// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package devirtualize import ( "cmd/compile/internal/base" "cmd/compile/internal/ir" "cmd/compile/internal/pgo" "cmd/compile/internal/types" "cmd/compile/internal/typecheck" "cmd/internal/obj" "cmd/internal/src" "testing" ) func init() { // These are the few constants that need to be initialized in order to use // the types package without using the typecheck package by calling // typecheck.InitUniverse() (the normal way to initialize the types package). types.PtrSize = 8 types.RegSize = 8 types.MaxWidth = 1 << 50 typecheck.InitUniverse() base.Ctxt = &obj.Link{} base.Debug.PGODebug = 3 } func makePos(b *src.PosBase, line, col uint) src.XPos { return base.Ctxt.PosTable.XPos(src.MakePos(b, line, col)) } func TestFindHotConcreteCallee(t *testing.T) { // findHotConcreteCallee only uses pgo.Profile.WeightedCG, so we're // going to take a shortcut and only construct that. p := &pgo.Profile{ WeightedCG: &pgo.IRGraph{ IRNodes: make(map[string]*pgo.IRNode), }, } // Create a new IRNode and add it to p. // // fn may be nil, in which case the node will set LinkerSymbolName. newNode := func(name string, fn *ir.Func) *pgo.IRNode { n := &pgo.IRNode{ OutEdges: make(map[pgo.NamedCallEdge]*pgo.IREdge), } if fn != nil { n.AST = fn } else { n.LinkerSymbolName = name } p.WeightedCG.IRNodes[name] = n return n } // Add a new call edge from caller to callee. addEdge := func(caller, callee *pgo.IRNode, offset int, weight int64) { namedEdge := pgo.NamedCallEdge{ CallerName: caller.Name(), CalleeName: callee.Name(), CallSiteOffset: offset, } irEdge := &pgo.IREdge{ Src: caller, Dst: callee, CallSiteOffset: offset, Weight: weight, } caller.OutEdges[namedEdge] = irEdge } pkgFoo := types.NewPkg("example.com/foo", "foo") basePos := src.NewFileBase("foo.go", "/foo.go") // Create a new struct type named structName with a method named methName and // return the method. makeStructWithMethod := func(structName, methName string) *ir.Func { // type structName struct{} structType := types.NewStruct(nil) // func (structName) methodName() recv := types.NewField(src.NoXPos, typecheck.Lookup(structName), structType) sig := types.NewSignature(recv, nil, nil) fn := ir.NewFunc(src.NoXPos, src.NoXPos, pkgFoo.Lookup(structName + "." + methName), sig) // Add the method to the struct. structType.SetMethods([]*types.Field{types.NewField(src.NoXPos, typecheck.Lookup(methName), sig)}) return fn } const ( // Caller start line. callerStart = 42 // The line offset of the call we care about. callOffset = 1 // The line offset of some other call we don't care about. wrongCallOffset = 2 ) // type IFace interface { // Foo() // } fooSig := types.NewSignature(types.FakeRecv(), nil, nil) method := types.NewField(src.NoXPos, typecheck.Lookup("Foo"), fooSig) iface := types.NewInterface([]*types.Field{method}) callerFn := ir.NewFunc(makePos(basePos, callerStart, 1), src.NoXPos, pkgFoo.Lookup("Caller"), types.NewSignature(nil, nil, nil)) hotCalleeFn := makeStructWithMethod("HotCallee", "Foo") coldCalleeFn := makeStructWithMethod("ColdCallee", "Foo") wrongLineCalleeFn := makeStructWithMethod("WrongLineCallee", "Foo") wrongMethodCalleeFn := makeStructWithMethod("WrongMethodCallee", "Bar") callerNode := newNode("example.com/foo.Caller", callerFn) hotCalleeNode := newNode("example.com/foo.HotCallee.Foo", hotCalleeFn) coldCalleeNode := newNode("example.com/foo.ColdCallee.Foo", coldCalleeFn) wrongLineCalleeNode := newNode("example.com/foo.WrongCalleeLine.Foo", wrongLineCalleeFn) wrongMethodCalleeNode := newNode("example.com/foo.WrongCalleeMethod.Foo", wrongMethodCalleeFn) hotMissingCalleeNode := newNode("example.com/bar.HotMissingCallee.Foo", nil) addEdge(callerNode, wrongLineCalleeNode, wrongCallOffset, 100) // Really hot, but wrong line. addEdge(callerNode, wrongMethodCalleeNode, callOffset, 100) // Really hot, but wrong method type. addEdge(callerNode, hotCalleeNode, callOffset, 10) addEdge(callerNode, coldCalleeNode, callOffset, 1) // Equal weight, but IR missing. // // N.B. example.com/bar sorts lexicographically before example.com/foo, // so if the IR availability of hotCalleeNode doesn't get precedence, // this would be mistakenly selected. addEdge(callerNode, hotMissingCalleeNode, callOffset, 10) // IFace.Foo() sel := typecheck.NewMethodExpr(src.NoXPos, iface, typecheck.Lookup("Foo")) call := ir.NewCallExpr(makePos(basePos, callerStart+callOffset, 1), ir.OCALLINTER, sel, nil) gotFn, gotWeight := findHotConcreteCallee(p, callerFn, call) if gotFn != hotCalleeFn { t.Errorf("findHotConcreteInterfaceCallee func got %v want %v", gotFn, hotCalleeFn) } if gotWeight != 10 { t.Errorf("findHotConcreteInterfaceCallee weight got %v want 10", gotWeight) } }