#!/bin/sh -ex cur=$(pwd) tmp=$(mktemp -d) release=$1 [ -n "$release" ] git clone . $tmp/gogost-$release cd $tmp/gogost-$release git checkout $release find . -name .git -type d | xargs rm -fr rm -f www* makedist* TODO cd .. tar cvf gogost-"$release".tar gogost-"$release" xz -9 gogost-"$release".tar gpg --detach-sign --sign --local-user 82343436696FC85A gogost-"$release".tar.xz tarball=gogost-"$release".tar.xz size=$(( $(wc -c < $tarball) / 1024 )) hash=$(gpg --print-md SHA256 < $tarball) hashsb=$($HOME/work/gogost/gogost-streebog < $tarball) cat <8 ------------------------ The main improvements for that release are: ------------------------ >8 ------------------------ GoGOST'es home page is: http://www.cypherpunks.ru/gogost/ Source code and its signature for that version can be found here: http://www.cypherpunks.ru/gogost/gogost-${release}.tar.xz ($size KiB) http://www.cypherpunks.ru/gogost/gogost-${release}.tar.xz.sig Streebog-256 hash: $hashsb SHA256 hash: $hash GPG key ID: 0x82343436696FC85A GoGOST releases Fingerprint: CEBD 1282 2C46 9C02 A81A 0467 8234 3436 696F C85A Please send questions regarding the use of GoGOST, bug reports and patches to mailing list: https://lists.cypherpunks.ru/mailman/listinfo/gost EOF mv $tmp/$tarball $tmp/"$tarball".sig $cur/gogost.html/