// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build arm64 package atomic import "unsafe" //go:noescape func Xadd(ptr *uint32, delta int32) uint32 //go:noescape func Xadd64(ptr *uint64, delta int64) uint64 //go:noescape func Xadduintptr(ptr *uintptr, delta uintptr) uintptr //go:noescape func Xchg(ptr *uint32, new uint32) uint32 //go:noescape func Xchg64(ptr *uint64, new uint64) uint64 //go:noescape func Xchguintptr(ptr *uintptr, new uintptr) uintptr //go:noescape func Load(ptr *uint32) uint32 //go:noescape func Load64(ptr *uint64) uint64 //go:noescape func Loadp(ptr unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer //go:nosplit func Or8(addr *uint8, v uint8) { // TODO(dfc) implement this in asm. // Align down to 4 bytes and use 32-bit CAS. uaddr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addr)) addr32 := (*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(uaddr &^ 3)) word := uint32(v) << ((uaddr & 3) * 8) // little endian for { old := *addr32 if Cas(addr32, old, old|word) { return } } } //go:nosplit func And8(addr *uint8, v uint8) { // TODO(dfc) implement this in asm. // Align down to 4 bytes and use 32-bit CAS. uaddr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addr)) addr32 := (*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(uaddr &^ 3)) word := uint32(v) << ((uaddr & 3) * 8) // little endian mask := uint32(0xFF) << ((uaddr & 3) * 8) // little endian word |= ^mask for { old := *addr32 if Cas(addr32, old, old&word) { return } } } //go:noescape func Cas64(ptr *uint64, old, new uint64) bool //go:noescape func Store(ptr *uint32, val uint32) //go:noescape func Store64(ptr *uint64, val uint64) // NO go:noescape annotation; see atomic_pointer.go. func Storep1(ptr unsafe.Pointer, val unsafe.Pointer)