@node Use cases @unnumbered Use cases See also this page @ref{Сценарии, on russian}. @menu * Occasional connection to mail server: UsecaseMail. * Lightweight fast POP3/IMAP4 replacement: UsecasePOP. * Unreliable/expensive communication link: UsecaseUnreliable. * Slow/expensive link for high-volume data, bad QoS: UsecaseQoS. * Extreme terrestrial environments, no link: UsecaseNoLink. * One-way broadcasting communications: UsecaseBroadcast. * Satellite links: UsecaseSatelliteLinks. * Private, isolated MitM/Sybil-resistant networks: UsecaseF2F. * Highly secure isolated air-gap computers: UsecaseAirgap. * Network censorship bypassing, health: UsecaseCensor. * Reconnaissance, spying, intelligence, covert agents: UsecaseSpy. * Cheap night transfers: UsecaseCaller. @end menu @node UsecaseMail @section Occasional connection to mail server Assume that you have got your own @url{http://www.postfix.org/, Postfix} SMTP server connected to the Internet. But you read and write emails on your notebook, that is connected to it just from time to time. How can you flush buffered mail queues when your notebook is connected? One possibility is to log in and run something like @command{postqueue -f}, but by default you have got only several days so and sender will receive notification emails that his messages still are not delivered yet. Also you must have secure link (SSH, VPN, etc). Another possibility is to use POP3/IMAP4 servers, but this is too overcomplicated and bloated for the simple task. Not an option. @url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle, KISS}! Just tell both of your Postfixes (on the server and notebook) to drop email as a mail via NNCP (@ref{nncp-exec}) to specified node. This is done similarly as with UUCP and as written in @url{http://www.postfix.org/UUCP_README.html, Postfix documentation}. Look @ref{Postfix, here} for further information. All mail will be stored in NNCP @ref{Spool, spool}, that after exchanging and tossing will call local @command{sendmail} command to deliver them just like that happened on the same machine. @node UsecasePOP @section Lightweight fast POP3/IMAP4 replacement @ref{nncp-daemon} can be connected with @ref{nncp-caller} for a long time -- it can create TCP connection that lasts for many hours. When SMTP server receives mail, it will call @ref{nncp-exec} creating an outbound encrypted packet. Daemon checks outbound directory each second and immediately sends notification about undelivered packets to remote side, that also downloads it at once. There are only dozens of bytes notifying about incoming packets, dozens of bytes telling to download those packets. Mail packets are compressed (POP3 and IMAP4 as a rule do not). You have lightweight, compressed, low-delay, reliable link for the mail with strong encryption and mutual sides authentication! @node UsecaseUnreliable @section Unreliable/expensive communication link Assume that you have got slow modem/radio/cellular link that frequently disconnects and causes TCP timeouts. Not all HTTP servers support file download continuation. SMTP does not support resuming at all and heavy messages is problematic to retrieve. Moreover, each disconnect leads to the same data retransmission again, that can not be afforded sometimes. Just send your @ref{nncp-exec, mail} and @ref{nncp-file, files} through NNCP. You can use either offline delivery methods -- read about them in the next section, or you can use included NNCP @ref{nncp-daemon, TCP daemon}. The command: @example $ nncp-file file_i_want_to_send bob: $ nncp-file another_file bob:movie.avi @end example will queue two files for sending to @emph{bob} node. Fire and forget! Now this is daemon's job (or offline transfer) to send this files part by part to remote system when it is available. @node UsecaseQoS @section Slow/expensive link for high-volume data, bad QoS Assume that you can give your relatively cheap 2 TiB removable hard drive to someone each day at the morning (and take it back at the evening). This equals to 185 Mbps good quality (without any speed degradation) link in single direction. What about more and bigger hard drives? This type of data exchange is called @url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sneakernet, sneakernet}/floppynet. NNCP allows traffic @ref{Niceness, prioritizing}: each packet has niceness level, that will guarantee that it will be processed earlier or later than the other ones. Nearly all commands has corresponding option: @example $ nncp-file -nice FLASH myfile node:dst $ nncp-xfer -nice PRIORITY /mnt/shared $ nncp-call -nice NORMAL bob [...] @end example Huge files could be split on smaller @ref{Chunked, chunks}, giving possibility to transfer virtually any volumes using small capacity storages. You can also use CD-ROM and tape drives: @example $ nncp-bundle -tx bob | cdrecord -tao - $ nncp-bundle -tx bob | dd of=/dev/sa0 bs=10240 @end example @node UsecaseNoLink @section Extreme terrestrial environments, no link This is some kind of too slow link. Offline delivery methods is the only choice. Just send files as shown in previous section, but use removable media for transferring packets to other nodes. Assume that you send two files to @emph{bob} node. Insert USB storage device (SD is preferable!), mount it and run @ref{nncp-xfer}: @example $ nncp-xfer -node bob /media/usbstick @end example to copy all outbound packets related to @emph{bob}. Use @option{-mkdir} option to create related directory on USB/SD storage if they are missing (for example when running for the first time). If you use single storage device to transfer data both to @emph{bob} and @emph{alice}, then just omit @option{-node} option to copy all available outgoing packets. @example $ nncp-xfer /media/usbstick @end example Unmount it and transfer storage to Bob and Alice. When they will insert it in their computers, they will use exactly the same command: @example $ nncp-xfer /media/usbstick @end example to find all packets related to their node and copy them locally for further processing. @command{nncp-xfer} is the only command used with removable devices. @node UsecaseBroadcast @section One-way broadcasting communications Sometimes you have got high-bandwidth but unidirectional link, for example, satellite's broadcasting signal. You are not able to use online @ref{Sync, synchronization protocol} because it requires mutual interaction. You can use @ref{Bundles, bundles} and stream them above. They are just a sequence of @ref{Encrypted, encrypted packets} you can catch on. @example $ nncp-bundle -tx alice bob eve ... | command to send broadcast $ command to receive broadcast | nncp-bundle -rx @end example With built-in packet duplicates detection ability, you can retransmit your broadcasts from time to time, to increase chances the recipient will catch them by regular stream listening. @node UsecaseSatelliteLinks @section Satellite links Satellite links have @strong{very} high delays together with high bandwidths. You can send several megabits of data per second, but they will reach the remote side only after half a second! Most file sharing protocols like @url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Files_transferred_over_shell_protocol, FISH}, @url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FTP, FTP}, @url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_copy, scp}, @url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMODEM, XMODEM} will perform very badly because of round-trips quantity. Each file transmission explicitly generates request and acknowledgement packets that are send over the link. Remote side won't do anything until it receives them. Moreover not all protocols allow duplex data transmission (when both sides are sending data simultaneously). NNCP's @ref{Sync, synchronization protocol} (SP) tries to mitigate all that issues by reducing number of round-trips, number of packets passing through. All file lists, file download requests are grouped together (pipelined) in one huge packet. Only transmission halt and successful file download acknowledgements are sent explicitly. SP could be asked only either to upload or download packets for our node. SP could ignore files with low priority. Full files listing is passing even during the handshake procedure. @node UsecaseF2F @section Private, isolated MitM/Sybil-resistant networks All Internet connections can be eavesdropped and forged. You @strong{have to} to use encryption and authentication for securing them. But it is very hard to secure metadata, that leaks during each online session. When you start your shiny new software server be sure that there could be huge quantity of bogus peers trying to perform @url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sybil_attack, Sybil attack}. Opennet peer-to-peer networking is dangerous thing to do. The most popular cryptographic protocol in Internet is @url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security, TLS} that is very hard to implement correctly and hard to configure for mutual participants authentication. Not all TLS configurations and related protocols provide @url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forward_secrecy, forward secrecy} property -- all previously intercepted packets could be read if private keys are compromised. Friend-to-friend networks, darknets can mitigate risks related to fake and forged nodes. However they are harder to support and require more time to be done right. NNCP's @ref{nncp-daemon, TCP daemon} uses @url{http://noiseprotocol.org/, Noise-IK} protocol to mutually authenticate peers and provide effective (both participants send payload in the very first packet) secure transport with forward secrecy property. @example $ nncp-daemon -bind "[::]":5400 @end example will start TCP daemon listening on all interfaces for incoming connections. @example $ nncp-call bob @end example will try to connect to @emph{bob}'s node known TCP addresses (taken from configuration file) and send all related outbound packets and retrieve those the Bob has. All interrupted transfers will be automatically resumed. @node UsecaseAirgap @section Highly secure isolated air-gap computers If you worry much about security, then air-gapped computer could be the only choice you can afford. Computer without any modems, wired and wireless networks. Obviously the only possibility to exchange mail and files is to use physically removable storage devices like CD-ROM, hard drive, SD, tape and USB flash drives (@strong{worst} choice, due to those devices complexity). Presumably you have got another own hop before that computer: another intermediate node which performs basic verification of retrieved storage devices, possibly by rewriting the data from USB/hard drives to CD-RWs. NNCP supports packets relying (transitioning) out-of-box. @verbatim neigh: { bob: { [...] addrs: { lan: "[fe80::5400%igb0]:5400" } } bob-airgap: [...] via: ["bob"] } } @end verbatim That @ref{Configuration, configuration file} tells that we have got two known neighbours: @emph{bob} and @emph{bob-airgap}. @emph{bob} can be reached via online connection using @emph{lan} address. @emph{bob-airgap} can be reached by sending intermediate relay packet through the @emph{bob}. Any command like @command{nncp-file myfile bob-airgap:} will automatically create an encapsulated packet: one for the destination endpoint, and other carrying it for intermediate relaying node. Pay attention that relaying node knows nothing about the packet inside, but just its size and priority. Transition packets are encrypted too: using well-known @url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onion_routing, onion routing} technology. @emph{bob} can not read @emph{bob-airgap}'s packets. @node UsecaseCensor @section Network censorship bypassing, health This is some kind of bad link too. Some governments tend to forbid @strong{any} kind of private communication between people, allowing only entertainment content delivering and popular social networks access (that are already bloated with advertisements, locally executed @url{https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html, proprietary} JavaScript code (for spying on user activities, collect data on them), shamelessly exploiting the very basic human need of communication). This is their natural wish. But nobody forces you to obey huge corporations like Apple, Google or Microsoft. It is your choice to create an isolated friend-to-friend network with piles of harmless content and private messaging. Only predators silently watch for their victims in mammals world -- it harms your health being watched and feeling that you are the victim that has already done something wrong. @node UsecaseSpy @section Reconnaissance, spying, intelligence, covert agents Those guys know how Internet is a dangerous place incompatible with privacy. They require quick, fast dropping and picking of data. No possibility of many round-trips -- just drop the data, fire-and-forget. It could be either removable media again and/or @url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_dead_drop, USB dead drops}, @url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PirateBox, PirateBox}es, @url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short-range_agent_communications, SRAC}. Short lived short range networks like Bluetooth and WiFi can also be pretty fast, allowing to quickly fire chunks of queued packets. Very important property is that compromising of those dead drops and storages must be neither fatal nor even dangerous. Packets sent through the network and exchanged via those devices are end-to-end @ref{Encrypted, encrypted} (but unfortunately lacking forward secrecy). No filenames, mail recipients are seen. All node communications are done with so-called @ref{Spool, spool} area: directory containing only those unprocessed encrypted packets. After packet transfer you still can not read any of them: you have to run another stage: @ref{nncp-toss, tossing}, that involves your private cryptographic keys. So even if your loose your computer, storage devices and so on -- it is not so bad, because you are not carrying private keys with it (don't you?), you do not "toss" those packets immediately on the same device. Tossing (reading those encrypted packets and extracting transferred files and mail messages) could and should be done on a separate computer (@ref{nncp-cfgmin} command could help creating configuration file without private keys for that purpose). If you really want to carry your private keys, then @ref{nncp-cfgenc} command will be able to encrypt your configuration file. Passphrase you enter is strengthened with both CPU and memory hard function. @node UsecaseCaller @section Cheap night transfers Your Internet/telephone traffic price can vary, depending on daytime. Night calls/connections could be twice as cheaper. You wish to send your files at that time, but keep high priority email infrequently passing through in anytime. Also you wish to pass any kind of traffic when the node is available through the LAN. You can easily set your preferences in @ref{Call, call configurations} for @ref{nncp-caller} command used in online communications. @verbatim neigh: { [...] some-node: { [...] addrs: { lan: "[fe80::be5f:f4ff:fedd:2752%igb0]:5400" wan: "some-node.com:5400" } calls: [ { cron: "*/1 * * * *" addr: lan nice: MAX onlinedeadline: 3600 }, { cron: "*/10 * * * *" addr: wan nice: PRIORITY xx: rx }, { cron: "*/1 0-7 * * *" addr: wan nice: BULK onlinedeadline: 3600 maxonlinetime: 3600 }, ] } } @end verbatim