News ==== .. _release3.0: 3.0 --- * :py:func:`pyderasn.decode_path_defby` is replaced with :py:class:`pyderasn.DecodePathDefBy` * Ability to turn colourized terminal output by calling ``pprint(..., with_colours=True)`` .. _release2.1: 2.1 --- * Fixed invalid offset calculation when dealing with DEFINED BY objects having explicit tags .. _release2.0: 2.0 --- * BIT STRINGs can also be :ref:`DEFINED BY ` * Decoding process can be governed with optional :ref:`ctx ` keyword argument to ``decode()`` method * :ref:`defines_by_path ` option is now :ref:`decode context ` option, not a keyword argument * Ability to do :ref:`strict validation ` of defaulted values met in sequence, raising an exception .. _release1.6: 1.6 --- Ability to skip specified number of bytes (``--skip``) in command line utility. .. _release1.5: 1.5 --- * Generic decoder's scheme and pretty printer (:py:func:`pyderasn.generic_decoder`) can be used in libraries. * Ability to specify :ref:`defines_by_path ` during command line invocation. .. _release1.4: 1.4 --- Ability to automatically decode :ref:`DEFINED BY ` fields inside SEQUENCEs. .. _release1.3: 1.3 --- Removed ``__lt__``/``__eq__`` from base class, as pylint likes it. .. _release1.2: 1.2 --- Full rich comparison operators added. .. _release1.1: 1.1 --- Trivial README addition. .. _release1.0: 1.0 --- Initial release.