// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // This file implements a typechecker test harness. The packages specified // in tests are typechecked. Error messages reported by the typechecker are // compared against the errors expected in the test files. // // Expected errors are indicated in the test files by putting comments // of the form /* ERROR pattern */ or /* ERRORx pattern */ (or a similar // //-style line comment) immediately following the tokens where errors // are reported. There must be exactly one blank before and after the // ERROR/ERRORx indicator, and the pattern must be a properly quoted Go // string. // // The harness will verify that each ERROR pattern is a substring of the // error reported at that source position, and that each ERRORx pattern // is a regular expression matching the respective error. // Consecutive comments may be used to indicate multiple errors reported // at the same position. // // For instance, the following test source indicates that an "undeclared" // error should be reported for the undeclared variable x: // // package p // func f() { // _ = x /* ERROR "undeclared" */ + 1 // } package types2_test import ( "bytes" "cmd/compile/internal/syntax" "flag" "fmt" "internal/testenv" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "testing" . "cmd/compile/internal/types2" ) var ( haltOnError = flag.Bool("halt", false, "halt on error") verifyErrors = flag.Bool("verify", false, "verify errors (rather than list them) in TestManual") ) func parseFiles(t *testing.T, filenames []string, mode syntax.Mode) ([]*syntax.File, []error) { var files []*syntax.File var errlist []error errh := func(err error) { errlist = append(errlist, err) } for _, filename := range filenames { file, err := syntax.ParseFile(filename, errh, nil, mode) if file == nil { t.Fatalf("%s: %s", filename, err) } files = append(files, file) } return files, errlist } func unpackError(err error) (syntax.Pos, string) { switch err := err.(type) { case syntax.Error: return err.Pos, err.Msg case Error: return err.Pos, err.Msg default: return nopos, err.Error() } } // absDiff returns the absolute difference between x and y. func absDiff(x, y uint) uint { if x < y { return y - x } return x - y } // Note: parseFlags is identical to the version in go/types which is // why it has a src argument even though here it is always nil. // parseFlags parses flags from the first line of the given source // (from src if present, or by reading from the file) if the line // starts with "//" (line comment) followed by "-" (possibly with // spaces between). Otherwise the line is ignored. func parseFlags(filename string, src []byte, flags *flag.FlagSet) error { // If there is no src, read from the file. const maxLen = 256 if len(src) == 0 { f, err := os.Open(filename) if err != nil { return err } var buf [maxLen]byte n, err := f.Read(buf[:]) if err != nil { return err } src = buf[:n] } // we must have a line comment that starts with a "-" const prefix = "//" if !bytes.HasPrefix(src, []byte(prefix)) { return nil // first line is not a line comment } src = src[len(prefix):] if i := bytes.Index(src, []byte("-")); i < 0 || len(bytes.TrimSpace(src[:i])) != 0 { return nil // comment doesn't start with a "-" } end := bytes.Index(src, []byte("\n")) if end < 0 || end > maxLen { return fmt.Errorf("flags comment line too long") } return flags.Parse(strings.Fields(string(src[:end]))) } func testFiles(t *testing.T, filenames []string, colDelta uint, manual bool) { if len(filenames) == 0 { t.Fatal("no source files") } var conf Config flags := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.PanicOnError) flags.StringVar(&conf.GoVersion, "lang", "", "") flags.BoolVar(&conf.FakeImportC, "fakeImportC", false, "") flags.BoolVar(&conf.InferMaxDefaultType, "inferMaxDefaultType", false, "") if err := parseFlags(filenames[0], nil, flags); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } files, errlist := parseFiles(t, filenames, 0) pkgName := "" if len(files) > 0 { pkgName = files[0].PkgName.Value } listErrors := manual && !*verifyErrors if listErrors && len(errlist) > 0 { t.Errorf("--- %s:", pkgName) for _, err := range errlist { t.Error(err) } } // typecheck and collect typechecker errors conf.Trace = manual && testing.Verbose() conf.Importer = defaultImporter() conf.Error = func(err error) { if *haltOnError { defer panic(err) } if listErrors { t.Error(err) return } errlist = append(errlist, err) } conf.Check(pkgName, files, nil) if listErrors { return } // collect expected errors errmap := make(map[string]map[uint][]syntax.Error) for _, filename := range filenames { f, err := os.Open(filename) if err != nil { t.Error(err) continue } if m := syntax.CommentMap(f, regexp.MustCompile("^ ERRORx? ")); len(m) > 0 { errmap[filename] = m } f.Close() } // match against found errors var indices []int // list indices of matching errors, reused for each error for _, err := range errlist { gotPos, gotMsg := unpackError(err) // find list of errors for the respective error line filename := gotPos.Base().Filename() filemap := errmap[filename] line := gotPos.Line() var errList []syntax.Error if filemap != nil { errList = filemap[line] } // At least one of the errors in errList should match the current error. indices = indices[:0] for i, want := range errList { pattern, substr := strings.CutPrefix(want.Msg, " ERROR ") if !substr { var found bool pattern, found = strings.CutPrefix(want.Msg, " ERRORx ") if !found { panic("unreachable") } } pattern, err := strconv.Unquote(strings.TrimSpace(pattern)) if err != nil { t.Errorf("%s:%d:%d: %v", filename, line, want.Pos.Col(), err) continue } if substr { if !strings.Contains(gotMsg, pattern) { continue } } else { rx, err := regexp.Compile(pattern) if err != nil { t.Errorf("%s:%d:%d: %v", filename, line, want.Pos.Col(), err) continue } if !rx.MatchString(gotMsg) { continue } } indices = append(indices, i) } if len(indices) == 0 { t.Errorf("%s: no error expected: %q", gotPos, gotMsg) continue } // len(indices) > 0 // If there are multiple matching errors, select the one with the closest column position. index := -1 // index of matching error var delta uint for _, i := range indices { if d := absDiff(gotPos.Col(), errList[i].Pos.Col()); index < 0 || d < delta { index, delta = i, d } } // The closest column position must be within expected colDelta. if delta > colDelta { t.Errorf("%s: got col = %d; want %d", gotPos, gotPos.Col(), errList[index].Pos.Col()) } // eliminate from errList if n := len(errList) - 1; n > 0 { // not the last entry - slide entries down (don't reorder) copy(errList[index:], errList[index+1:]) filemap[line] = errList[:n] } else { // last entry - remove errList from filemap delete(filemap, line) } // if filemap is empty, eliminate from errmap if len(filemap) == 0 { delete(errmap, filename) } } // there should be no expected errors left if len(errmap) > 0 { t.Errorf("--- %s: unreported errors:", pkgName) for filename, filemap := range errmap { for line, errList := range filemap { for _, err := range errList { t.Errorf("%s:%d:%d: %s", filename, line, err.Pos.Col(), err.Msg) } } } } } // TestManual is for manual testing of a package - either provided // as a list of filenames belonging to the package, or a directory // name containing the package files - after the test arguments // (and a separating "--"). For instance, to test the package made // of the files foo.go and bar.go, use: // // go test -run Manual -- foo.go bar.go // // If no source arguments are provided, the file testdata/manual.go // is used instead. // Provide the -verify flag to verify errors against ERROR comments // in the input files rather than having a list of errors reported. // The accepted Go language version can be controlled with the -lang // flag. func TestManual(t *testing.T) { testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t) filenames := flag.Args() if len(filenames) == 0 { filenames = []string{filepath.FromSlash("testdata/manual.go")} } info, err := os.Stat(filenames[0]) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("TestManual: %v", err) } DefPredeclaredTestFuncs() if info.IsDir() { if len(filenames) > 1 { t.Fatal("TestManual: must have only one directory argument") } testDir(t, filenames[0], 0, true) } else { testFiles(t, filenames, 0, true) } } // TODO(gri) go/types has extra TestLongConstants and TestIndexRepresentability tests func TestCheck(t *testing.T) { DefPredeclaredTestFuncs() testDirFiles(t, "../../../../internal/types/testdata/check", 50, false) // TODO(gri) narrow column tolerance } func TestSpec(t *testing.T) { testDirFiles(t, "../../../../internal/types/testdata/spec", 0, false) } func TestExamples(t *testing.T) { testDirFiles(t, "../../../../internal/types/testdata/examples", 125, false) } // TODO(gri) narrow column tolerance func TestFixedbugs(t *testing.T) { testDirFiles(t, "../../../../internal/types/testdata/fixedbugs", 100, false) } // TODO(gri) narrow column tolerance func TestLocal(t *testing.T) { testDirFiles(t, "testdata/local", 0, false) } func testDirFiles(t *testing.T, dir string, colDelta uint, manual bool) { testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t) dir = filepath.FromSlash(dir) fis, err := os.ReadDir(dir) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } for _, fi := range fis { path := filepath.Join(dir, fi.Name()) // If fi is a directory, its files make up a single package. if fi.IsDir() { testDir(t, path, colDelta, manual) } else { t.Run(filepath.Base(path), func(t *testing.T) { testFiles(t, []string{path}, colDelta, manual) }) } } } func testDir(t *testing.T, dir string, colDelta uint, manual bool) { fis, err := os.ReadDir(dir) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } var filenames []string for _, fi := range fis { filenames = append(filenames, filepath.Join(dir, fi.Name())) } t.Run(filepath.Base(dir), func(t *testing.T) { testFiles(t, filenames, colDelta, manual) }) }