Features ======== * Basic ASN.1 data types (X.208): BOOLEAN, INTEGER, BIT STRING, OCTET STRING, NULL, OBJECT IDENTIFIER, ENUMERATED, all strings, UTCTime, GeneralizedTime, CHOICE, ANY, SEQUENCE (OF), SET (OF) * Size constraints checking * Working with sequences as high level data objects with ability to (un)marshall them * Python 2.7/3.5 compatibility Why yet another library? `pyasn1 `__ had all of this a long time ago. PyDERASN resembles it in many ways. In practice it should be relatively easy to convert ``pyasn1``'s code to ``pyderasn``'s one. But additionally it offers: * Small, simple and trying to be reviewable code. Just a single file * ``__slots__`` friendliness * Ability to know exact decoded objects offsets and lengths in the binary * Pretty printer and command-line decoder, that could conveniently replace utilities like either ``dumpasn1`` or ``openssl asn1parse`` * Some kind of strong typing: SEQUENCEs require the exact **type** of settable values, even when they are inherited * However they do not require tags matching: IMPLICIT/EXPLICIT tags will be set automatically in the given sequence * Could be significantly faster. For example parsing of CACert.org's CRL under Python 3.5.2: :``pyderasn.py revoke.crl``: ~2 min :``pyderasn.py --schema path.to.CertificateList revoke.crl``: ~38 sec :``pyasn1.decode(asn1Spec=pyasn1.CertificateList())``: ~22 min (``pyasn1 == 0.2.3``) There are drawbacks: * No old Python versions support * No BER/CER support * PyDERASN does **not** have object recreation capable ``repr``-s:: pyderasn>>> repr(algo_id) AlgorithmIdentifier SEQUENCE[OBJECT IDENTIFIER, [UNIV 5] ANY 0500 OPTIONAL] pyasn1>>> repr(algo_id) AlgorithmIdentifier().setComponents(ObjectIdentifier(''), Any(hexValue='0500')) * Strings are not validated in any way, except just trying to be decoded in ``ascii``, ``iso-8859-1``, ``utf-8/16/32`` correspondingly * No REAL, RELATIVE OID, EXTERNAL, INSTANCE OF, EMBEDDED PDV, CHARACTER STRING