/* goircd -- minimalistic simple Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Sergey Matveev This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "net" "regexp" "sort" "strings" "sync" "time" ) const ( // Max deadline time of client's unresponsiveness PingTimeout = time.Second * 180 // Max idle client's time before PING are sent PingThreshold = time.Second * 90 ) var ( RENickname = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,24}$") roomsGroup sync.WaitGroup clients map[*Client]struct{} = make(map[*Client]struct{}) ) func SendLusers(client *Client) { lusers := 0 for client := range clients { if client.registered { lusers++ } } client.ReplyNicknamed("251", fmt.Sprintf("There are %d users and 0 invisible on 1 servers", lusers)) } func SendMotd(client *Client) { if motd == nil { client.ReplyNicknamed("422", "MOTD File is missing") return } motdText, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*motd) if err != nil { log.Printf("Can not read motd file %s: %v", *motd, err) client.ReplyNicknamed("422", "Error reading MOTD File") return } client.ReplyNicknamed("375", "- "+*hostname+" Message of the day -") for _, s := range strings.Split(strings.Trim(string(motdText), "\n"), "\n") { client.ReplyNicknamed("372", "- "+s) } client.ReplyNicknamed("376", "End of /MOTD command") } func SendWhois(client *Client, nicknames []string) { var c *Client var hostPort string var err error var subscriptions []string var room *Room var subscriber *Client for _, nickname := range nicknames { nickname = strings.ToLower(nickname) for c = range clients { if strings.ToLower(*c.nickname) == nickname { goto Found } } client.ReplyNoNickChan(nickname) continue Found: hostPort, _, err = net.SplitHostPort(c.conn.RemoteAddr().String()) if err != nil { log.Printf("Can't parse RemoteAddr %q: %v", hostPort, err) hostPort = "Unknown" } client.ReplyNicknamed("311", *c.nickname, *c.username, hostPort, "*", *c.realname) client.ReplyNicknamed("312", *c.nickname, *hostname, *hostname) if c.away != nil { client.ReplyNicknamed("301", *c.nickname, *c.away) } subscriptions = make([]string, 0) for _, room = range rooms { for subscriber = range room.members { if *subscriber.nickname == nickname { subscriptions = append(subscriptions, *room.name) } } } sort.Strings(subscriptions) client.ReplyNicknamed("319", *c.nickname, strings.Join(subscriptions, " ")) client.ReplyNicknamed("318", *c.nickname, "End of /WHOIS list") } } func SendList(client *Client, cols []string) { var rs []string var r string if (len(cols) > 1) && (cols[1] != "") { rs = strings.Split(strings.Split(cols[1], " ")[0], ",") } else { rs = make([]string, 0) for r = range rooms { rs = append(rs, r) } } sort.Strings(rs) var room *Room var found bool for _, r = range rs { if room, found = rooms[r]; found { client.ReplyNicknamed( "322", r, fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(room.members)), *room.topic, ) } } client.ReplyNicknamed("323", "End of /LIST") } // Unregistered client workflow processor. Unregistered client: // * is not PINGed // * only QUIT, NICK and USER commands are processed // * other commands are quietly ignored // When client finishes NICK/USER workflow, then MOTD and LUSERS are send to him. func ClientRegister(client *Client, cmd string, cols []string) { switch cmd { case "PASS": if len(cols) == 1 || len(cols[1]) < 1 { client.ReplyNotEnoughParameters("PASS") return } client.password = &cols[1] case "NICK": if len(cols) == 1 || len(cols[1]) < 1 { client.ReplyParts("431", "No nickname given") return } nickname := cols[1] // Compatibility with some clients prepending colons to nickname nickname = strings.TrimPrefix(nickname, ":") for existingClient := range clients { if *existingClient.nickname == nickname { client.ReplyParts("433", "*", nickname, "Nickname is already in use") return } } if !RENickname.MatchString(nickname) { client.ReplyParts("432", "*", cols[1], "Erroneous nickname") return } client.nickname = &nickname case "USER": if len(cols) == 1 { client.ReplyNotEnoughParameters("USER") return } args := strings.SplitN(cols[1], " ", 4) if len(args) < 4 { client.ReplyNotEnoughParameters("USER") return } client.username = &args[0] realname := strings.TrimLeft(args[3], ":") client.realname = &realname } if *client.nickname != "*" && *client.username != "" { if passwords != nil && *passwords != "" { if client.password == nil { client.ReplyParts("462", "You may not register") client.Close() return } contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*passwords) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Can no read passwords file %s: %s", *passwords, err) return } for _, entry := range strings.Split(string(contents), "\n") { if entry == "" { continue } if lp := strings.Split(entry, ":"); lp[0] == *client.nickname && lp[1] != *client.password { client.ReplyParts("462", "You may not register") client.Close() return } } } client.registered = true client.ReplyNicknamed("001", "Hi, welcome to IRC") client.ReplyNicknamed("002", "Your host is "+*hostname+", running goircd "+version) client.ReplyNicknamed("003", "This server was created sometime") client.ReplyNicknamed("004", *hostname+" goircd o o") SendLusers(client) SendMotd(client) log.Println(client, "logged in") } } // Register new room in Daemon. Create an object, events sink, save pointers // to corresponding daemon's places and start room's processor goroutine. func RoomRegister(name string) (*Room, chan ClientEvent) { roomNew := NewRoom(name) roomSink := make(chan ClientEvent) rooms[name] = roomNew roomSinks[roomNew] = roomSink go roomNew.Processor(roomSink) roomsGroup.Add(1) return roomNew, roomSink } func HandlerJoin(client *Client, cmd string) { args := strings.Split(cmd, " ") rs := strings.Split(args[0], ",") var keys []string if len(args) > 1 { keys = strings.Split(args[1], ",") } else { keys = make([]string, 0) } var roomExisting *Room var roomSink chan ClientEvent var roomNew *Room for n, room := range rs { if !RoomNameValid(room) { client.ReplyNoChannel(room) continue } var key string if (n < len(keys)) && (keys[n] != "") { key = keys[n] } else { key = "" } for roomExisting, roomSink = range roomSinks { if room == *roomExisting.name { if (roomExisting.key != nil) && (*roomExisting.key != key) { goto Denied } roomSink <- ClientEvent{client, EventNew, ""} goto Joined } } roomNew, roomSink = RoomRegister(room) log.Println("Room", roomNew, "created") if key != "" { roomNew.key = &key roomNew.StateSave() } roomSink <- ClientEvent{client, EventNew, ""} continue Denied: client.ReplyNicknamed("475", room, "Cannot join channel (+k) - bad key") Joined: } } func Processor(events chan ClientEvent, finished chan struct{}) { var now time.Time go func() { for { time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) events <- ClientEvent{eventType: EventTick} } }() for event := range events { now = time.Now() client := event.client switch event.eventType { case EventTick: for c := range clients { if c.recvTimestamp.Add(PingTimeout).Before(now) { log.Println(c, "ping timeout") c.Close() continue } if c.sendTimestamp.Add(PingThreshold).Before(now) { if c.registered { c.Msg("PING :" + *hostname) c.sendTimestamp = time.Now() } else { log.Println(c, "ping timeout") c.Close() } } } case EventTerm: for _, sink := range roomSinks { sink <- ClientEvent{eventType: EventTerm} } roomsGroup.Wait() close(finished) return case EventNew: clients[client] = struct{}{} case EventDel: delete(clients, client) for _, roomSink := range roomSinks { roomSink <- event } case EventMsg: cols := strings.SplitN(event.text, " ", 2) cmd := strings.ToUpper(cols[0]) if *verbose { log.Println(client, "command", cmd) } if cmd == "QUIT" { log.Println(client, "quit") client.Close() continue } if !client.registered { ClientRegister(client, cmd, cols) continue } switch cmd { case "AWAY": if len(cols) == 1 { client.away = nil client.ReplyNicknamed("305", "You are no longer marked as being away") continue } msg := strings.TrimLeft(cols[1], ":") client.away = &msg client.ReplyNicknamed("306", "You have been marked as being away") case "JOIN": if len(cols) == 1 || len(cols[1]) < 1 { client.ReplyNotEnoughParameters("JOIN") continue } HandlerJoin(client, cols[1]) case "LIST": SendList(client, cols) case "LUSERS": SendLusers(client) case "MODE": if len(cols) == 1 || len(cols[1]) < 1 { client.ReplyNotEnoughParameters("MODE") continue } cols = strings.SplitN(cols[1], " ", 2) if cols[0] == *client.username { if len(cols) == 1 { client.Msg("221 " + *client.nickname + " +") } else { client.ReplyNicknamed("501", "Unknown MODE flag") } continue } room := cols[0] r, found := rooms[room] if !found { client.ReplyNoChannel(room) continue } if len(cols) == 1 { roomSinks[r] <- ClientEvent{client, EventMode, ""} } else { roomSinks[r] <- ClientEvent{client, EventMode, cols[1]} } case "MOTD": SendMotd(client) case "PART": if len(cols) == 1 || len(cols[1]) < 1 { client.ReplyNotEnoughParameters("PART") continue } rs := strings.Split(cols[1], " ")[0] for _, room := range strings.Split(rs, ",") { if r, found := rooms[room]; found { roomSinks[r] <- ClientEvent{client, EventDel, ""} } else { client.ReplyNoChannel(room) continue } } case "PING": if len(cols) == 1 { client.ReplyNicknamed("409", "No origin specified") continue } client.Reply(fmt.Sprintf("PONG %s :%s", *hostname, cols[1])) case "PONG": continue case "NOTICE", "PRIVMSG": if len(cols) == 1 { client.ReplyNicknamed("411", "No recipient given ("+cmd+")") continue } cols = strings.SplitN(cols[1], " ", 2) if len(cols) == 1 { client.ReplyNicknamed("412", "No text to send") continue } msg := "" target := strings.ToLower(cols[0]) for c := range clients { if *c.nickname == target { msg = fmt.Sprintf(":%s %s %s %s", client, cmd, *c.nickname, cols[1]) c.Msg(msg) if c.away != nil { client.ReplyNicknamed("301", *c.nickname, *c.away) } break } } if msg != "" { continue } if r, found := rooms[target]; found { roomSinks[r] <- ClientEvent{ client, EventMsg, cmd + " " + strings.TrimLeft(cols[1], ":"), } } else { client.ReplyNoNickChan(target) } case "TOPIC": if len(cols) == 1 { client.ReplyNotEnoughParameters("TOPIC") continue } cols = strings.SplitN(cols[1], " ", 2) r, found := rooms[cols[0]] if !found { client.ReplyNoChannel(cols[0]) continue } var change string if len(cols) > 1 { change = cols[1] } else { change = "" } roomSinks[r] <- ClientEvent{client, EventTopic, change} case "WHO": if len(cols) == 1 || len(cols[1]) < 1 { client.ReplyNotEnoughParameters("WHO") continue } room := strings.Split(cols[1], " ")[0] if r, found := rooms[room]; found { roomSinks[r] <- ClientEvent{client, EventWho, ""} } else { client.ReplyNoChannel(room) } case "WHOIS": if len(cols) == 1 || len(cols[1]) < 1 { client.ReplyNotEnoughParameters("WHOIS") continue } cols := strings.Split(cols[1], " ") nicknames := strings.Split(cols[len(cols)-1], ",") SendWhois(client, nicknames) case "VERSION": var debug string if *verbose { debug = "debug" } else { debug = "" } client.ReplyNicknamed("351", fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s %s :", version, debug, *hostname)) default: client.ReplyNicknamed("421", cmd, "Unknown command") } } if client != nil { client.recvTimestamp = now } } }