// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package types2 // validType verifies that the given type does not "expand" indefinitely // producing a cycle in the type graph. Cycles are detected by marking // defined types. // (Cycles involving alias types, as in "type A = [10]A" are detected // earlier, via the objDecl cycle detection mechanism.) func (check *Checker) validType(typ *Named) { check.validType0(typ, nil) } type typeInfo uint func (check *Checker) validType0(typ Type, path []Object) typeInfo { const ( unknown typeInfo = iota marked valid invalid ) switch t := typ.(type) { case *Array: return check.validType0(t.elem, path) case *Struct: for _, f := range t.fields { if check.validType0(f.typ, path) == invalid { return invalid } } case *Union: for _, t := range t.terms { if check.validType0(t.typ, path) == invalid { return invalid } } case *Interface: for _, etyp := range t.embeddeds { if check.validType0(etyp, path) == invalid { return invalid } } case *Named: // If t is parameterized, we should be considering the instantiated (expanded) // form of t, but in general we can't with this algorithm: if t is an invalid // type it may be so because it infinitely expands through a type parameter. // Instantiating such a type would lead to an infinite sequence of instantiations. // In general, we need "type flow analysis" to recognize those cases. // Example: type A[T any] struct{ x A[*T] } (issue #48951) // In this algorithm we always only consider the original, uninstantiated type. // This won't recognize some invalid cases with parameterized types, but it // will terminate. t = t.orig // don't report a 2nd error if we already know the type is invalid // (e.g., if a cycle was detected earlier, via under). if t.underlying == Typ[Invalid] { check.infoMap[t] = invalid return invalid } switch check.infoMap[t] { case unknown: check.infoMap[t] = marked check.infoMap[t] = check.validType0(t.fromRHS, append(path, t.obj)) case marked: // cycle detected for i, tn := range path { // Even though validType now can hande cycles through external // types, we can't have cycles through external types because // no such types are detected yet. // TODO(gri) Remove this check once we can detect such cycles, // and adjust cycleError accordingly. if t.obj.pkg != check.pkg { panic("type cycle via package-external type") } if tn == t.obj { check.cycleError(path[i:]) check.infoMap[t] = invalid // don't modify imported types (leads to race condition, see #35049) if t.obj.pkg == check.pkg { t.underlying = Typ[Invalid] } return invalid } } panic("cycle start not found") } return check.infoMap[t] } return valid }