// errorcheck // Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Test basic restrictions on type aliases. package p import ( "reflect" . "reflect" ) type T0 struct{} // Valid type alias declarations. type _ = T0 type _ = int type _ = struct{} type _ = reflect.Value type _ = Value type ( A0 = T0 A1 = int A2 = struct{} A3 = reflect.Value A4 = Value A5 = Value N0 A0 ) // Methods can be declared on the original named type and the alias. func (T0) m1() {} func (A0) m1() {} // TODO(gri) this should be an error func (A0) m2() {} // Type aliases and the original type name can be used interchangeably. var _ A0 = T0{} var _ T0 = A0{} // But aliases and original types cannot be used with new types based on them. var _ N0 = T0{} // ERROR "cannot use T0 literal \(type T0\) as type N0 in assignment" var _ N0 = A0{} // ERROR "cannot use T0 literal \(type T0\) as type N0 in assignment" var _ A5 = Value{} var _ interface { m1() m2() } = T0{} var _ interface { m1() m2() } = A0{} func _() { type _ = T0 type _ = int type _ = struct{} type _ = reflect.Value type _ = Value type ( A0 = T0 A1 = int A2 = struct{} A3 = reflect.Value A4 = Value A5 Value N0 A0 ) var _ A0 = T0{} var _ T0 = A0{} var _ N0 = T0{} // ERROR "cannot use T0 literal \(type T0\) as type N0 in assignment" var _ N0 = A0{} // ERROR "cannot use T0 literal \(type T0\) as type N0 in assignment" var _ A5 = Value{} // ERROR "cannot use reflect\.Value literal \(type reflect.Value\) as type A5 in assignment" } // Invalid type alias declarations. type _ = reflect.ValueOf // ERROR "reflect.ValueOf is not a type" func (A1) m() {} // ERROR "cannot define new methods on non-local type int" type B1 = struct{} func (B1) m() {} // ERROR "invalid receiver type" // TODO(gri) expand