// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // WARNING: Please avoid updating this file. If this file needs to be updated, // then a new devirt.pprof file should be generated: // // $ cd $GOROOT/src/cmd/compile/internal/test/testdata/pgo/devirtualize/ // $ go mod init example.com/pgo/devirtualize // $ go test -bench=. -cpuprofile ./devirt.pprof package devirt import ( "testing" "example.com/pgo/devirtualize/mult.pkg" ) func BenchmarkDevirtIface(b *testing.B) { var ( a1 Add a2 Sub m1 mult.Mult m2 mult.NegMult ) ExerciseIface(b.N, a1, a2, m1, m2) } // Verify that devirtualization doesn't result in calls or side effects applying more than once. func TestDevirtIface(t *testing.T) { var ( a1 Add a2 Sub m1 mult.Mult m2 mult.NegMult ) if v := ExerciseIface(10, a1, a2, m1, m2); v != 1176 { t.Errorf("ExerciseIface(10) got %d want 1176", v) } } func BenchmarkDevirtFuncConcrete(b *testing.B) { ExerciseFuncConcrete(b.N, AddFn, SubFn, mult.MultFn, mult.NegMultFn) } func TestDevirtFuncConcrete(t *testing.T) { if v := ExerciseFuncConcrete(10, AddFn, SubFn, mult.MultFn, mult.NegMultFn); v != 1176 { t.Errorf("ExerciseFuncConcrete(10) got %d want 1176", v) } } func BenchmarkDevirtFuncField(b *testing.B) { ExerciseFuncField(b.N, AddFn, SubFn, mult.MultFn, mult.NegMultFn) } func TestDevirtFuncField(t *testing.T) { if v := ExerciseFuncField(10, AddFn, SubFn, mult.MultFn, mult.NegMultFn); v != 1176 { t.Errorf("ExerciseFuncField(10) got %d want 1176", v) } } func BenchmarkDevirtFuncClosure(b *testing.B) { ExerciseFuncClosure(b.N, AddClosure(), SubClosure(), mult.MultClosure(), mult.NegMultClosure()) } func TestDevirtFuncClosure(t *testing.T) { if v := ExerciseFuncClosure(10, AddClosure(), SubClosure(), mult.MultClosure(), mult.NegMultClosure()); v != 1176 { t.Errorf("ExerciseFuncClosure(10) got %d want 1176", v) } }