// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. TEXT errors(SB),$0 MOV $errors(SB), (X5) // ERROR "address load must target register" MOV $8(SP), (X5) // ERROR "address load must target register" MOVB $8(SP), X5 // ERROR "unsupported address load" MOVH $8(SP), X5 // ERROR "unsupported address load" MOVW $8(SP), X5 // ERROR "unsupported address load" MOVF $8(SP), X5 // ERROR "unsupported address load" MOV $1234, 0(SP) // ERROR "constant load must target register" MOV $1234, 8(SP) // ERROR "constant load must target register" MOV $0, 0(SP) // ERROR "constant load must target register" MOV $0, 8(SP) // ERROR "constant load must target register" MOV $1234, 0(SP) // ERROR "constant load must target register" MOV $1234, 8(SP) // ERROR "constant load must target register" MOVB $1, X5 // ERROR "unsupported constant load" MOVH $1, X5 // ERROR "unsupported constant load" MOVW $1, X5 // ERROR "unsupported constant load" MOVF $1, X5 // ERROR "unsupported constant load" MOVBU X5, (X6) // ERROR "unsupported unsigned store" MOVHU X5, (X6) // ERROR "unsupported unsigned store" MOVWU X5, (X6) // ERROR "unsupported unsigned store" RET