======================================== PyDERASN -- ASN.1 DER library for Python ======================================== .. I'm going to build my own ASN.1 library with slots and blobs! (C) PyDERASN's author `ASN.1 `__ (Abstract Syntax Notation One) is a standard for abstract data serialization. `DER `__ (Distinguished Encoding Rules) is a subset of encoding rules suitable and widely used in cryptography-related stuff. PyDERASN is yet another library for dealing with the data encoded that way. Although ASN.1 is written more than 30 years ago by wise Ancients (taken from ``pyasn1``'s README), it is still often can be seen anywhere in our life. PyDERASN is `free software `__, licenced under `GNU LGPLv3+ `__. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 features examples reference news install download thanks feedback