PyDERASN -- strict and fast ASN.1 DER/BER library for Python I'm going to build my own ASN.1 library with slots and blobs! (C) PyDERASN's author * BER/CER/DER decoding, DER encoding * Basic ASN.1 data types (X.208): BOOLEAN, INTEGER, BIT STRING, OCTET STRING, NULL, OBJECT IDENTIFIER, ENUMERATED, all strings, UTCTime, GeneralizedTime, CHOICE, ANY, SEQUENCE (OF), SET (OF) * Size constraints checking * Working with sequences as high level data objects with ability to (un)marshall them * Python 2.7/3.5/3.6 compatibility * Automatic decoding of DEFINED BY fields * Ability to know exact decoded objects offset and lengths in the binary * Pretty printer and command-line decoder, that could conveniently replace utilities like either dumpasn1 or openssl asn1parse * __slots__ friendliness pyderasn is free software: see the file COPYING.LESSER for copying conditions. PyDERASN home page is: Please send questions, bug reports and patches to mailing list. Announcements also go to this mailing list. Development Git source code repository currently is located here: