News ==== .. _release6.1: 6.1 --- * UTCTime and GeneralizedTime allowed values to have plus sign in them, passing int() check successfully. Prohibit that incorrect behaviour * UTCTime and GeneralizedTime BER decoding support * Faster UTCTime and GeneralizedTime decoding, and slightly better overall performance * Workability under Cython * Explicitly Check that all ObjectIdentifier arcs are non-negative .. _release6.0: 6.0 --- * ``.copy()`` method removed: ``copy.copy()`` is preferred way to copy objects now * Copies made previously with ``.copy()`` lacked ``.defined`` field, now they are not * All objects are friendly to ``pickle`` libraries * PrintableString has ``allow_asterisk`` and ``allow_ampersand`` properties * ``.hexencode()``, ``.hexdecode()`` and ``.hexdecod()`` methods appeared, working with hexadecimal encoded data .. _release5.6: 5.6 --- * Convenient ``.decod()`` method, that raises if tail is not empty * Control characters (like newlines) of text fields in pprinted output are escaped * Ability to allow asterisk and ampersand characters (``allow_asterisk``, ``allow_ampersand`` kwargs) in PrintableString, that unfortunately could be met in X.509 certificates .. _release5.5: 5.5 --- * PEP-396 compatible module's ``__version__`` .. _release5.4: 5.4 --- * Do not shadow underlying DecodeError during decoding of optional sequence's field .. _release5.3: 5.3 --- * Forbid any later GNU GPL version autousage (project's licence now is GNU LGPLv3 only) * Fix ``defines_by_path`` context option usage example .. _release5.2: 5.2 --- * Fix fallbacked ``colored()`` function workability, if no ``termcolor`` is installed .. _release5.1: 5.1 --- * Fix empty ``--oids`` workability .. _release5.0: 5.0 --- * Ability to specify multiple OID mappings for pprinted output (``oids`` keyword argument is renamed to ``oid_maps``) .. _release4.9: 4.9 --- * Minor decode speed improvements * Much faster UTCTime/GeneralizedTime decoders * Stricter UTCTime/GeneralizedTime DER encoding check: trailing zeroes are forbidden * Valid DER encoding of GeneralizedTime with microseconds: no trailing zeroes appended .. _release4.7: 4.7 --- * ObjectIdentifier has ``ber_encoded`` set to True, if non-normalized arc encoding is met * Preserve BER-related attributes during ``copy()`` .. _release4.6: 4.6 --- * Added `COMPLI `__ ASN.1:2008 test suite. PyDERASN passes it (except for REAL values), but it is more strict sometimes and aimed to be compliant with X.690-201508 * Check for arc values normalization in ObjectIdentifier. Forbid non-normalized in DER encoding .. _release4.5: 4.5 --- * ``ctx`` parameter can be safely used in .decode() and won't be muted * PP nametuple contains reference to the ASN1Obj itself * ``colonize_hex`` function useful for pretty printing * Integer values are also pretty printed in hexadecimal form .. _release4.4: 4.4 --- * All errors are inherited from ASN1Error class * NumericString/PrintableString has ``allowable_chars`` property holding all allowed characters .. _release4.3: 4.3 --- * Fix NumericString: space is allowed character * Strict PrintableString sanitizing .. _release4.2: 4.2 --- * Removed ``lenindef``, ``ber_encoded`` attributes from the Choice -- they must be taken from underlying value, as Choice does not have its own encoding * Do not yield extra EOC PP for Any, having indefinite length encoding and containing autodecoded DEFINED BY value .. _release4.1: 4.1 --- * ``bered`` attribute, meaning if object has BER-specific encoding, is renamed to ``ber_encoded`` * ``bered`` attribute is replace with property showing if any of underlying values are BER-encoded. If value has length indefinite encoded explicit tag, value, if value contains BER-related encoding, or if it contains other objects that are ``bered``, then it is ``bered`` .. _release4.0: 4.0 --- * Default value is checked also for Sets, not for Sequences only * **Incompatible** change: defaulted values in Sequence/Set are always strictly checked, unless ``allow_default_values`` context option is set. ``strict_default_existence`` option disappeared * Strict Set/Set Of's values ordering check .. _release3.14: 3.14 ---- * Additional encoding validness check: explicit tag must contain exactly one object inside. Throw DecodeError otherwise * ``allow_expl_oob`` context and command-line options allow skipping of that check .. _release3.13: 3.13 ---- * DecodeError's decode paths are separated with ``:``, instead of ``.``, because of colliding with dots in OIDs * Ability to print element decode paths with ``--print-decode-path`` command line option (and corresponding keyword argument) * Ability to print tree's branch specified with ``--decode-path-only`` .. _release3.12: 3.12 ---- * Fix possible uncaught TypeError in Py2 with zero bytes inside the value * Fix SequenceOf/SetOf raising BoundsError instead of DecodeError .. _release3.11: 3.11 ---- * Fix uncaught UTCTime/GeneralizedTime decode error when dealing with non ASCII-encoded values .. _release3.10: 3.10 ---- * Fix long-standing bug with explicitly tagged objects inside the Choice. If Choice had explicitly tagged value, then its ``.tlvlen`` reports the size without taking value's explicit tag in advance * Add ``.fulllen`` and ``.fulloffset`` properties for all objects .. _release3.9: 3.9 --- * SEQUENCE's values are printed with field's name. Previously there was the following output:: AlgorithmIdentifier SEQUENCE[OBJECT IDENTIFIER, [UNIV 5] ANY 0500 OPTIONAL] now it is:: AlgorithmIdentifier SEQUENCE[algorithm: OBJECT IDENTIFIER; parameters: [UNIV 5] ANY 0500 OPTIONAL] * Fixed EOC (Unicode character) repr printing issues under Python2 .. _release3.8: 3.8 --- BER's EOC is explicitly shown during pprinting. Following notation:: 15-2 [0,0,1576]-4 . content: [0] EXPLICIT [UNIV 16] ANY is replaced with:: 15-2∞ [0,0,1576]∞ . content: [0] EXPLICIT [UNIV 16] ANY [...] 1587 [1,1, 0] . content: BER EOC 1589 [1,1, 0] . content: EXPLICIT BER EOC .. _release3.7: 3.7 --- * BER decoding support * BitString's ''H notation support * ``termcolor`` package is included in the tarball .. _release3.6: 3.6 --- * Ability to set values during Sequence initialization .. _release3.5: 3.5 --- * Fix TagMismatch exception completeness during Choice and Set decoding. Previously we will loose offset and decode_path information about concrete TagMismatched entity .. _release3.4: 3.4 --- * Strict NumericString's value sanitation * Invalid encoding in string types will raise ``DecodeError`` exception, instead of ``Unicode*Error`` * Fixed DecodePathDefBy workability with Python 2.x .. _release3.3: 3.3 --- * Fix nasty BitString decoding bug: it could fail when data follows encoded BitString value. There weren't any problems when BitString is at the end of Sequence .. _release3.2: 3.2 --- * Slightly corrected colours, now visible on white background .. _release3.1: 3.1 --- * Fix bug related to DecodeError showing with DecodePathDefBy entities * Respect ``NO_COLOR`` environment variable .. _release3.0: 3.0 --- * :py:func:`pyderasn.decode_path_defby` is replaced with :py:class:`pyderasn.DecodePathDefBy` * Ability to turn colourized terminal output by calling ``pprint(..., with_colours=True)``. You will need `termcolor package `__ .. _release2.1: 2.1 --- * Fixed invalid offset calculation when dealing with DEFINED BY objects having explicit tags .. _release2.0: 2.0 --- * BIT STRINGs can also be :ref:`DEFINED BY ` * Decoding process can be governed with optional :ref:`ctx ` keyword argument to ``decode()`` method * :ref:`defines_by_path ` option is now :ref:`decode context ` option, not a keyword argument * Ability to do ``strict validation`` of defaulted values met in sequence, raising an exception .. _release1.6: 1.6 --- Ability to skip specified number of bytes (``--skip``) in command line utility. .. _release1.5: 1.5 --- * Generic decoder's scheme and pretty printer (:py:func:`pyderasn.generic_decoder`) can be used in libraries * Ability to specify :ref:`defines_by_path ` during command line invocation .. _release1.4: 1.4 --- Ability to automatically decode :ref:`DEFINED BY ` fields inside SEQUENCEs. .. _release1.3: 1.3 --- Removed ``__lt__``/``__eq__`` from base class, as pylint likes it. .. _release1.2: 1.2 --- Full rich comparison operators added. .. _release1.1: 1.1 --- Trivial README addition. .. _release1.0: 1.0 --- Initial release.