/* goredo -- djb's redo implementation on pure Go Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Sergey Matveev This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ // Logging facilities package main import ( "bytes" "flag" "fmt" "os" "strings" "sync" "golang.org/x/term" ) const ( EnvLevel = "REDO_LEVEL" EnvNoProgress = "REDO_NO_PROGRESS" EnvDebug = "REDO_DEBUG" EnvLogWait = "REDO_LOG_WAIT" EnvLogLock = "REDO_LOG_LOCK" EnvLogPid = "REDO_LOG_PID" EnvLogJS = "REDO_LOG_JS" EnvNoColor = "NO_COLOR" ) var ( Level = 0 NoColor bool NoProgress bool Debug bool LogWait bool LogLock bool LogJS bool MyPid int CDebug string CRedo string CWait string CLock string CErr string CWarn string CJS string CReset string CNone string = "NONE" flagNoProgress = flag.Bool("no-progress", false, fmt.Sprintf("no progress printing (%s=1), also implies -no-status", EnvNoProgress)) flagDebug = flag.Bool("d", false, fmt.Sprintf("enable debug logging (%s=1)", EnvDebug)) flagLogWait = flag.Bool("log-wait", false, fmt.Sprintf("enable wait messages logging (%s=1)", EnvLogWait)) flagLogLock = flag.Bool("log-lock", false, fmt.Sprintf("enable lock messages logging (%s=1)", EnvLogLock)) flagLogPid = flag.Bool("log-pid", false, fmt.Sprintf("append PIDs (%s=1)", EnvLogPid)) flagLogJS = flag.Bool("log-js", false, fmt.Sprintf("enable jobserver messages logging (%s=1)", EnvLogJS)) LogMutex sync.Mutex KeyEraseLine string LogWasStatus bool ) func init() { var b bytes.Buffer t := term.NewTerminal(&b, "") CDebug = string(t.Escape.Yellow) CRedo = string(t.Escape.Green) CWait = string(t.Escape.Blue) CLock = string(t.Escape.Cyan) CErr = string(t.Escape.Red) CWarn = string(t.Escape.Magenta) CJS = string(t.Escape.White) CReset = string(t.Escape.Reset) KeyEraseLine = fmt.Sprintf("%s[K", CReset[0:1]) } func erasedStatus(s, end string) string { if LogWasStatus { s += KeyEraseLine } return s + end } func trace(level, format string, args ...interface{}) { var p string if MyPid != 0 { p = fmt.Sprintf("[%d] ", MyPid) } switch level { case CNone: p = StderrPrefix + p + fmt.Sprintf(format, args...) LogMutex.Lock() os.Stderr.WriteString(erasedStatus(p, "\n")) LogWasStatus = false LogMutex.Unlock() return case CDebug: if !Debug { return } p += "dbg " case CWait: if !(LogWait || Debug) { return } p += "wait " case CRedo: if NoProgress { return } p += "redo " case CLock: if !(LogLock || Debug) { return } p += "lock " case CJS: if !(LogJS || Debug) { return } p += "js " case CErr: p += "err " case CWarn: p += "warn " } msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...) msg = StderrPrefix + colourize(level, p+strings.Repeat(". ", Level)+msg) LogMutex.Lock() os.Stderr.WriteString(erasedStatus(msg, "\n")) LogWasStatus = false LogMutex.Unlock() } func colourize(colour, s string) string { if NoColor { return s } return colour + s + CReset }