d.draw(sequence_strat(seq_klass=self.base_klass)) + self.assertTrue(seq.ready) + self.assertFalse(seq.decoded) + self._assert_expects(seq, expects) + repr(seq) + pprint(seq) + seq_encoded = seq.encode() + seq_decoded, tail = seq.decode(seq_encoded) + self.assertEqual(tail, b"") + self.assertTrue(seq.ready) + self._assert_expects(seq_decoded, expects) + self.assertEqual(seq, seq_decoded) + self.assertEqual(seq_decoded.encode(), seq_encoded) + for expect in expects: + if not expect["presented"]: + self.assertNotIn(expect["name"], seq_decoded) + continue + self.assertIn(expect["name"], seq_decoded) + obj = seq_decoded[expect["name"]] + self.assertTrue(obj.decoded) + offset = obj.expl_offset if obj.expled else obj.offset + tlvlen = obj.expl_tlvlen if obj.expled else obj.tlvlen + self.assertSequenceEqual( + seq_encoded[offset:offset + tlvlen], + obj.encode(), + ) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_symmetric_with_seq(self, d): + seq, expect_outers = d.draw(sequences_strat(seq_klass=self.base_klass)) + self.assertTrue(seq.ready) + seq_encoded = seq.encode() + seq_decoded, tail = seq.decode(seq_encoded) + self.assertEqual(tail, b"") + self.assertTrue(seq.ready) + self.assertEqual(seq, seq_decoded) + self.assertEqual(seq_decoded.encode(), seq_encoded) + for expect_outer in expect_outers: + if not expect_outer["presented"]: + self.assertNotIn(expect_outer["name"], seq_decoded) + continue + self.assertIn(expect_outer["name"], seq_decoded) + obj = seq_decoded[expect_outer["name"]] + self.assertTrue(obj.decoded) + offset = obj.expl_offset if obj.expled else obj.offset + tlvlen = obj.expl_tlvlen if obj.expled else obj.tlvlen + self.assertSequenceEqual( + seq_encoded[offset:offset + tlvlen], + obj.encode(), + ) + self._assert_expects(obj, expect_outer["expects"]) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_default_disappears(self, d): + _schema = list(d.draw(dictionaries( + text_letters(), + sets(integers(), min_size=2, max_size=2), + min_size=1, + )).items()) + + class Seq(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = [ + (n, Integer(default=d)) + for n, (_, d) in _schema + ] + seq = Seq() + for name, (value, _) in _schema: + seq[name] = Integer(value) + self.assertEqual(len(seq._value), len(_schema)) + empty_seq = b"".join((self.base_klass.tag_default, len_encode(0))) + self.assertGreater(len(seq.encode()), len(empty_seq)) + for name, (_, default) in _schema: + seq[name] = Integer(default) + self.assertEqual(len(seq._value), 0) + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), empty_seq) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_encoded_default_accepted(self, d): + _schema = list(d.draw(dictionaries( + text_letters(), + integers(), + min_size=1, + )).items()) + tags = [tag_encode(tag) for tag in d.draw(sets( + integers(min_value=0), + min_size=len(_schema), + max_size=len(_schema), + ))] + + class SeqWithoutDefault(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = [ + (n, Integer(impl=t)) + for (n, _), t in zip(_schema, tags) + ] + seq_without_default = SeqWithoutDefault() + for name, value in _schema: + seq_without_default[name] = Integer(value) + seq_encoded = seq_without_default.encode() + + class SeqWithDefault(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = [ + (n, Integer(default=v, impl=t)) + for (n, v), t in zip(_schema, tags) + ] + seq_with_default = SeqWithDefault() + seq_decoded, _ = seq_with_default.decode(seq_encoded) + for name, value in _schema: + self.assertEqual(seq_decoded[name], seq_with_default[name]) + self.assertEqual(seq_decoded[name], value) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_missing_from_spec(self, d): + names = list(d.draw(sets(text_letters(), min_size=2))) + tags = [tag_encode(tag) for tag in d.draw(sets( + integers(min_value=0), + min_size=len(names), + max_size=len(names), + ))] + names_tags = [(name, tag) for tag, name in sorted(zip(tags, names))] + + class SeqFull(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = [(n, Integer(impl=t)) for n, t in names_tags] + seq_full = SeqFull() + for i, name in enumerate(names): + seq_full[name] = Integer(i) + seq_encoded = seq_full.encode() + altered = names_tags[:-2] + names_tags[-1:] + + class SeqMissing(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = [(n, Integer(impl=t)) for n, t in altered] + seq_missing = SeqMissing() + with self.assertRaises(TagMismatch): + seq_missing.decode(seq_encoded) + + +class TestSequence(SeqMixing, CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = Sequence + + @given( + integers(), + binary(min_size=1), + ) + def test_remaining(self, value, junk): + class Seq(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("whatever", Integer()), + ) + int_encoded = Integer(value).encode() + junked = b"".join(( + Sequence.tag_default, + len_encode(len(int_encoded + junk)), + int_encoded + junk, + )) + with assertRaisesRegex(self, DecodeError, "remaining"): + Seq().decode(junked) + + @given(sets(text_letters(), min_size=2)) + def test_obj_unknown(self, names): + missing = names.pop() + + class Seq(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = [(n, Boolean()) for n in names] + seq = Seq() + with self.assertRaises(ObjUnknown) as err: + seq[missing] + repr(err.exception) + with self.assertRaises(ObjUnknown) as err: + seq[missing] = Boolean() + repr(err.exception) + + +class TestSet(SeqMixing, CommonMixin, TestCase): + base_klass = Set + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_sorted(self, d): + tags = [ + tag_encode(tag) for tag in + d.draw(sets(integers(min_value=1), min_size=1, max_size=10)) + ] + + class Seq(Set): + __slots__ = () + schema = [(str(i), OctetString(impl=t)) for i, t in enumerate(tags)] + seq = Seq() + for name, _ in Seq.schema: + seq[name] = OctetString(b"") + seq_encoded = seq.encode() + seq_decoded, _ = seq.decode(seq_encoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual( + seq_encoded[seq_decoded.tlen + seq_decoded.llen:], + b"".join(sorted([seq[name].encode() for name, _ in Seq.schema])), + ) + + +@composite +def seqof_values_strat(draw, schema=None, do_expl=False): + if schema is None: + schema = draw(sampled_from((Boolean(), Integer()))) + bound_min, bound_max = sorted(draw(sets( + integers(min_value=0, max_value=10), + min_size=2, + max_size=2, + ))) + if isinstance(schema, Boolean): + values_generator = booleans().map(Boolean) + elif isinstance(schema, Integer): + values_generator = integers().map(Integer) + values_generator = lists( + values_generator, + min_size=bound_min, + max_size=bound_max, + ) + values = draw(one_of(none(), values_generator)) + impl = None + expl = None + if do_expl: + expl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + else: + impl = draw(one_of(none(), integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode))) + default = draw(one_of(none(), values_generator)) + optional = draw(one_of(none(), booleans())) + _decoded = ( + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + draw(integers(min_value=0)), + ) + return ( + schema, + values, + (bound_min, bound_max), + impl, + expl, + default, + optional, + _decoded, + ) + + +class SeqOfMixing(object): + def test_invalid_value_type(self): + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + self.base_klass(123) + repr(err.exception) + + def test_invalid_values_type(self): + class SeqOf(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = Integer() + with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueType) as err: + SeqOf([Integer(123), Boolean(False), Integer(234)]) + repr(err.exception) + + def test_schema_required(self): + with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "schema must be specified"): + self.base_klass.__mro__[1]() + + @given(booleans(), booleans(), binary(), binary()) + def test_comparison(self, value1, value2, tag1, tag2): + class SeqOf(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = Boolean() + obj1 = SeqOf([Boolean(value1)]) + obj2 = SeqOf([Boolean(value2)]) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, value1 == value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == list(obj2), value1 == value2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == tuple(obj2), value1 == value2) + obj1 = SeqOf([Boolean(value1)], impl=tag1) + obj2 = SeqOf([Boolean(value1)], impl=tag2) + self.assertEqual(obj1 == obj2, tag1 == tag2) + + @given(lists(booleans())) + def test_iter(self, values): + class SeqOf(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = Boolean() + obj = SeqOf([Boolean(value) for value in values]) + self.assertEqual(len(obj), len(values)) + for i, value in enumerate(obj): + self.assertEqual(value, values[i]) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_ready(self, d): + ready = [Integer(v) for v in d.draw(lists( + integers(), + min_size=1, + max_size=3, + ))] + non_ready = [ + Integer() for _ in + range(d.draw(integers(min_value=1, max_value=5))) + ] + + class SeqOf(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = Integer() + values = d.draw(permutations(ready + non_ready)) + seqof = SeqOf() + for value in values: + seqof.append(value) + self.assertFalse(seqof.ready) + repr(seqof) + pprint(seqof) + with self.assertRaises(ObjNotReady) as err: + seqof.encode() + repr(err.exception) + for i, value in enumerate(values): + self.assertEqual(seqof[i], value) + if not seqof[i].ready: + seqof[i] = Integer(i) + self.assertTrue(seqof.ready) + repr(seqof) + pprint(seqof) + + def test_spec_mismatch(self): + class SeqOf(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = Integer() + seqof = SeqOf() + seqof.append(Integer(123)) + with self.assertRaises(ValueError): + seqof.append(Boolean(False)) + with self.assertRaises(ValueError): + seqof[0] = Boolean(False) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_bounds_satisfied(self, d): + class SeqOf(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = Boolean() + bound_min = d.draw(integers(min_value=0, max_value=1 << 7)) + bound_max = d.draw(integers(min_value=bound_min, max_value=1 << 7)) + value = [Boolean()] * d.draw(integers(min_value=bound_min, max_value=bound_max)) + SeqOf(value=value, bounds=(bound_min, bound_max)) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_bounds_unsatisfied(self, d): + class SeqOf(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = Boolean() + bound_min = d.draw(integers(min_value=1, max_value=1 << 7)) + bound_max = d.draw(integers(min_value=bound_min, max_value=1 << 7)) + value = [Boolean()] * d.draw(integers(max_value=bound_min - 1)) + with self.assertRaises(BoundsError) as err: + SeqOf(value=value, bounds=(bound_min, bound_max)) + repr(err.exception) + value = [Boolean()] * d.draw(integers( + min_value=bound_max + 1, + max_value=bound_max + 10, + )) + with self.assertRaises(BoundsError) as err: + SeqOf(value=value, bounds=(bound_min, bound_max)) + repr(err.exception) + + @given(integers(min_value=1, max_value=10)) + def test_out_of_bounds(self, bound_max): + class SeqOf(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = Integer() + bounds = (0, bound_max) + seqof = SeqOf() + for _ in range(bound_max): + seqof.append(Integer(123)) + with self.assertRaises(BoundsError): + seqof.append(Integer(123)) + + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_call(self, d): + ( + schema_initial, + value_initial, + bounds_initial, + impl_initial, + expl_initial, + default_initial, + optional_initial, + _decoded_initial, + ) = d.draw(seqof_values_strat()) + + class SeqOf(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = schema_initial + obj_initial = SeqOf( + value=value_initial, + bounds=bounds_initial, + impl=impl_initial, + expl=expl_initial, + default=default_initial, + optional=optional_initial or False, + _decoded=_decoded_initial, + ) + ( + _, + value, + bounds, + impl, + expl, + default, + optional, + _decoded, + ) = d.draw(seqof_values_strat( + schema=schema_initial, + do_expl=impl_initial is None, + )) + if (default is None) and (obj_initial.default is not None): + bounds = None + if ( + (bounds is None) and + (value is not None) and + (bounds_initial is not None) and + not (bounds_initial[0] <= len(value) <= bounds_initial[1]) + ): + value = None + if ( + (bounds is None) and + (default is not None) and + (bounds_initial is not None) and + not (bounds_initial[0] <= len(default) <= bounds_initial[1]) + ): + default = None + obj = obj_initial( + value=value, + bounds=bounds, + impl=impl, + expl=expl, + default=default, + optional=optional, + ) + if obj.ready: + value_expected = default if value is None else value + value_expected = ( + default_initial if value_expected is None + else value_expected + ) + value_expected = () if value_expected is None else value_expected + self.assertEqual(obj, value_expected) + self.assertEqual(obj.tag, impl or impl_initial or obj.tag_default) + self.assertEqual(obj.expl_tag, expl or expl_initial) + self.assertEqual( + obj.default, + default_initial if default is None else default, + ) + if obj.default is None: + optional = optional_initial if optional is None else optional + optional = False if optional is None else optional + else: + optional = True + self.assertEqual(obj.optional, optional) + self.assertEqual( + (obj._bound_min, obj._bound_max), + bounds or bounds_initial or (0, float("+inf")), + ) + + @given(seqof_values_strat()) + def test_copy(self, values): + _schema, value, bounds, impl, expl, default, optional, _decoded = values + + class SeqOf(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = _schema + obj = SeqOf( + value=value, + bounds=bounds, + impl=impl, + expl=expl, + default=default, + optional=optional or False, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + obj_copied = obj.copy() + self.assert_copied_basic_fields(obj, obj_copied) + self.assertEqual(obj._bound_min, obj_copied._bound_min) + self.assertEqual(obj._bound_max, obj_copied._bound_max) + self.assertEqual(obj._value, obj_copied._value) + + @given( + lists(binary()), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_encode), + ) + def test_stripped(self, values, tag_impl): + class SeqOf(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = OctetString() + obj = SeqOf([OctetString(v) for v in values], impl=tag_impl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + lists(binary()), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc), + ) + def test_stripped_expl(self, values, tag_expl): + class SeqOf(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = OctetString() + obj = SeqOf([OctetString(v) for v in values], expl=tag_expl) + with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughData): + obj.decode(obj.encode()[:-1]) + + @given( + integers(min_value=31), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_tag(self, tag, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + self.base_klass().decode( + tag_encode(tag)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given( + integers(min_value=128), + integers(min_value=0), + lists(integers()), + ) + def test_bad_len(self, l, offset, decode_path): + decode_path = tuple(str(i) for i in decode_path) + with self.assertRaises(DecodeError) as err: + self.base_klass().decode( + self.base_klass.tag_default + len_encode(l)[:-1], + offset=offset, + decode_path=decode_path, + ) + repr(err.exception) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.offset, offset) + self.assertEqual(err.exception.decode_path, decode_path) + + @given(binary(min_size=1)) + def test_tag_mismatch(self, impl): + assume(impl != self.base_klass.tag_default) + with self.assertRaises(TagMismatch): + self.base_klass(impl=impl).decode(self.base_klass().encode()) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given( + seqof_values_strat(schema=Integer()), + lists(integers().map(Integer)), + integers(min_value=1).map(tag_ctxc), + integers(min_value=0), + ) + def test_symmetric(self, values, value, tag_expl, offset): + _, _, _, _, _, default, optional, _decoded = values + + class SeqOf(self.base_klass): + __slots__ = () + schema = Integer() + obj = SeqOf( + value=value, + default=default, + optional=optional, + _decoded=_decoded, + ) + repr(obj) + pprint(obj) + self.assertFalse(obj.expled) + obj_encoded = obj.encode() + obj_expled = obj(value, expl=tag_expl) + self.assertTrue(obj_expled.expled) + repr(obj_expled) + pprint(obj_expled) + obj_expled_encoded = obj_expled.encode() + obj_decoded, tail = obj_expled.decode(obj_expled_encoded, offset=offset) + repr(obj_decoded) + pprint(obj_decoded) + self.assertEqual(tail, b"") + self._test_symmetric_compare_objs(obj_decoded, obj_expled) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.encode(), obj_expled_encoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tag, tag_expl) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_tlen, len(tag_expl)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + len(len_encode(len(obj_encoded))), + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.tlvlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_vlen, len(obj_encoded)) + self.assertEqual( + obj_decoded.offset, + offset + obj_decoded.expl_tlen + obj_decoded.expl_llen, + ) + self.assertEqual(obj_decoded.expl_offset, offset) + for obj_inner in obj_decoded: + self.assertIn(obj_inner, obj_decoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual( + obj_inner.encode(), + obj_expled_encoded[ + obj_inner.offset - offset: + obj_inner.offset + obj_inner.tlvlen - offset + ], + ) + + +class TestSequenceOf(SeqOfMixing, CommonMixin, TestCase): + class SeqOf(SequenceOf): + __slots__ = () + schema = "whatever" + base_klass = SeqOf + + def _test_symmetric_compare_objs(self, obj1, obj2): + self.assertEqual(obj1, obj2) + self.assertSequenceEqual(list(obj1), list(obj2)) + + +class TestSetOf(SeqOfMixing, CommonMixin, TestCase): + class SeqOf(SetOf): + __slots__ = () + schema = "whatever" + base_klass = SeqOf + + def _test_symmetric_compare_objs(self, obj1, obj2): + self.assertSetEqual( + set(int(v) for v in obj1), + set(int(v) for v in obj2), + ) + + @settings(max_examples=LONG_TEST_MAX_EXAMPLES) + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_sorted(self, d): + values = [OctetString(v) for v in d.draw(lists(binary()))] + + class Seq(SetOf): + __slots__ = () + schema = OctetString() + seq = Seq(values) + seq_encoded = seq.encode() + seq_decoded, _ = seq.decode(seq_encoded) + self.assertSequenceEqual( + seq_encoded[seq_decoded.tlen + seq_decoded.llen:], + b"".join(sorted([v.encode() for v in values])), + ) + + +class TestGoMarshalVectors(TestCase): + def runTest(self): + self.assertSequenceEqual(Integer(10).encode(), hexdec("02010a")) + self.assertSequenceEqual(Integer(127).encode(), hexdec("02017f")) + self.assertSequenceEqual(Integer(128).encode(), hexdec("02020080")) + self.assertSequenceEqual(Integer(-128).encode(), hexdec("020180")) + self.assertSequenceEqual(Integer(-129).encode(), hexdec("0202ff7f")) + + class Seq(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("erste", Integer()), + ("zweite", Integer(optional=True)) + ) + seq = Seq() + seq["erste"] = Integer(64) + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), hexdec("3003020140")) + seq["erste"] = Integer(0x123456) + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), hexdec("30050203123456")) + seq["erste"] = Integer(64) + seq["zweite"] = Integer(65) + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), hexdec("3006020140020141")) + + class NestedSeq(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("nest", Seq()), + ) + seq["erste"] = Integer(127) + seq["zweite"] = None + nested = NestedSeq() + nested["nest"] = seq + self.assertSequenceEqual(nested.encode(), hexdec("3005300302017f")) + + self.assertSequenceEqual( + OctetString(b"\x01\x02\x03").encode(), + hexdec("0403010203"), + ) + + class Seq(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("erste", Integer(impl=tag_encode(5, klass=TagClassContext))), + ) + seq = Seq() + seq["erste"] = Integer(64) + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), hexdec("3003850140")) + + class Seq(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("erste", Integer(expl=tag_ctxc(5))), + ) + seq = Seq() + seq["erste"] = Integer(64) + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), hexdec("3005a503020140")) + + class Seq(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("erste", Null( + impl=tag_encode(0, klass=TagClassContext), + optional=True, + )), + ) + seq = Seq() + seq["erste"] = Null() + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), hexdec("30028000")) + seq["erste"] = None + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), hexdec("3000")) + + self.assertSequenceEqual( + UTCTime(datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0)).encode(), + hexdec("170d3730303130313030303030305a"), + ) + self.assertSequenceEqual( + UTCTime(datetime(2009, 11, 15, 22, 56, 16)).encode(), + hexdec("170d3039313131353232353631365a"), + ) + self.assertSequenceEqual( + GeneralizedTime(datetime(2100, 4, 5, 12, 1, 1)).encode(), + hexdec("180f32313030303430353132303130315a"), + ) + + class Seq(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("erste", GeneralizedTime()), + ) + seq = Seq() + seq["erste"] = GeneralizedTime(datetime(2009, 11, 15, 22, 56, 16)) + self.assertSequenceEqual( + seq.encode(), + hexdec("3011180f32303039313131353232353631365a"), + ) + + self.assertSequenceEqual( + BitString((1, b"\x80")).encode(), + hexdec("03020780"), + ) + self.assertSequenceEqual( + BitString((12, b"\x81\xF0")).encode(), + hexdec("03030481f0"), + ) + + self.assertSequenceEqual( + ObjectIdentifier("").encode(), + hexdec("06032a0304"), + ) + self.assertSequenceEqual( + ObjectIdentifier("1.2.840.133549.1.1.5").encode(), + hexdec("06092a864888932d010105"), + ) + self.assertSequenceEqual( + ObjectIdentifier("2.100.3").encode(), + hexdec("0603813403"), + ) + + self.assertSequenceEqual( + PrintableString("test").encode(), + hexdec("130474657374"), + ) + self.assertSequenceEqual( + PrintableString("x" * 127).encode(), + hexdec("137F" + "78" * 127), + ) + self.assertSequenceEqual( + PrintableString("x" * 128).encode(), + hexdec("138180" + "78" * 128), + ) + self.assertSequenceEqual(UTF8String("Σ").encode(), hexdec("0c02cea3")) + + class Seq(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("erste", IA5String()), + ) + seq = Seq() + seq["erste"] = IA5String("test") + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), hexdec("3006160474657374")) + + class Seq(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("erste", PrintableString()), + ) + seq = Seq() + seq["erste"] = PrintableString("test") + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), hexdec("3006130474657374")) + seq["erste"] = PrintableString("test*") + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), hexdec("30071305746573742a")) + + class Seq(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("erste", Any(optional=True)), + ("zweite", Integer()), + ) + seq = Seq() + seq["zweite"] = Integer(64) + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), hexdec("3003020140")) + + class Seq(SetOf): + __slots__ = () + schema = Integer() + seq = Seq() + seq.append(Integer(10)) + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), hexdec("310302010a")) + + class _SeqOf(SequenceOf): + __slots__ = () + schema = PrintableString() + + class SeqOf(SequenceOf): + __slots__ = () + schema = _SeqOf() + _seqof = _SeqOf() + _seqof.append(PrintableString("1")) + seqof = SeqOf() + seqof.append(_seqof) + self.assertSequenceEqual(seqof.encode(), hexdec("30053003130131")) + + class Seq(Sequence): + __slots__ = () + schema = ( + ("erste", Integer(default=1)), + ) + seq = Seq() + seq["erste"] = Integer(0) + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), hexdec("3003020100")) + seq["erste"] = Integer(1) + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), hexdec("3000")) + seq["erste"] = Integer(2) + self.assertSequenceEqual(seq.encode(), hexdec("3003020102")) + + +class TestPP(TestCase): + @given(data_strategy()) + def test_oid_printing(self, d): + oids = { + str(ObjectIdentifier(k)): v * 2 + for k, v in d.draw(dictionaries(oid_strategy(), text_letters())).items() + } + chosen = d.draw(sampled_from(sorted(oids))) + chosen_id = oids[chosen] + pp = _pp(asn1_type_name=ObjectIdentifier.asn1_type_name, value=chosen) + self.assertNotIn(chosen_id, pp_console_row(pp)) + self.assertIn(chosen_id, pp_console_row(pp, oids=oids)) -- 2.44.0